Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 518: Who said I don't have a girlfriend? (4)

Picked one carefully?

Chen Zifan sneered.

He lowered his eyes and opened his mouth, "I said, I have a girlfriend, don't bother you."

Mother Chen frowned: "Zifan, I am doing it for your own good, why are you so uncomfortable? I am trying to make up for you. Even if you don't, don't lie to me that you have a girlfriend, okay?"

Girlfriend, can you make up casually?

Chen Zifan thinks Chen's mother's idea is really ridiculous.

He raised his head and said, "I really have a girlfriend."

Mother Chen was taken aback: "What?"

Chen Zifan wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly a cry came from a distance: "Chen Zifan!"

He turned his head and saw Zhang Qianqian running away from a distance. She was carrying a bag in her hand. After seeing him, she ran over excitedly, raised the bag and opened his mouth: "I have been looking for you for a long time. , So you are here!"

She said excitedly: "Look, I bought this transistor. You don't know how many stores I ran. Today, we can successfully assemble it!"

She smiled with crooked eyebrows.

She was just getting excited and didn't see the rest of the people. After finishing talking, she suddenly realized that it seemed that Chen Zifan had other people...

She stared at a pair of chubby eyes, and when she turned her head, she saw Mother Chen asking suspiciously, "Zifan, is this your classmate?"

Chen Zifan's eyebrows drooped, he suddenly put his arms around Zhang Qianqian's shoulders and opened his mouth to Mother Chen: "Introduce me, Mom, this is my girlfriend Zhang Qianqian."

Zhang Qianqian:? ?

She was stunned, and then looked at Chen Zifan with a bewildered expression: "Chen Zifan, you..."

He didn't finish speaking, but he was pinched on the waist.

Zhang Qianqian understood something instantly, she coughed, then looked at Mother Chen, and said sweetly: "Hello Auntie."

Mother Chen frowned, "Hello, may I ask, what does your family do? Why haven't I heard of you?"

Zhang Qianqian:? ?

Before she spoke, Chen Zifan changed the subject: "Now, you can rest assured, can you leave? This is the school."

Mother Chen could only withdraw the topic, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Zifan, you like this kind of Xiaojiabiyu type, it's okay, I don't care about what her parents do, as long as you are happy."

Zhang Qianqian:? ?

Shen Yugui:? ?

Why does it feel that Xiaojiabiyu is used here, like a curse?

Before Zhang Qianqian spoke, Mother Chen spoke again: "I am relieved to see that you are happy. Then the relationship between you and your brother should be better, you know?"

Chen Zifan stretched his jaw and ignored it.

"That's right." Mother Chen smiled again, "Don't you know? Your brother participated in the robot contest this year. Although he did not perform well in the college entrance examination, he did not go to Huaxia University, but he has been in school these years. Li has always achieved excellent results. If you have time, you can take a look at this robot competition!"

Robot contest?

Zhang Qianqian opened his mouth in surprise: "It's the robot competition in the Science and Technology Museum a week later?"

Mother Chen nodded when she heard this, "Xiao Zhang, are you also interested in robots? Then I will give you two tickets, you must come!"

Zhang Qianqian twitched his mouth: "Auntie, we are definitely coming, because...we have signed up too!"

Mother Chen:? ?

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