Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1234: She is Mrs. Xu! ! (20)

host:? ?

Audience:? ? ?

Because the award ceremony was live broadcast, there were many fans that I saw. At this moment, the Internet suddenly exploded, especially Xu Chenmo appeared in Daiyu’s live broadcast room yesterday, and today he openly molested Daiyu at the award ceremony. , These two people simply aroused everyone's speculation.

All the anchors below were shocked.

Mr. Xu actually fell in love with Daiyu?

It seems that we must maintain a good relationship with Daiyu in the future! !


At the end of the awards, with the host’s last words, the whole scene relaxed and began to serve food.

Because it is a buffet, it is no longer as fixed seats as when awarding awards, so everyone can walk around.

All the anchor doors were surrounded by Daiyu, and someone asked:

"Daiyu, do you know Mr. Xu?"

"Daiyu, what is your relationship with Xu?"

"Daiyu, are you very familiar?"

Liu Daiyu smiled, shook his head and said nothing, took a sip of a drink, and ate something. It seemed that he didn't want to answer this question at all.

Everyone was acquainted and stopped asking.

In this line of sight, a sharp voice came over: "What can it be? Mr. Xu is already married."

Everyone turned their heads, and saw that Weiwei had walked over angrily. She could no longer hide the jealousy in her eyes.

Why is Mrs. Xu coming tonight, but Mr. Xu still give Daiyu face again?

Are you afraid that Mrs. Xu will be jealous? !

And that Mrs. Xu, she couldn't help the wall with mud!

Up to now, there is no reply to her message.

This is sad, so sad, did you hide in a corner and cry?

Or does it mean that love among the rich is a marriage, so it doesn't care about it at all? !

By now, if Weiwei doesn't come out to explain everything, I'm afraid everyone will really promote Daiyu as a sister! !

Therefore, Weiwei, who had been hiding behind others, planned to end herself.

Mr. Xu is not a member of the circle when he is married or not. I don't know. Hearing Weiwei's words at this moment, he immediately understood what she meant, and looked at Daiyu in disbelief.

What Weiwei's words mean is that Daiyu is making a junior for someone else?

Everyone dared not speak one by one, and prepared to look at the situation before making a choice.

Liu Daiyu looked at Weiwei. The expressions on her face were not well managed. She was obviously jealous, but she wanted to be kind and looked very awkward.

Moreover, everyone let go and Weiwei came to Daiyu's face.

Immediately, Weiwei spoke, "Daiyu, I heard that Mrs. Xu also came to the scene today, have you seen it?"

Liu Daiyu raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Seeing her not crying without seeing the coffin, Weiwei sneered. She lowered her voice and asked: "You said, if Mrs. Xu saw Mr. Xu's praise of you today, what would she be like?"

Liu Daiyu blinked his eyes, then opened his mouth: "Maybe... very happy?"

Vivi:? ?

How did this woman have such a thick skin!

Weiwei gritted her teeth and asked, "How long can I be arrogant for someone else as a junior? Daiyu, I advise you to know how to advance and retreat!"

Liu Daiyu curled his lips and looked at Weiwei for the first time.

This person has been lingering, like a fly.

Although she would not put her in her eyes at all, it would be annoying to keep buzzing in her ears.

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