Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 504: It turned out to be... like this! (1)

"Then next time, when there are only two of us, I will call you Chengcheng."

A sultry sentence made Fei Nancheng's eyes sink and his body tightened.

He looked at the girl next to him, but the passion of last night and her initiative echoed in his mind...

Thinking of this, he lowered his eyes, but holding the palm of Shen Yugui's hand, it became even more hot.

With a hoarse voice, he asked, "Where are you going tonight?"

When Fan Fan heard this, he echoed and asked: "Yes, Miss Shen, Mr. Fei, where are you going on a date?"


Shen Yugui blinked her eyes, she coughed and opened her mouth: "Otherwise, let's go to Nanchuang Technology first?"


So, if you say a good date, are you going to be busy again?

Philadelphia asked: "What are you going to do?"

"See the individual." Shen Yugui explained briefly.


Shen Yugui thought for a while, and suddenly he smiled: "Very important person. I want to take you to meet my little white face, you go or not?"

Philadelphia:? ?


The car turned around. When I came to Nanchuang Technology, most of the people in the company had already left work.

The car stopped in the underground parking lot, and Shen Yugui sent a message to the person: [I have been to Nanchuang Technology, where can I find you? 】

The other party seemed to have been guarding, at the moment she sent the message, she responded in seconds: [Tenth Floor, Room 1008. 】

Room 1008?

After working at Nanchuang Technology for so long, she has never been to the eighth-floor technical department, let alone the tenth floor.

She only knows that ordinary people can't go to the tenth floor, because the tenth floor contains the company's research and development secrets.

This person is on the tenth floor. It seems that he should be the backbone of the company, at least the core personnel! However, she can't remember what core people are in the company!

Shen Yugui's employee card could not go up either.

But since the other party said so...

Shen Yugui replied: [Good. 】

She got out of the car with Fenan City, and the two entered the elevator vigilantly.

When I got to the tenth floor, I was stuck outside the door. I couldn't get in without a special employee card.

Fei Nancheng looked around and was thinking about how to enter. He saw Shen Yugui holding his mobile phone and knocking on the password door a few times, but within 30 seconds, he heard a soft "click", the door Was opened.

When Fei Nancheng saw her in front of him, he made no secret of it, with a smile in his eyes.

He knew that this was a sign of her trust in herself.

It seems that the time for her to confess the secret to her is almost up.

Shen Yugui curled his lips, "I'm still a technology company. I don't care at all. This secret door is too easy to open."

She had a good deal, and she shook her head, opened the door, and walked in with Feinan City.

The 10th floor is very quiet, people are off work, and the sky is getting dark. At this moment, the stairs are all black, and even the lights are not turned on.

Shen Yugui's mobile phone turned on the flashlight mode and came to room 1008.

The door to the room was closed, but not locked.

Enough to see that this room is not too important.

Shen Yugui gently opened the door. She looked inside and found that this was a room with debris.

She yelled, "Hey, is there anyone?"

As soon as I said this, I heard a tender and sweet voice from inside: "Mom, why did you come to pick me up? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

Mom...what the hell? !


I'm here today~ I went out in the afternoon to fly home, because it was a night plane, it was early in the morning when I got home, so the next update will be tomorrow noon~~Don't wait in the early morning~~Love you! Keep asking for monthly tickets! !

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