Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1084: Zhang Qianqian and Chen Zifan (2)

Chen Zifan:? ? ?

Chen Zifan was astonished, his eyes widened in shock, he looked at Shen Yugui in disbelief, looked at her up and down, and then he was sure that he had admitted the wrong person!

He swallowed, with a pleasing smile on his face, and then he said, "So it's my sister-in-law!"

Why is she here again! !

Is it going to school and addicted?

However, what she said just now, was actually heard by her, it was terrible!

Shen Yugui sneered, and raised his shoulder, which made Chen Zifan more painful, and he whispered suddenly.

Only then did Shen Yugui let go of his arm, then patted his hand, and immediately said, "Dare to be polite to my sister in the future, be careful I remove your arm!"

Chen Zifan's sore forehead was sweating, and when he heard this, he immediately moved his sore shoulder. The person in front of him was an idol, so although he had never been taught this way before, he endured it!

Shen Yugui threw the documents into his hands again: "Go and copy yourself!"

Chen Zifan hurriedly grabbed her who was about to leave, and then said: "Sister-in-law, don't go, I'm really busy, you can do me this favor!"

Shen Yugui:? ?

Chen Zifan turned around again, glanced at the person who hadn't walked far away, and immediately stuffed the file into Shen Yugui's hand, and then left a sentence: "Sister-in-law, get tired, I really have something!"

Then he ran after the person in the distance.

Shen Yugui:? ?

Shen Yugui followed his path and found that the girl walking in front turned out to be a girl in a white coat! !

Shen Yugui frowned.

What is Chen Zifan doing after a girl?

Is it possible to empathize so quickly?

Shen Yugui turned his head and saw Wang Qingguo, walked directly over, stuffed the document into Wang Qingguo's hand, "photocopy it all at once, one for each person, your boss asked you to do it!"

Then he patted Wang Qingguo on the shoulder and directly chased Chen Zifan over.

Shen Yugui is already familiar with this campus.

Therefore, even if Chen Zifan and the girl had already turned the corner and disappeared, she roughly knew where they were.

From here, I went to a park in the school.

She chased it.

After looking around in the park for a long time, I finally saw Chen Zifan's trail.

He was hiding behind a rockery at the moment, flicking his head and looking forward.

Shen Yugui walked over and looked in his direction, only to see that the girl was sitting in a small pavilion in front at the moment, looking around, obviously making an appointment, but the other party hadn't arrived yet.

Shen Yugui frowned and patted Chen Zifan on the shoulder immediately: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Chen Zifan jumped when he said this.

He turned his head hastily.

Seeing this picture of him, Shen Yugui couldn't help asking: "Why, do you like her? What are you doing following a little girl..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Zifan grabbed her arm, and immediately dragged her to squat down, and then made a silent gesture.

Shen Yugui closed his mouth and heard Chen Zifan lower his voice and open his mouth: "Come on, here... Sister-in-law, don't talk."


Who is coming?

Shen Yugui was taken aback for a while, poked his head out, and saw that in the pavilion in the distance, there was indeed a person walking in. She still knew that person, but it turned out to be...

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