Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1092: Chen Zifan's crisis (2)

When these words came out, the ward was quiet for a moment.

Chen Zifan sneered suddenly. He looked at Mother Chen and said, "Zhao Yueting? Isn't she with Chen Weiwei?"

The two had a marriage contract since they were young, but because of the love between Chen Weiwei and her, they had already terminated the marriage contract. Now Chen's mother suddenly said this again. What does it mean?

Chen Zifan strained his chin, and heard Mother Chen speak: "But now, they broke up!"

Chen Zifan had a meal.

Mother Chen explained: "At first, Zhao Yueting misunderstood the wrong person, thinking that Chen Weiwei was really wronged. Later, when she learned the truth, she couldn't accept it. Moreover, Chen Weiwei did something inconsistent. Zhao Yueting Finally couldn't help but broke up with him, and now Zhao Yueting regrets it too. The day before yesterday, her mother came to me and said that she wanted to continue this marriage contract. Let me ask your opinion. Zifan, Yueting is also considered I grew up looking at girls who grew up. They have very convenient personalities and are very protective of their boyfriend... You are with him, it is very suitable..."

Very suitable...

Chen Zifan raised his eyes, with a bit of poison in his words: "It turns out that Chen Weiwei doesn't want her anymore, so just like you, are you thinking about coming back to me? So, Mom, in your mind, what is this here? Place, trash can? And recycle bin?!"

Chen's mother choked when she was said, and she opened her mouth angrily: "Zifan, how do you talk? Mom thought about it for you! Since ancient times, marriages have always been right. Two people without a common language are together. It's terrible, do you know?! Zhao Yueting already knew it was wrong, and besides, didn't you always have a good relationship before? I still remember that when I let you break up with her and dissolve the marriage contract, you were still sad, you..."

"You know it was at the beginning." Chen Zifan interrupted Chen's mother.

What's more, when the marriage contract was dismissed, he was sad, not because he could not bear Zhao Yueting. He had never been in love with Zhao Yueting. Both said that they broke up when they found true love. What he was entangled was that the person Zhao Yueting fell in love with was Chen Weiwei. .

It's like the best friend betrayed him.

Chen Zifan suppressed this thought and continued to speak: "But now, I don't like her anymore!"

As soon as she said this, Mother Chen became excited, and she said angrily: "Don't like her anymore? Who do you like? Is that Zhang Qianqian? Both her parents are teachers! The family conditions are also ordinary families, at best they can be regarded as a family. Xiaokang! Marrying her, what can she do for you? The wife's acquaintance after marriage, can she? Has she seen those luxury goods? Do you have a common language with other wealthy wives?! Have you considered these? !"

"Besides!" Mother Chen said everything when she was angry: "You have broken up! She reunited with that senior and went abroad together! What are you thinking about such a woman?!"

A long series of words came out, and Chen Zifan was stunned.

Mother Chen seemed to finally realize that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly covered her mouth. The next moment, she looked at Chen Zifan in astonishment.

Chen Zifan stared at her vigorously, and he opened his mouth in disbelief: "I have never told you about these things, how do you know?!!!"

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