Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 191: who is it? ! (2)

Falling in a pool of blood for four hours... No one noticed?

Shen Yugui felt her brain empty and her heart tight. She grabbed the doctor's arm and asked anxiously, "What happened to my mother? Can you save her?"

Mother is full of blood, which makes her crazy!

Since the birthday party, the relationship between her and her mother has increased day by day. Mother and daughter are connected to each other, and her mother is the closest person to her in the world...

Her whole emotions have reached the brink of collapse.

The doctor was busy going in for the operation, and said directly: "I'll go and operate on her first!"

Only then did Shen Yugui let go of the doctor's hand, her voice trembling: "Okay, please, I must save my mother!"

When the doctor entered the operating room, she stood at the door and leaned against the wall, sliding down the wall feebly.

Her usual strong body was curled into a ball at this moment. She hugged her knees, her eyes were very numb, and it was as dark as if no light could shine through.

I don't know how long I waited, like a few minutes, but as long as a century, the door to the operating room finally opened.

She stood up "suddenly", looked over with a bit of fear and hope, seeing the doctor walking out wearily, he took off his mask, and there were blood stains on both gloves...

Shen Yugui knew that he should go forward to ask about his mother's situation, but he didn't dare to hear some bad news. The doctor took the initiative to look at her, and said: "Life is no longer in danger, it's just that she has lost too much blood and will be in a coma for a while."

Hearing that life is not in danger, Shen Yugui's legs softened. If he were not leaning against the wall behind him, he might have fallen to the ground.

There was finally a sliver of light in her eyes, people also gained strength, and her brain returned to normal thinking. She fixed her eyes to the doctor: "Excuse me, where is my mother hurt? What is going on?"

The doctor sighed, "I don’t know the specifics. She should have knocked over the chair, and just happened to scratch her arm with a fruit knife. Then when she fell to the ground, she hit the head again, and she passed out, and she passed out directly to see the degree of blood clotting. , It should have happened four hours ago, but no one in your house has been discovered until the courier sees that your door is not closed, and then discovered that something went wrong!"

He was afraid and opened his mouth again: "Did you know? The wound on your mother's arm is very dangerous. Fortunately, it was discovered. If you delay for two more hours, you will lose too much blood and shock!"

Shen Yugui clenched his fingers tightly.

The doctor frowned again and looked around: "Why are you a little girl here, where is your father?"

Where's dad?

Shen Yugui sneered.

The nurse next to her spoke: "When I found the patient, I called her husband according to the number in her hand, but no one answered."

No one answered... This kind of thing happened at home, she must ask clearly!

Shen Yugui picked up the phone and called Shen Tianhao. This time, the opposite side answered, "From the heart, what's the matter?"

"My mother was injured and hospitalized, dad, come here soon!" Shen Yugui's tone was not bad.

"Injured? Why are you so careless! Just ask the doctor to deal with her. I'm still busy here. Hang up first."

Shen Yugui hurriedly said: "Dad, Mom's injury is very serious..."

"Very heavy? Will it die?"

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