Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1272: Forgotten memories (1)


Xu Chenmo raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the woman next to him.

It looked familiar, it was the anchor Weiwei.

His eyes suddenly became cold.

Li Ran didn't notice the change in his emotions, and continued to speak: "Weiwei is my sister. She is young, ignorant, and has done something wrong, so Dai Yu asked someone to seal her live broadcast room. Brother Chenmo Everyone is a girl, so it's normal to have occasional quarrels. Look at what Weiwei is scared into now."

"Besides, everyone is a friend. It's because of my face. To bypass Weiwei this time?"

"Brother Chenmo, I'll drink it first, as I am apologizing for Weiwei!"

After speaking, he directly picked up the red wine glass in his hand and went in with a mouthful of boredom.

The spicy wine fell into his stomach along his throat. After Li Ran finished drinking, he looked at Xu Chenmo.

Men, they all love face.

A woman herself lowered her body and said something like this, but no matter what a man is, it doesn't matter.

She thought of this, laughed, and looked at Liu Daiyu.

Immediately I spoke again: "I told Dai Yu just now about this too, but it's a pity for a woman, so small-minded, Dai Yu didn't agree. Brother Chenmo, you are going back, but you have to talk about her~ what a big deal Ah, there is no need to make things like this."

Liu Daiyu:...

Liu Daiyu did not speak, and continued to lower his head to eat crabs.

With the corner of his eye, he glanced at Xu Chenmo and raised his eyebrows at him.

When Xu Chenmo saw her like this, he felt a little itchy in his heart. He thought she was cute and wanted to touch her head.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenmo did just that, stretched out his hand, touched Liu Daiyu's head, and then faded away, "She is in charge of our family's affairs."

Li Ran:? ?

Liu Daiyu:? ? ?

Everyone at the dinner table:? ?

What about the high-cold design? Not much to say well?

After Mr. Xu came here, the longest sentence he said was this one! !

Moreover, what kind of trouble is this wife's strict control? !

Everyone twitched their lips.

Li Ran was almost crying: "Brother Chen Mo, don't you even give me this little face?"

How could this be……

When Xu Chenmo ignored Liu Daiyu in school before, he took care of her.

Although she didn't speak much, he listened every time she spoke.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, in her own view, she is different to Xu Chenmo.

At that time, she still imagined that she could marry him in the future.

But he didn't expect that he married Liu Daiyu as soon as he graduated.

Even so, everyone knows that Liu Daiyu and Xu Chenmo had a bad relationship, and they separated directly after marriage.

So she still holds a glimmer of hope.

How can this be...

How about the friendship many years ago?

Faced with her doubts, Xu Chenmo didn't even give her a look, and said directly: "Um."

Li Ran:? ?

Li Ran was angry.

She bit her lip and clenched her fist tightly.

Finally, the circles of the eyes were red, and he ran away!

Xu Chenmo is here, and no one will chase her to coax her.

Wei Wei also stood up awkwardly and left the table.

It was finally quiet.

Liu Daiyu ate a few mouthfuls of food quietly, but the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was a micro message. The sender was Li Ran. After seeing the content on it, her eyes shrank.


PS: Ah! Really old! I stayed up all night last night, and went back home for a day of paralysis...I haven't relieved my breath now! I'm sleepy, go to sleep... Good night everyone! !

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