Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1046: It turned out to be a girl (5)

"it is good!"

Thinking of the future picture, Shen Congxin's eyes are also shining.

Since she was a child, she liked liberal arts more than science, and the computers she studied in college were indeed very profound. She couldn't understand or learn.

But the management book in her hand seemed to be written for her, and she learned quickly.

There are some basics of computer convenience, which is more convenient for her to manage a computer technology network company. Think about it, the four years of wasting in college turned out to be a good thing.

"President Shen, Mr. Shen, are you finished?"

Nearby, Yu Manyu's teasing voice came, making Shen Yugui and Shen Congxin both look over.

Yu Manyu brought a plate of sugar water and brought it up, "When you are finished, hurry up and have some supper!"

Mom's sugar water...

When Shen Yugui was abroad, I often heard Shen Congxin mention it, but unfortunately I haven't eaten much, and I can finally drink it today.

She finally ceased to be alone.

Shen Yugui smiled and picked up a bowl and drank.

While drinking, there was a message on the phone WeChat, a link to Weibo from Chen Zifan.

Shen Yugui was okay, opened the link, and saw the Weibo sent by Fei Nancheng.


Shen Yugui was agitated and sprayed out the sugar water. She choked. While coughing, she picked up a tissue, wiped her mouth, and then looked at the Weibo.

This is simply shocking!

Fei Nancheng is facing the whole world, is it coming out? !

Cough cough cough cough! !

Shen Yugui quit Weibo, and saw Chen Zifan sent another sentence: [My brother has done this for you. In the future, if you fail my brother, I can't spare you! Also, it is impossible for you two to have children in the future. I will work harder to give birth to a few. When the time comes, I will give you a pension. Don't worry, my children are your children. If you look down on my child, you can also let your sister give birth to a few more, you adopt one. 】

Shen Yugui:......! !

Does this guy think too much? !

Shen Yugui twitched his mouth and replied with a message: [You should take care of yourself first! There is no wife, where do you go to have a baby? ! 】

After replying to the message, she sent a WeChat message to Feinan City:

Shen Yugui: [! ! ! 】

Fenan City responded quickly:

FNC: [? ? ? 】

Shen Yugui: [Weibo you posted? 】

FNC: [Yes. 】

Shen Yugui: [...! ! ! 】

FNC: [After posting on Weibo, everyone has been worried about our future heirs. Many people sent messages to me, expressing their willingness to adopt a child for us. 】

Shen Yugui: [Then what? 】

FNC: [Then I replied, saying that we will have children by ourselves. 】

Shen Yugui:! ! !

She twitched her mouth, gritted her teeth and typed: [Did you forget that now, I am still a boy outside! ! 】

FNC: [Yes. What to do then? 】

Shen Yugui: [? ? 】

Is this forcing her to admit that she is a girl, and then she can marry him? !

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and simply threw the phone aside, out of sight!

At this time, there was a noise at the door and someone came.

Several people swept over, and saw Wei Cheng strode in.

Shen Congxin was taken aback: "Why are you here so late?"

Wei Cheng looked at Shen Yugui, "Didn't you ask me to check your friend Zhang Qianqian's house? I found it..."


PS: The update is finished~! see you tomorrow! Keep asking for tickets, dear friends~!

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