Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1250: The truth is revealed (1)

Seeing her like this, Fenancheng felt warm.

And when he moved like this, Shen Yugui also woke up.

She stretched, and then she started rubbing her numb legs.

When Fei Nancheng didn't know what to say, Shen Yugui suddenly said, "Why does my aunt hate grandma so much?"

Fei Nancheng was taken aback.

Shen Yugui curled his lips again and yawned, "Actually, I think that aunt is a knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted person. These days, when grandma was seriously ill, her car had been parked outside without entering the door. I'm very worried about grandma. I actually don't quite understand, what kind of hatred between mother and daughter can cause such trouble."

Fernanc was silent.

Now that she is married, she should be told about family matters.

Fei Nancheng lowered his eyes and opened his mouth: "Because of the second uncle."

Shen Yugui raised his eyebrows: "It's the second uncle who used inferior means when he had competed with you for the property, but he hadn't competed with you? Why is his aunt so close to such a person with such a bad personality?"

Fei Nancheng slowly opened his mouth: "Since I was young, my grandmother liked my dad better, but my grandfather liked my second uncle. My sister-in-law was caught in the middle, not the most favored, but the second uncle's mouth was sweeter, so he always had money as soon as possible. I bought things for my aunt. In addition, my father has a cold temper and is a little far from my sister's grade. My sister and my second uncle are about the same age, so the two have a very good relationship."

Feinan City usually talks very little. Today, maybe I want to find someone to talk to, so I told him about the past.

"Actually, I don't know much. Because my grandma won't tell me anything. I only know that the accident of my parents back then was not caused by nature, but by man."

As soon as this sentence came out, Shen Yugui frowned.

Fei Nancheng continued to say this, as if speaking in a flat tone: "And when my parents had an accident, I was actually by my side."

He was less than twenty years old that year, and he went abroad to discuss a business with his parents, which was considered a study.

Then there was an accident.

Mom and Dad were attacked by terrorist organizations, and they were both killed and knifed in order to protect him.

Although he escaped, he was also injured. In order not to see that he was killed, he created an explosion, his face was also affected, and the whole person almost died.

"So, when I picked you up, was that time?"

Shen Yugui opened his mouth in fear, feeling a little frightened.

Fenan City nodded.

At that time, Shen Yugui thought that Fei Nancheng had many wounds on his body, and his face was burnt in a mess.

So after raising her for three months, her face didn't feel good, which caused him to leave later, but she never knew what he looked like before.

This also resulted in the reunion many years later, and she did not recognize him.

She frowned, and there was a stern tone in her voice: "Actually, your second uncle did it?!"

Fenan City nodded.

Shen Yugui suddenly became angry: "It's so deceptive. He killed your parents and almost killed you. Where is your aunt's face and defend him?!"

Fei Nancheng said lightly: "My aunt doesn't know the truth back then."

Shen Yugui was taken aback: "Why?"

Fei Nancheng looked into the distance and slowly opened his mouth: "Because the second uncle and grandfather used their aunts to find out where their parents are and kill them..."

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