Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 525: She owes him (6)

The four of them are a team!

Chen Zifan threw the phone next to him and rubbed his hair irritably, only to feel a rush of anger in his heart, leaving him nowhere to vent.

Seeing Chen Zifan like this, Shen Yugui and Zhang Qianqian looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

Fei Xiaogui vomited in the earphones: "Mom, will you treat Fei Xiaogui like this in the future? Fei Xiaogui is very obedient and obedient, and doesn't eat~~Don't dislike Fei Xiaogui, okay?"

Shen Yugui:? ?

Why is this guy so insecure?

She was thinking when she saw Chen Zifan's cell phone ringing next to her again.

Chen Zifan ignored him, lowered his head and continued to repair the robot.

But after thinking about the phone for a long time, Chen Zifan picked it up irritably and answered the call: "Are you upset? I said, I won't let Chen Weiwei go. This is the number one, our team has to decide!"

Originally, he was only focusing on participation, but now, he is more serious and more serious than before.

But I didn't expect that as soon as the words came out, there was a slight pause on the other side, and a low male voice immediately sounded: "Zifan, what's the matter?"

Chen Zifan was taken aback, and cried out in surprise: "Dad?"

He picked up the phone, took a look, and found that it was Dad's number.

The other side gave an "um", and then spoke: "Your mother is a demon again?"

Chen Zifan stretched his chin and ignored these words, instead asking: "How is your health?"

"I can't die!" Father Chen's voice was full of vicissitudes, "Don't worry, I must live, otherwise I'm dead, and your mother won't be at home?"

Chen Zifan sighed silently.

A few days ago, my father called him to go home for dinner, and said that he would not let Chen Weiwei go home.

But when he went back, Chen Weiwei still came back.

Chen's mother reiterated the old saying, insisting to force him to forgive Chen Weiwei for taking Zhao Yueting away.

Chen Zifan was furious, patted the table and left.

At this moment, Father Chen was anxious and reprimanded Chen's mother: "Who told you to tell Chen Weiwei? I said, he is not allowed to go home today!"

Mother Chen retorted: "He is also your son, how can you be so favoritism?"

Father Chen was so angry that he fainted.

Chen Zifan walked to the door, heard the exclamation inside, and rushed into the room. He rushed to Father Chen, but Mother Chen slapped him excitedly and reprimanded: "Why are you so ignorant? Son? Is it so difficult to reconcile in a family? You have to make your father angry so that you are willing?"

Chen Zifan was stunned.

Is he the one who made dad stunned?

Whether it is or not, this matter is always inseparable from him.

Chen Zifan spoke to the phone and said, "Dad, I'm sorry."

"..." There was a long silence on the other side. Finally, Father Chen spoke up, "Zifan, I have always wanted to ease the relationship between you and your mother. I don't know how she became like this. Blame me. I won’t force you to go home. But Zifan, the family’s business, I leave it to you. Remember, you are the son of the Chen family. Only you are qualified to inherit my family business!"

Chen Zifan's eyes were red, and he choked up in his voice: "Dad, I know."

He was so angry that he felt that Chen's mother was unreasonable and would not give up this inheritance right.

The company belongs to Dad, and if he tells him, he will assume his obligations and responsibilities.

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