Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1080: Where there is you is home (1)

Fei Nancheng and Shen Yugui are married! !

This news shocked the entire city of s.

Shen family.

Yu Manyu also felt a little weird. She stared at Shen Yugui, her eyes fell on her abdomen. Not only was she married, but she also had a child...

Her eye sockets were a little moist, she held Shen Yugui's hand, and said, "Yugui..."

As soon as she opened her head, tears rolled down her eyes.

She owed too much to this daughter since she was born and was thrown abroad.

And since childhood, the biggest injustice was the hope that she could see her marrying a child. I did not expect this day to finally arrive.

However, as soon as her daughter returned to China, she married someone and was about to move out... Yu Manyu was very reluctant. The company affairs came to an end, and she felt that she could finally compensate the daughter for some affection.

At the thought of this, she cried again.

She looked excited and made Shen Yugui twitch his mouth.

Other mothers, I heard that their daughter secretly obtained the certificate and was pregnant, she would definitely beat the man, but what does the expression of Yu Manyu's daughter finally marrying mean?

She glared at Feinan City beside her with a natural expression: I blame you!

Fei Nancheng gave her a soothing look, immediately looked at Yu Manyu, and opened his mouth: "Mom, this is a good thing. Besides, none of us have experience in bringing children. You are in charge."

As soon as he said this, Yu Manyu was taken aback, and the next moment his eyes lit up: "You mean, Yu Hui lives here?"

Fei Nancheng nodded: "Of course, there is no elder in the family. My grandmother is not in good health. She lives in a nursing home all the year round. Now it is a special time for Guigui, and she still has to live at home."

Yu Manyu became excited immediately, and she hurriedly stood up, "Okay, okay, I will cook some soup for Yugui, Yugui is still too thin!"

As soon as this was said, people entered the kitchen.

Shen Yugui was also relieved.

I went home with him on impulse last night. I was fooled to get the certificate in the morning. Until the evening, I found out that I was pregnant again... This day was just like someone else’s life. She also needs Slowly.

She still lives at home and has not moved to a strange place. For her, it is indeed the most comfortable way of life.

She looked at Fenan City and gave him a thumbs up.

Unexpectedly, he was so considerate.

Thinking of this, she laughed.

After a while, after drinking soup and eating dinner, Shen Yugui felt a little sleepy.

People who are often energetic, as expected, become weak after they become pregnant.

She yawned, looked at her mobile phone, and immediately said, "I'm sleepy."

Feinan City immediately helped her up: "Then go to sleep."

Shen Yugui nodded, stood up, and said, "It's already ten o'clock in the evening, so you too..."

"I will help you upstairs."

Fernanc interrupted her and took her arm.

Shen Yugui:? ?

Shen Yugui twitched his mouth and said with a smile: "I'm not a glass person, you don't have to be so careful!"

Fei Nancheng coughed, "I'm pregnant. Be careful about everything."

Shen Yugui didn't think much about it. He followed him upstairs, entered the bedroom, and then lay down. Then he looked at Philadelphia: "Now, should you go?"

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