This brand, named Jinxiuge, makes silk clothes with Chinese characteristics.

Silk is originally a feature of China, because it is difficult to preserve and is difficult to take care of, but it is actually very comfortable to wear.

Liu Daiyu has paid attention to this shop occasionally. The design of their home is very beautiful, with strong Chinese characteristics. It is a pity that it lacks fashion.

They can only make themselves cute, and cannot lead the fashion trend.

When he was the anchor, the father-in-law Xu Mushen reminded him to have a career plan for his career. At that time, Liu Daiyu wanted to establish his own clothing brand.

But she can't do this alone, she needs a partner.

The woman in front of me is a good choice!

Liu Daiyu said, "I am looking for you, not to endorse you, but to talk about cooperation with you."


The more they talked, the more speculative they were. The main reason was that they were of opposite ages and kept thinking. So they talked for more than an hour.

Knowing that the banquet was over, Liu Daiyu saw that the people in the banquet began to go out, only then realized that Xu Chenmo had been waiting for a long time.

So she hurriedly said: "You shouldn't go back for the time being? Or we will talk tomorrow?"

The girl was very interesting and immediately said: "I am here this time just for you. I originally planned to stay a few more days. Then we will contact you tomorrow."

Two people added WeChat, Liu Daiyu walked back and found Xu Chenmo in the parking lot.

He is standing in the parking lot with both hands in his pockets, making a phone call in his hands.

When Liu Daiyu approached, Xu Chenmo heard the footsteps and looked back and saw that it was her, so he said, "Let’s do this today, and talk about it tomorrow."

Immediately hung up the phone.

Liu Daiyu instantly felt that he was quite bad.

Because she wanted to talk about work, she asked Xu Chenmo to wait for her for an hour.

But what about Xu Chenmo?

Seeing her coming, she immediately cut off work.

Thinking of this, Liu Daiyu took a step forward and took Xu Chenmo's arm: "Go home!"

Xu Chenmo nodded.

Liu Daiyu spoke again: "I will make you noodles when I get home."

Xu Chenmo paused when he heard this, and after a short period of abnormality, he quickly returned to normal.

But still did not escape Liu Daiyu's sight, she smiled and opened her mouth: "Don't worry, the noodles I made this time are absolutely delicious, it's not before!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Daiyu was stunned.

Xu Chenmo was also stunned.

Xu Chenmo slowly turned his head to look at her, "Did you remember?"

Liu Daiyu shook her head blankly, and she said, "No, but I don't know what to do. I think I have made a lot of food for you before, so I just said it smoothly."

Xu Chenmo was relieved.

He nodded.

Liu Daiyu didn't think much, and the two got into the car and went home.

The car parked in front of the cottage.

They got out of the car affectionately and walked into the villa.

Pushing open the door of the living room, but seeing the babysitter standing stiffly at the door, and seeing the two people coming back, the babysitter was relieved immediately, "Mr. Mrs., are you back? My wife in-law has been waiting for you here for two hours."


Liu Daiyu thought so, and saw Fei Zhenzhen sitting on the sofa.

Seeing her, Fei Zhenzhen stood up directly.

She did not speak to Liu Daiyu, first looked at Xu Chenmo, and said: "Chenmo, I am here this time to ask you to help."


PS: The update is complete, yumy! ! See you tomorrow!

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