Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 506: It turned out to be... like this! (3)

For a time, neither of them moved, maintaining this movement.

After a while, Shen Yugui reacted abruptly and turned back hastily.

At this time, the security guard at the door closed the door, and he opened his mouth: "It must be the wind, just lock the door."

Along with this sentence, with a "click", the door was locked.

Shen Yugui:? ?

Philadelphia:? ?

Two people look at me, I look at you, and their eyes are surprised for a while.

After a while, the sound of footsteps faded away and disappeared on this floor. The security guard estimated that the upper 11th floor went to inspect it. Only then did Shen Yugui rush to the door, pull the door, and finally couldn’t turn back crying or laughing, "Really locked." Living."

She was not afraid, anyway, there was Fernan City here.

It’s just going out to be more troublesome~

However, now is not the time to consider these, her eyes fell on that corner again: "People are gone, can you talk now?"

There was no movement in the corner, and Shen Yugui took out his cell phone, turned on the flashlight, and shot it over there... but found that the place was actually empty and there was no one at all!

no one……

Shen Yugui's eyes shrank, and his heart grew furry.

Obviously the voice came from that place...

She looked at Feinan City, the two of them looked at each other and walked over slowly. When they came to the corner, she looked around, but no one was seen!

Where is the kid who just spoke?

Shen Yugui simply held up his cell phone and searched in this utility room.

There are a lot of things in the utility room, and many boxes are stained with dust.

Could it be that the troublemaker is hiding in the box?

Thinking about this, she was going to look through the box when she heard the childish voice again: "Mom, I am here!"

Shen Yugui:? ?

Shen Yugui twitched his mouth: "Where are you? What did you just do? Why didn't you speak?"

"Just now, you were playing with your dad, don't be rude, so I avoided~"

Shen Yugui:! !

What play kiss?


What dad! !

Fei Nancheng glanced at her, and said with a smile, "Our child, is already born?"

He glanced at her belly again.

Shen Yugui:...

He thought about it again, he used pregnancy as an excuse last time?

She twitched the corners of her mouth, "Don't make trouble, talk about business!"

She looked around again, "Who the **** are you? Who is your mother? I have never had a child!"

As soon as the words came out, the voice aggrieved: "Woo, mom, do you want me?"

Shen Yugui:...

"Mom, I'm very good, don't abandon me..."

Shen Yugui: ......Why do you feel that it doesn't make sense to talk to her?

She simply changed her mind: "What is your name?"

"Mom, you haven't named me yet!"

Shen Yugui:...

It looks like she just gave birth to him!

"Mom, do you think the name Xiaowu sounds good?"

Shen Yugui:?

"Or, little turtle?"

Shen Yugui:? ?

"What's my last name? My father's name is Fei, so my name is Fei Xiaogui?"

Shen Yugui:? ? ? ? ?

"Dad, what do you think? Does it sound good?"

Shen Yugui looked at Feinan City silently.

But I saw him thinking about it, "It's okay."

Shen Yugui:...

"Yeah! Then I'm called Fei Xiaogui!" There was cheering in his voice.

Shen Yugui couldn't bear it, "Fei Xiaogui, you come out quickly!"


25 hours away, do you miss me? Haha~ I got home at 2 o’clock last night, and only got up at 10:30 today, um~ I’m writing and writing~

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