Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1279: Forgotten memories (8)

Liu Daiyu listened quietly, and Xu quietly sighed: "Back then, you obviously had a good relationship with Chen Mo, and I don't know what happened, you all fell apart."

"Chenmo talks less, but in fact, it is still verbose towards his family. You are the only girl who can talk more, so I have paid special attention to you since I was a child. I also see the affection of your childhood sweethearts. So, I always thought that you would be together when you grow up. But suddenly it fell out, and Xu Chenmo has also changed a lot."

"In the past, although he spoke few words, his personality was still cheerful, but since he fell out with you, his personality has also changed. I asked him what was going on, but he didn't say anything, and if you asked you, you didn't tell I. Keep my elders in the dark and never understand what's going on."

"Later you gradually lost contact. After high school, you went to university separately, and you were not in the same place. I thought that you would not be able to go together in your entire life, but Xu Chenmo suddenly went to your school in college. , And then, you were both drunk, and the two of you had a relationship."

Liu Daiyu:...

Xu quietly sighed, "I know, the king has you in his heart. After such a thing, your approach is to leave it alone and treat it as if there is no such thing. But the king has always been depressed, I really do If you can’t stand it, let him be responsible to you."

"He resisted at first. But then he agreed. When I called you, I could feel his happiness, as if he had untied many years of heart knot. Therefore, I became more sure of my actions. ."

"I forced you to marry him. This act is actually very selfish, but I also said that you can try it. If you feel unhappy, you can divorce it in the future."

"But for so many years, although you two have ignored each other and have never lived together, you still carry the names of husband and wife, and neither of you has filed for divorce."

"Seeing that you are all getting older, it is not the time to be childish, so I am actually still thinking, if you continue to do this, then I still have to come forward and ask you to divorce and find your own happiness."

"Fortunately, you have lost your memory and your relationship broke the ice. Now that you are doing well, I won't feel guilty anymore. So, Daiyu, I should say sorry to you. I was too strong back then."

Liu Daiyu heard the truth and didn't know what to say for a while.

But when she heard the apology, she hurriedly said: "No, Mom, I didn't blame you."

She thought for a while, and finally sighed and said, "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have broken up with him long ago, and we will be separated, and will never come together again. So in the final analysis, I still want to thank you. decision."

"If you can say that, it seems that your relationship is really good now. That's good, then you are at home well."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Daiyu was still in a trance.

It turned out that this was the truth back then.

But what happened on earth made her unable to explain and Xu Chenmo unable to forgive? What caused them to go further and further later?

Xu Chenmo refused to say, Fei Zhenzhen refused to say, I am afraid, the only person willing to say is Li Ran, right?

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