Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1089: Zhang Qianqian, I like you (1)

As soon as she said this, Zhang Qianqian stopped taking her schoolbag, and then she returned to nature, took out the notebook from her bag, put it on the table, and stuffed the schoolbag into the drawer, if it wasn't for her fingers. Turning the pen, I am afraid it is perfect.

She lowered her head, looked at her notebook, and said, "I'm afraid you entangled me."

When Chen Zifan heard this answer, he was silent for a while, and he opened his mouth again: "At the beginning, the two of us...we almost pierced the layer of paper. How could you do this?"

Zhang Qianqian made an excuse: "It will take me three years to study abroad. Who knows what happened in these three years? Long-distance love is too tired, do you understand Chen Zifan?"

Chen Zifan was not angry when he heard this. He squinted his eyes, his chin was slightly raised, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

Since today knowing that Zhang Qianqian and Yu Yang had not reconciled, his depressed heart suddenly became happy, and he continued to speak without being angry at all: "But now, you don’t have to go, can we be together again? Together?"

Zhang Qianqian:? ?

Zhang Qianqian turned her head to look at him in astonishment. She bit her lip and said, "I abandoned you for studying abroad, so you are not angry?"

Chen Zifan lowered his eyes, with a bitter smile on his face: "To be honest, I was really angry at the time, but then I also figured it out. Only by getting rid of the past can we welcome the new future. Don't worry, I won't take it in the future. This is to mock you. Even if you quarrel, I'm the kind of person who flips through old accounts."

Zhang Qianqian: ... Does she mean this?

She looked at Chen Zifan with a headache, and knew for the first time that this man would still be stalking?

She lowered her head again and said, "I won't be with you."

Chen Zifan asked: "Why?"

Zhang Qianqian sighed: "We are not suitable."

"How inappropriate? When I kissed you before, why didn't you say it was inappropriate?"

These words were slightly louder, causing the classroom to fall silent, and immediately everyone looked here.

Zhang Qianqian felt his brain explode, and there was a burst of heat on her cheeks. She looked at Chen Zifan with shame. Why did this guy say everything in front of everyone? !

She stared at Chen Zifan angrily, and the kind voice of the classmates sounded next to her: "Oh!~~"


"Come and kiss again!"


All kinds of comments made Chen Zifan raise his head, smiled and looked at the crowd, then stretched out his hand and pressed it down.

The people around suddenly lost their voices, and then saw Chen Zifan speak: "She is shy."


Everyone laughed again.

Zhang Qianqian only felt that the heat on her cheeks was getting hotter, her head was stubbornly lowered, but one hand was stretched underneath, and she severely pinched Chen Zifan.


Chen Zifan took a breath.

Then he stood up suddenly.

The counselor hadn't come yet, so Chen Zifan stood up like this, everyone was silent again and looked at him.

Zhang Qianqian didn't know what this guy was going crazy again, so he hurriedly looked at him wrongly, "You, what are you doing?"

Chen Zifan smiled at her, and immediately opened his mouth loudly: "Zhang Qianqian, I like you, stay with me!"

In a word, Zhang Qianqian's body became stiff, and the hand that was turning the pen paused, and the pen fell from his finger to the table.

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