Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1064: Shen Congxin has grown up (3)

Shen Congxin picked up her mobile phone: "Yu Gui said that recently it will be more troublesome at home, so I must record it when a stranger comes in. So, after she walked in, I recorded all the videos. You can watch..."

After speaking, she turned on the phone and handed the video to Wei's mother.

Xiao Ling:? ?

Wei Cheng:? ?

Starting from Shen Congxin, Wei Chenggong stopped talking.

He felt that it was necessary to cultivate Shen Congxin's ability to face various situations, just like in Shangri-La, even after two people were together, he did not always maintain in front of Shen Congxin and slack off his training.

Because he himself understands that his position does not allow him to find a cowardly wife...

Shen Congxin changed.

He is happy to see this change.

His sight also fell on the video.

The video clearly showed that Shen Congxin and Yu Manyu were two people, politely let Xiao Ling and the child enter the door, and then let them do it. The two of them stood there without sitting down... in the middle, Yu Manyu still had to bring a bowl of sugar water to the child, but Xiao Ling warned that not...

Then, half an hour later, the guardian came, Xiao Ling put the child down, the child walked to the table, he just stared at the bowl of sugar water, but did not stretch out his hand.

Xiao Ling rushed over when the guardian mother entered the door, stretched out her hand to overthrow the sugar water, and immediately fished out the child and started fighting.

Wei Mu sees this, what else doesn't understand?

I have been calculated by others! !

From beginning to end, Shen Congxin didn't say a word.

Moreover, Shen Congxin asked several times about the relationship between Xiao Ling and Wei Cheng, but Xiao Ling never said, just crying there.

She immediately looked at Xiao Ling angrily, "Why did you frame Congxin?"

Xiao Ling never thought that the rich are so late!

Who would have thought that in an emergency, the camera was turned on and the video was recorded?

She looked at Shen Congxin in disbelief and swallowed.

Shen Congxin was still standing there soft and weak, with red eyes, she looked very delicate, but Xiao Ling felt a little scary.

Such a woman is not weak at all, okay?

It is not the same as what Roland told her!

She is dead today!

She hurriedly lowered her head, not being able to say that she was framed her, she could only make an excuse: "She just looked down on me...her eyes told me that she looked down on me and my Boer... Since Boer's After my father was gone, everyone looked at me with that kind of look. It was pitiful and pitiful. But I don’t need the pity of others..."

She cried so much that she made Wei Mu sigh. Is it really her pride?

She looked at Xiao Ling, and suddenly said, "Perhaps, I did something wrong when I left you."

In a word, Xiao Ling suddenly raised her head and looked at Wei Mu incredulously.

Weimu said indifferently: "In this case, you should move out of my house. If you want to go back to your hometown, go back. I will let someone arrange your life for you. If you don't want to go back to your hometown, you can settle wherever you want... "

Wei Mu was still soft-hearted and made the best arrangement for her.

After listening to this, Xiao Ling knew that the matter had been exposed. If she continued to struggle, she might not end well, so she could only say, "Okay!"

It's a long time to come!

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