In the Bentley car, Shen Yugui frowned and asked Fenan City: "Uncle Chen looks like that, what happened to him?"

Fei Nancheng sighed: "Lung cancer."

When the word lung cancer came out, the atmosphere in the car was instantly suppressed.

Shen Yugui was surprised: "How come..."

Fei Nancheng pursed his lips, "I found it at the beginning of this year, but I haven't told Zifan."

Shen Yugui's heart twitched, it turned out that Chen Zifan didn't know anything.

He just lost his mother... is he going to lose his father again...

Zhang Qianqian's eyes were dumbfounded, as long as she thought of that proud boy, her heart would prick.

She bit her lip and said, "I hope that Uncle Chen can survive this time."

Shen Yugui nodded.

She looked at Fenan City again, and saw him and said, "I have contacted the best doctor, and I am on the way. When we arrive, the doctor is almost at the hospital."

He is also very depressed.

Chen Zifan is his cousin, and according to Shen Yugui's observation, Fei's family doesn't seem to have any relatives, and Fei Nancheng has the best relationship with Chen Zifan.

Besides... Seeing Chen Zifan's appearance, he must have also thought of Grandma Fei's condition, right?

Grandma Fei has been critically ill several times...

Thinking of this, Shen Yugui shook his hand.

His big hands were dry and hot. After she shook them, he grasped her tightly, as if to catch the only warmth in the world.

Shen Yugui opened his mouth: "We should accompany him more."

She hoped that Father Chen could survive this time. Otherwise, Chen Zifan would definitely regret forever, and would definitely feel that if Father Chen did not go to the Science and Technology Museum, he would not suddenly get sick...

Thinking about it, Shen Yugui frowned.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang suddenly, she lowered her head, took a look, and found that it was a strange number.

Shen Yugui ignored it and cut off the phone.

The car drove steadily on the road, and quickly reached the hospital.

Several people got out of the car and went straight to the emergency room.

As soon as I walked over, I saw Chen Zifan sitting on the bench in the hallway, his arm was propped on his leg decadently, his head was covered with his palm, and the whole person was in a state of collapse.

He turned his head and stared at the emergency room without blinking.

There was a slight pause in everyone's footsteps.

After a while, Fei Nancheng stepped forward and came to him.

Chen Zifan seemed to notice that someone was coming. He raised his head, and when he saw Fenan City, he shouted helplessly: "Brother."

Fenan City nodded.

Chen Zifan strained his chin, and after a while, his voice came back: "My father, he will be fine, right?"

Feinan City didn't speak, just stretched out his hand and pressed it on his shoulder.

Chen Zifan murmured: "In these years, I have disliked my mother for being bad for me. I was angry with that family and rarely went home. When I saw my dad, I was aggrieved. I always thought that my dad still Young, but why is he sick..."

He clenched his fist, "I'm really unfilial..."

Fernanc patted him on the shoulder and sat next to him.

Everyone dared not say a word, for fear of disturbing Chen Zifan.

I don't know how long it took, the door of first aid surgery finally opened.

The moment the doctor walked out, Chen Zifan stood up abruptly and looked at him nervously!


Kavan...I’ll write 2 chapters. I’ll change these first. I might stay up late two days ago. I wrote too much. I’m so sleepy today. I’m going to bed. I’ll wake up tomorrow~~

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