Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1206: Doting Wife and Mad Demon~(6)

Xu Chenmo in the study is in a video conference with those people abroad.

Halfway through the words, the phone rang, he picked it up, and then responded casually.

After he put the phone down, after a while, the phone rang again. Soon, he picked it up and took a look. The next moment, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The colleagues in the computer were stunned.

From knowing Earl Xu until now, Earl Xu has always been expressionless, cherishing his words like gold. What is going on with this tangled face now?

Who sent the message and what message was sent? !

Everyone wants to gossip! !

Was it the annihilation of humanity or the decay of morality, which made the corners of their boss, Earl Xu, twitch! !

Xu Chenmo was fortunate that he was not drinking water, otherwise, he would spray out if he was in doubt.

What is this guy thinking?

He frowned, his face tangled, and he didn't know how to reply to this message.

Thinking about it, the other party sent another message: [Also, my husband slept with me on the same bed every night, but always waited until I fell asleep before coming back, I woke up and people have gone, sister, What do you mean by this? Don't want to sleep with me? 】

Xu Chenmo:...

Xu Chenmo twitched his mouth, he replied: [It should not be]

Liu Daiyu asked again: [What is that? 】

Xu Chenmo sighed, and immediately, he typed silently: [Perhaps, it is because he is afraid that you will drive him out? 】

He promised that this is the most words he typed! !

Xu Chenmo felt very tired.

People who usually don't want to move their lips, now even let him move their fingers, just to prove their innocence.


Liu Daiyu lay on the bed and was slightly taken aback when he saw this message.

Think about it, this is indeed the case. I have planned to talk to him about the issue of sleeping separately, but every time he drove a meeting until she fell asleep, she didn't even mention it.

Isn't it true that she was afraid that she would drive him away?

Liu Daiyu suddenly sat up and patted himself on the head. How could it be possible! !

This is a big joke!


After Xu Chenmo replied to this message, he no longer had the mind to hold a meeting, and his eyes were locked on the phone.

In the chat box, the other party is always displaying input, but he doesn't know what he is typing.

Xu Chenmo just looked at the phone like this, and after about a few minutes, the other party replied: [Hahahaha, what you said is a joke! 】

Xu Chenmo:...

Xu Chenmo wanted to say something, and the other party sent another message: [Oh, sister, you don't understand, there are some things that are not clear between my husband and I. I smashed my head some time ago and lost my memory. I can’t remember what happened before, but everyone said that I did something wrong before and I’m sorry...So, now he makes any request to me, I will not refuse of. 】

When Xu Chenmo saw this, his pupils shrank.

Things from the past circled in my mind again.

Once, they were so good...but then...

Xu Chenmo lowered his eyes. After a while, he picked up the phone and sent a message to her: [You don't remember the past, then maybe, you used to hate him? 】

He deleted and subtracted this paragraph. After typing, his finger paused on the send button again, tangled for a while, and then pressed it down.

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