Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1094: What did you do to her? (2)

"you shut up!"

Chen Zifan shouted.

Mother Chen sneered: "Why, I told her that I was in my heart? It got stuck in my heart? But the truth is like this, you don't have to investigate, I will tell you what you want to know... I found her. Parents, first removed them from their posts and threatened them. Your girlfriend obediently obeyed me. She didn't even resist! Don't you think that your so-called love is so overwhelming the test of reality? It's me now. If she is really with you and someone threatens her with her parents, can she betray you and steal business information?"

After Chen's mother said these words, people took a step back. She looked at Chen Zifan and said with earnest and sincere comfort: "The principle of righteousness is more ancient and unchanged! Their family does not have any influence, and it is impossible to help you! Think about it yourself!!"

After speaking, Mother Chen turned around and went out.

Chen Zifan stood still in the ward and was stunned.

At this time, Father Chen spoke: "Zi Fan."

Chen Zifan hurriedly looked at him.

Father Chen lowered his eyes and opened his mouth: "Remember Dad's words, don't test the humanity of others. Because humanity is the most untestable."

In a word, Chen Zifan's heart twitched, as if he was hit hard by a heavy hammer, making him painful.

What should he and Zhang Qianqian do?


"Chen Zifan and Zhang Qianqian, is it still possible?"

At the same time, in the bedroom of the Shen family, Shen Yugui asked Feinan City this question while eating an apple.

Fei Nancheng, who was holding a computer and processing documents, heard this and moved for a while, raised his head, and looked at her: "This, it depends on fate."


Shen Yugui sighed, "Obviously they are two people who are in love, but because of Chen's intervention and temptation, they have left a psychological shadow on them. Zhang Qianqian's rejection of Chen Zifan today is probably because he can't pass the hurdle in his heart."

Philadelphia nodded.

Shen Yugui "kachi" took a bite of the apple, swallowed it, and then moved forward, his big eyes fell on Feinan City, and he opened his mouth: "Oh, love, it really can't stand the test."

"No." Fei Nancheng raised his head seriously and looked at Shen Yugui. He smiled and opened his mouth: "This sentence should be true love and can stand the test."

Shen Yugui blinked his eyes, "You mean, if Zhang Qianqian and Chen Zifan really broke up because of this, then they love each other, and the love is not pure enough!"

Fei Nancheng nodded again, and he conveniently placed the milk he wanted to drink before going to bed at night in front of Shen Yugui, and continued to look at his document.

Shen Yugui stood there, looking at Fei Nancheng, and started to daze.

In fact, this sentence is correct.

It's like she and Feinan City, even if there is a gap of six years, are they still walking together now?

Shen Yugui dragged his chin, thoughtfully.

I don’t know how long I thought about it, half of the apple in my hand was taken away, and the milk that had been on the table a long time ago was stuffed into her hand. Philadelphia closed the computer and rubbed her head: "Hey, drink milk. , I’ll take a shower first, we’re going to rest early."

Shen Yugui:...


Such words make people feel like their cheeks are burning.

She recovered and nodded.

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