Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1051: It turned out to be a girl (10)

Chen Zifan can't wait to peel off Shen Yugui at this moment!

What an innocent girl Zhang Qianqian was, she was also seduced by him.

Isn’t it just looking good with a skin? Still want to hug left and right, men and women take all? !

First, he confused his cousin and didn’t tell him. He respected his cousin’s choice, but now he still makes Zhang Qianqian make a mistake?

It is simply intolerable!

He held his cell phone and looked at Shen Yugui: "Shen Yugui, are you scared? I tell you, I angered my cousin, and you can't stay in S City!! Let's look at my cousin now. what!"

He lowered his head, looked at his cell phone, and saw Fei Nancheng reply: [Oh, I see. 】

Chen Zifan:? ? ?

What answer is this?

Why is my cousin so calm and not angry at all?

He raised his head suspiciously and looked at Shen Yugui, his eyes fell on the hands of the two people, only to feel a lawsuit!

He couldn't figure out why, what are these three people doing?

Seeing him, Zhang Qianqian twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't explain at all. Instead, he looked at Shen Yugui and said, "Thank you for visiting me today. If it's okay, go back first?"

Shen Yugui also nodded: "Okay."

The two finally let go, but they ignored Chen Zifan.

Shen Yugui got into the car and waved to Zhang Qianqian: "Shall we have a meal together at noon tomorrow?"

Zhang Qianqian nodded: "Okay."

Only then did Shen Yugui start the car and drove away.

Chen Zifan shouted from the back of the car: "Did I let you go? Who let you go?"

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Qianqian, only to find that Zhang Qianqian rolled his eyes without saying a word, and entered the community.

Chen Zifan:...

Chen Zifan feels so angry!

Zhang Qianqian has nothing to do with him, he can't manage.

But Shen Yugui wants to control, he can't control it, isn't there still Shen Congxin?

His eyes lit up when he thought of Shen Congxin.

Yes, go find Shen Congxin!

Thinking of this, he got in the car and headed towards Shen's house.


Shen Yugui returned home and went upstairs.

After entering the room, she first took a shower.

After taking a shower, I planned to change into my usual pajamas, but found that the pajamas hadn’t been washed yet, so I searched in the room and couldn’t find other suitable pajamas, so I just took a conservative nightgown from my sister and put it on Up.

The shredded hair was still dry, she wiped it with a towel.

While wiping, I heard the door bell downstairs.

My sister has already rested early, so it is difficult to go downstairs.

Yu Manyu was also upstairs, so it became hers to open the door downstairs.

Shen Yu went back downstairs, while wiping his hair, walked to the door and opened the door.

As soon as the door of the room opened, Chen Zifan rushed in. After seeing Shen Yugui, his eyes lit up: "Shen Congxin, you are here just right. I tell you, you must take care of your brother!"

Shen Yugui planned to speak, but was stopped by Chen Zifan: "Listen to me first, and I will ask you, does Shen Yugui like boys or girls?!"

Shen Yugui was about to answer, but he was stopped by him: "He was with my brother while hooking up with Zhang Qianqian. It was too much! Can you control him and let him recognize his own sex? orientation?"

Shen Yugui:?

She wiped her hair for a while, and then she spoke in a clear voice: "What's wrong with my sexual orientation?"

Chen Zifan:? ? ? ? ?


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