Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1255: The truth is revealed (6)

As soon as the words came out, the room was quiet for a moment.

For a time, no one can match this title with others.

After all, the second old man has been called the second old man a long time ago, and this name is for the second old man Fei.

Mrs. Fei had a meal, and when she recovered, she frowned, "Isn't he in jail? Why is he here?"

Fenan City also frowned.

Over the past few days, I have been busy with my grandma, so I didn’t care much about things outside. What's the matter?

Is he... what he thinks?

If so, Fei is really stupid! !

While thinking about it, I heard Fei Zhenzhen sneer and said, "It was my bail."

She looked at Mrs. Fei and said, "You don't want the second brother as a son, but the second brother, like me, wants you as a mother!"

"Knowing that you are dying, my second brother was crying and begging to come and see you for the last time! So I went through bail procedures for him, and when I see you, he will go back."

Mrs. Fei said angrily: "Let him go!"

Fei Zhenzhen sneered: "What? You dare not see him? Is it a guilty conscience?!"

Dare not see...

Is there anything I dare not see!

Mrs. Fei looked at Fei Nan City.

Fei Nancheng did not speak any more.

Mrs. Fei knew that Fei Nan City was worthless for her.

Such a daughter, if she does not know the truth, she will be blinded forever.

However, the truth is too cruel, she is really afraid that this daughter can't stand it.

Her lips trembled, but Fenan City suddenly grasped her wrist.

Mrs. Fei asked: "You didn't stop it?"

Fei Nancheng fixedly looked at her: "Grandma, I just feel sorry for you."

I feel sorry for your deadline, but I was misunderstood by someone who couldn't move at all.


His grandmother's kindness to him, nurturing, and grandparents' affection, he couldn't really pay for him.

Because Fei Zhen is really the only blood of grandma still alive.

However, he really couldn't continue to make Fei Zhenzhen misunderstand grandma.

Some things must make her bear the price!

If Fei Zhenzhen didn't do this, and didn't go to Fei's second child, then the truth might still be concealed, and with the death of grandma, it would be buried forever.

However, Fei is really stupid and poisonous, so God can't stand it anymore.

Mrs. Fei fixedly looked at Fei Nan City, and saw firmness in his eyes.

Mrs. Fei sighed.

She opened her mouth: "Forget it, let the flow go."

As soon as he said this, Fei Nancheng's eyes flashed sharply.

Fei Zhenzhen was still there, for fear that they would not let Fei Er come in, and continued: "It is very difficult to apply for bail. Mom, you really don't want to see your second brother for the last time? Are you really cruel to this point? ?!"

Fei Nancheng glanced at her, causing Fei Zhenzhen to close his mouth. Immediately, he looked at the security guard and opened his mouth: "Let him come in."

The security nodded and walked out.

The time for Fei Lao Er to see Mrs. Fei Lao Er on bail is limited, only a few hours.

And he had to be supervised, so there were two policemen who followed him.

Fei Lao Er walked into the nursing home, looked at everything around him, his eyes released madness.

He knew this place.

It was built with a lot of money.

He suffers in prison, but this group of people are living outside!




PS: Fei Nancheng can't see the grievance of grandma. And Fei Zhenzhen took another step forward on the road to death. Know the truth tomorrow. muah! I'm out recently, and the update is unstable. When I go back, I will give you more~~Love you!

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