Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1072: Mr. Fei, take a chance (8)

Shen Yugui:? ?

Why is it inconvenient?

As soon as I thought of this, I saw Fei Nancheng speak: "Go to my house?"

Shen Yugui:...

Shen Yugui's eyes widened, and Fei Nancheng grabbed her by the hand and walked towards the taxi.

Shen Yugui was so bewildered, and followed him into the car. Half an hour later, the car arrived at Fei's Manor.

Fenan City took Shen Yugui's hand, got out of the car, and entered the manor.

At this moment, the sky is already dark.

Fei's Manor was full of voices and brightly lit.

Nuo Da's house is full of servants, but it is a pity that in such a lively, Feinan City seems a bit lonely, alone and without relatives.

When Shen Yugui thought of this, he didn't refuse, and was pulled upstairs by Philadelphia.

When he arrived in the master bedroom, Shen Yu returned to his left and right to say to it, "This room is good! It seems to be bigger than the last time I came here?"

As soon as these words came out, she wished to give her head a bit. What are these words? !

There is no change at all in the room, okay?

She turned her head and found that Fei Nan City was looking at her with scorching eyes. She swallowed nervously, stammered, and then asked Fei Nan City: "No, no, isn't it for luck? Why did you pull me here? ?"

As soon as this word came out, Feinan City slowly approached.

He took off his jacket, threw it on the sofa, and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Then, he spoke slowly: "It turns out, before I didn't know, you had borrowed so much luck."

Shen Yugui:? ?

"I borrowed my luck, shouldn't it be returned to me, a pregnancy?"

Shen Yugui:? ? ? ?


As soon as the thought came out, Fei Nancheng grabbed her, made her spin around and fell on the bed...

"It just so happens that grandma wants a great grandson..."

As this sentence fell, there was a clear sound of breathing in the room... (Twenty thousand words are omitted here, and the specific content is filled by yourself!)


When Shen Yugui woke up early the next morning, the sky was already bright.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Then he looked out the window.

The sky was bright, and she slept dimly, no longer knowing what time it was.

She stretched, then stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

Pushing open the bedroom door, she just happened to see that the book of the Fenan City study was not closed, so she just walked over.

Before I walked in, I suddenly heard a Fei Nancheng voice coming from the room: "How much will it affect?"

Fan Fan replied: "Because you admitted your love affair, the stocks in our company have plummeted. Shareholders and employees are panicking, and the company is about to fail!! Mr. Fei, you must come up with a solution. !"

Fei Nancheng was silent for a moment: "What did the public relations department say?"

Fan Fan sighed: "The public relations department said that the best way now is to find a woman to get married, publish a wedding photo to the outside world, clarify the previous rumors, and also say to return to the family. In this way, the company will be fine. "

When Fei Nancheng heard this, he said, "Oh, let me think about it."

Fan Fan:? ?

Fan Fan looked at Fei in disbelief.

He just said, he think about it?

how can that be?

Thinking about it, I heard Fei Nancheng's words: "You go out first!"

Fan Fan could only go outside and walked to the door. After seeing Shen Yugui, Fan Fan suddenly understood!

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