Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1219: She is Mrs. Xu! ! (3)

Liu Daiyu didn't take this vote to heart at all. When the number of votes was exceeded, she just took a shower and was taking care of skin care.

Then, I received a customer service call from the pineapple app: "Ms. Daiyu, hello, that's it. Have you watched Weibo?"

Liu Daiyu:? ?

Liu Daiyu shook his head, "No, what's the matter?"

"...You are already the most popular."

Liu Daiyu: "Oh, what then?"

"...It's like this. Someone took the rhythm and said that you were the ticket holder, so they were very angry. Would you like to go up and explain to the fans and clarify."

Liu Daiyu thought for a while, and suddenly sighed: "I have suffered too many questions and scandals these days as an anchor, but I feel that there is no excuse. Those who like me will naturally like me and those who don't like me. I explained that they would not listen or believe."

"So..." the customer service asked carefully.

"So there is no excuse."


Mrs. Boss, do you think that I didn’t see through you because I was too lazy to explain why?

It's so passionate.

Worthy of being the wife of the boss, even the attribute of laziness spread after marriage! !

The customer service can only sigh, and some people who hate iron and steel said: "Ms. Daiyu, you are now the first anchor of the pineapple app. I think you still have to participate in these activities occasionally."

Liu Daiyu: "Let's talk about it again."

The unloved customer service could only hang up the phone.

Xu Chenmo has gone home, not in the bedroom, instead of meeting in the study.

So after Liu Daiyu hung up the phone and was bored, he simply downloaded Weibo, and immediately logged in, took a look in the hot search, and he saw the topic of her ticketing.

Liu Daiyu clicked in and found that most of the people who believed her to swipe the ticket were passers-by, but the real fans did not believe it.

Liu Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief.


Xu Chenmo finished the meeting in the office. After thinking about it, he logged into his WeChat account and saw another 999+ news in Daiyu's WeChat fan group.

He clicked in at random, and wanted to see what happened, he caught a glimpse of the group calling for votes:

——Sisters, brothers, find your brothers and sisters, seven aunts and eight elders, and vote! !

——Sisters, we overtaken each other by 5,000 votes! Hahaha!

——The total number of votes is only 60,000 to 70,000. We surpassed 5,000 votes, which is amazing.

Someone sent a link to the group:

Xu Chenmo will do everything to support Liu Daiyu.

So, the person who has always been lazy, clicked into the link, and according to the instructions, first downloaded the Weibo app, immediately registered a number, then ran to vote for Daiyu, and had to check in to do the task. He would give two more votes. After that, vote for Daiyu again.

The middle process is too responsible, which makes Xu Chenmo, who has a high IQ, found it cumbersome.

Xu Chenmo, who was most disdainful of doing such low-level and simple things, overcame his laziness, and immediately saw that there was a function, which was to send a ticket.

So he did not hesitate to click the forwarding, and immediately sent it to their family.

So, most of the night...

In the "Xu Family Nest", it exploded.

King: [Link]

Xu quietly: [Major, at this point, it's early morning in China, right? Why are you still up? What is this link? 】

Xu quietly: [Daughter-in-law's vote? I voted ten! 】

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