Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1041: a hundred years. (3)

The people in front did not notice the situation behind them, and continued to chat:

"Does she think this is the world of cultivating immortals? When a person is dead, the whole world can search for three souls and six souls, and then recover? Moreover, in the world of cultivating immortals, it is very difficult for the six realms to find three souls and six souls! Let alone Fei Xiaogui, I have divided my source code into tens of thousands of copies. It’s impossible to search for it aimlessly!"

Fei Nancheng just wanted to stop the two from talking, but he didn't expect the other to speak too quickly, so he finished talking.

Fei Nancheng's heart sank and hurriedly coughed.

The two people in front looked back subconsciously. After seeing Fei Nancheng and Shen Yugui, they were startled, and immediately apologized, and ran away as if they were running away.

When the two people left, Fei Nancheng cautiously looked at Shen Yugui.

The idea she put forward last night was a beautiful dream.

Just like those two people said, the workload is too much and the element of luck is too important. It can be said that it is impossible to accomplish.

But he dare not say, because he wants to give her a hope.

And this hope was like a bubble, and it was broken with a light poke.

Now, how sad should she be?

Fei Nancheng thought so, but saw Shen Yugui with a calm expression, not as fragile as he imagined.

And when he racked his brains to think about how to coax her, Shen Yugui said: "Do you also think that my thoughts are naive?"

Fenan City didn't speak.

Shen Yugui took his arm and opened his mouth: "You don't need to be so careful. I know what they say."

Fei Nancheng was taken aback: "Then you..." Do you want to continue?

Knowing it's impossible, but still doing...

While he was in doubt, he heard Shen Yugui's words: "Collecting Fei Xiaogui's data fragments is a long-term and luck-driven thing. Maybe a year, maybe ten years, or maybe a lifetime. ..."

When she said this, she paused, and then smiled: "However, Fei Xiaogui prepared a gift for me to be 100 years old, so why can't I, and work hard for him for a hundred years?"

"Even if I am gone in the future, there will be our children, our children's children...not to mention the rapid development of science and technology in the future, who can be sure?"

After a meal in Fenan, he sensitively caught one point: "Our child..."

"Yes." Shen Yugui's footsteps were relaxed and his tone was pleasant. "However, I am afraid that my mother will not be able to make good money in the future. I don't know if I can support the children. Besides, it is necessary to look for Fei Xiaogui's data fragments. a lot of money……"

When these words came out, Philadelphia stood straight.

As a finance department, he can't do anything else, he is the best at making money!

He spoke directly: "Leave the task of making money to me, and the rest, whatever you want."

After experiencing so much, Philadelphia finally found a sense of existence!

She wants to find Fei Xiaogui, then go! And what he can do for her, besides company, is to provide financial support!


South Window Technology is downstairs.

Zhang Qianqian heard that Shen Yugui was back at work, and he didn't worry about coming over to take a look, but he didn't expect to meet Chen Zifan who was also worried.

After seeing Chen Zifan, Zhang Qianqian turned to leave, but Chen Zifan grabbed his arm all of a sudden, Zhang Qianqian was stunned, and saw Chen Zifan speaking: "I know all about you. You still plan to hide it. How long am I?"

As soon as he said this, Zhang Qianqian's eyes shrank.


PS: Confession to Fei Xiaogui: If you give me a hundred years of company, then I can also spend my whole life just to meet you again~ End of update! In the new week, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass, dear! ! I love you! ~

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