Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 538: The truth six years ago (3)

Several people came to the staff, Chen Zifan submitted his application, and the staff said to ask about it.

After a while, the staff came back. He was apologetic and said: "I'm sorry, but the robot cannot be replaced temporarily."


Chen Zifan frowned and sneered: "It was your negligence to break our robot, so why don't you replace it temporarily?"

The staff was very embarrassed. He sighed, lowered his voice suddenly, leaned in front of Chen Zifan, and said: "There are some things I shouldn't say, but you are an old man in our robot competition, and I personally appreciate you. Every time I participate in the competition, let me tell the truth! This time you participate in the competition, there are sponsors, so the organizing committee is very strict with you. After all, the sponsor is the father, and they dare not offend..."

So many people's robots are in the lounge, why is Chen Zifan's robot broken?

Everyone knows it!

But these little tricks, they can only pretend not to know.

Chen Zifan clenched his fists angrily.

He sneered. When he was about to speak, Chen Weiwei came over, and he spoke directly: "Don't make things difficult for other people's staff, every game has rules, alas, this matter, I'm afraid it won't work. !"

Chen Zifan looked at him angrily.

Chen Weiwei raised his eyebrows and suddenly approached: "Brother, in this game, I must take first place!"

His face showed an expression of ambition, "Don't waste your efforts!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows, looked at the staff, and opened his mouth: "The game is about to start. Shouldn’t the stadium be cleared? Irrelevant personnel, and some people who cannot participate in the game should also hurry. Go out..."

Chen Weiwei is the son of an investor. How can the staff dare to offend him?

He was silent for a while, then looked at Chen Zifan, "Don't make me embarrassed, alas! This is just a game, just look away."

Speaking of this, he said to Chen Weiwei: "Master Chen, Young Man Chen, I know, then you go back to the game site, our game will start soon..."

Chen Weiwei nodded.

When leaving in front of Chen Zifan, Chen Weiwei evoked a meaningful smile.

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Chen Zifan's voice, "The sponsor does not allow me to play? Ha... If I say, I am also a sponsor?"

Chen Weiwei paused and turned around in disbelief.

How could Chen Zifan... how could he!

You know, Chen Zifan has never been outside the Chen family since he left the Chen family. It's like just now when Chen's mother went to the lounge to see them. Chen Zifan was too lazy to say hello and would not reveal his identity.

He thought that Chen Zifan was arrogant and disdainful... But now, he actually said that?

The staff was also dumbfounded: "What?"

Chen Zifan stood up straight, he slowly opened his mouth: "Introduce myself, my surname is Chen, my name is Zifan, I am your sponsor, the son of the chairman of the Chen company."

Sponsoring this robot competition cost a lot of money, of course, it uses the reputation of Chen's enterprise, and a wave of advertising can also be used here.

After Chen Zifan finished speaking, he looked at Chen Weiwei, who had stiffened his body: "If you don't believe me, you can ask him... Is it right? My dear, brother?"

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