Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1267: Small party~ (1)

Because it was a dinner in the evening, Liu Daiyu broadcasted it in advance in the afternoon.

Live broadcast at four o'clock and end at five o'clock.

During the whole live broadcast process, without the troubles of the navy, it was very smooth and the atmosphere was harmonious. Coupled with the appearance at the awards ceremony, many people said that many anchors were all dead.

After all, the heavy filters and excessive beauty on the computer, even an ugly person can become a fairy.

But in yesterday's live broadcast, the whole body was exposed, and the temperament and real looks of these anchors were all at a glance.

Several female anchors have already seen the light dead, and the big fans have left the fan base and turned black.

In the entire pineapple app, except for the game anchors, who do not rely on their faces to eat, most of the anchors are somewhat disillusioned, the only one is different!

That is Liu Daiyu!

During the live broadcast, she always showed a big face, she did not hide it, she was already very beautiful! There is almost no dead angle at 360 degrees.

At the award ceremony, she wore a light purple dress, which made the whole person's temperament stand out, and it was even more beautiful!

When Liu Daiyu was broadcasting live, the following has been refreshing:

——Goddess, I'm here to lick my face!

——Miss Sister, I didn't understand a word of your words, but it seems to be very powerful!

——Ah ah, I can't hear you at all, what should I do? It's so beautiful!

——Miss Sister is no uglier than any actress at the moment, she can definitely enter the entertainment circle! And when watching the live broadcast, Miss Sister seems to be quite tall?

When Liu Daiyu saw these words, he smiled slightly and opened his mouth: "Live broadcasting is just my interest. You don't need to give gifts or rewards. I will not enter the entertainment circle because I am not interested in acting."

Everyone laughed again.

Someone left a message:

——Miss Sister, what is your relationship with Mr. Xu?

——The man who appeared in your house that day was the award ceremony, Xu Chenmo, CEO of Emgrand Group, right?

——I used to think that the goddess has a very good temperament, but I didn’t expect to be from a wealthy family. Now I believe it, believe it! It's a top giant!

Liu Daiyu didn't answer these questions.

She looked down at the time, and immediately spoke: "These are my privacy, so I won't tell everyone. Well, if there is something tonight, let's get off first, everyone!"

After the live broadcast for a few days, Liu Daiyu is now very skilled, knowing exactly what to say and what not to say.

Although the fans are reluctant to leave, they can only say goodbye.

Are shouting:

——Goddess, live broadcast for a while tomorrow!

——We will always wait for you! Remember, 10 million fans are waiting for you online!

Ten million?

Liu Daiyu saw this barrage and glanced at his followers, and found that the number of fans has exceeded 10 million! !

This is definitely a clear stream between the anchors! !

Liu Daiyu shook his head and closed the live studio.

Then she simply cleaned herself up, changed clothes, and went out.

When arriving at the agreed hotel, there are still five minutes before the agreed time. Liu Daiyu has always had a very heavy conception of time, and he came because of time stuck.

As soon as I entered the hotel, I saw someone beckoning to her: "Daiyu, here!"

Liu Daiyu walked over. Before getting close to the dining table, he saw Li Ran sitting there, and beside Li Ran was sitting a familiar face, it was Weiwei!

Liu Daiyu narrowed his eyes and saw Li Ran speak: "Are you here?"

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