Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1055: Mr. Fei, I am willing to have children for you! (2)

Shen Yugui continued: "Then, for the sake of human relations, you can't be separated from mother and child, so you stay with your child. As children grow up, they will encounter many problems, and you can also You have been close to Philadelphia again and again, even if you, Mr. Fei, have not changed your heart in the process, you still love me, but in the end your child becomes the heir, so what can I get?"

girl:? ?

Shen Yugui sneered: "I'm not stupid. How can I give up on this loss-making business?"

The girl stared at him incredulously, "You, what are you buying and selling?! Don't you love Fei Zong's person? How can it be for your own benefit, regardless of Fei Zong's future?"

Shen Yugui curled his lips: "People don't want to die for themselves, and what I am after is the total money you spend. If he has no money, I don't want him as a person!"

girl:……! ! !

The girl felt that her worldview was broken.

She looked at Shen Yugui in disbelief, how could this man say such shameless words so confidently?

Beside, Fan Fan was already dumbfounded.

Only Fei Nancheng, when Shen Yugui appeared for the first time, smiled at the corner of his mouth, stood next to him, and said nothing.

The girl looked at Fei Nancheng, looked at Shen Yugui again, and finally gritted her teeth and opened her mouth: "President Fei, Mr. Shen is only for your money, you quickly recognize his true face!"

Shen Yugui sneered: "He knew it a long time ago. And he likes me so frank and shameless~"


The girl was already stunned!

She looked at Shen Yugui in amazement, but still reluctantly opened her mouth: "President Fei, do you really like this shameless villain?"

"No." Fenancheng finally spoke, making the girl happy, but then he heard what he said next, "I only like her."

Girl: ...this dog food! !

I saw Shen Yugui giving way: "So, can you get out of the way smoothly? Miss?"


She knew that there was no point in staying here.

Her eyes were red, and she could only lower her head and walk around the two people.

As she passed by Feinan City, Feinan City suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The girl paused and looked at Fenan City hopefully again.

But when Fei Nancheng looked at Fan Fan, he said, "I changed my mind."

Changed attention?

Could it be that he agreed to let himself have a child for him?

The girl's eyes widened in excitement, and she heard Fenancheng speak: "You don't need to be transferred to another department, just expel it!"

girl:? ? ?

Before she recovered, Fan Fan stepped out respectfully, grabbed her arm directly, and said, "Okay, don't worry, Mr. Fei, I will take her away."

What else did the girl want to say, her mouth was covered, and she was forcibly dragged down by Fan Fan!

The girl was very unwilling.

After leaving the top floor, Fan Fan let go of her.

She couldn't help shouting: "I just like Fei Zong. Is it wrong?! Why should I drive me away?"

Fan Fan sighed, “It’s right to like it. So before, Mr. Fei was just worried about affecting your work and asked you to leave the general manager’s office. But later, you actually said such impolite things to Mr. Shen, then Mr. Fei is sure. I won't leave you."

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