Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 558: Something happened! (3)

Forgot what?

What did she forget?

Shen Yugui was a bit at a loss for the first time, but then she suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly stretched out her hand and touched it in her pocket, only to find! Empty pockets!

Fei Xiaogui is gone!

No... It's not that Fei Xiaogui is missing, but she left in a hurry, and forgot to bring Fei Xiaogui!

Shen Yugui twitched her mouth, she hurriedly opened her mouth: "Ah, I'm sorry! I'll pick you up right away!"

"Uuuuu... Ma Ma! You are too much!"

Fei Xiaogui said this and hung up the phone.

It is angry!

especially! I just called Ma Ma, but I was rejected!

So, it waited on the playing field. The robots around were terrible, so it dismantled them easily. Well, the whole world was cleaned up. It curled up, waiting for its mother to think of it. The result! !

Mom simply ignored him!

Fei Xiaogui is so sad!


After hanging up the phone, Shen Yugui stood up and said, "Ah, sorry, I left Fei Xiaogui on the scene of the game, I will go back and get it first."

Zhang Qianqian stood up directly and said: "I will go with you, and I will also get some rhubarb."

Shen Yugui looked at her in low spirits and nodded.

Shen Yugui is going to get Fei Xiaogui, and Fei Nancheng must accompany him.

Moreover, Father Chen has been out of danger, and he is no longer needed here.

The three people left the ward and went to the parking lot.

After getting in the car, Shen Yugui looked at Zhang Qianqian and asked, "What's the matter with you and Chen Zifan?"

As soon as he said this, Zhang Qianqian blushed, coughed, turned to look out of the car window, and said nothing.

What's the matter with them?

Actually, it's just that...

That day, Chen Zifan said that she was his girlfriend. Later, it was too late to organize the robot at night. He sent her to the dormitory. When he got downstairs, he suddenly hugged her waist and kissed her forehead.

Such an intimate act stunned both of them.

Later, they pretended that it did not happen.

And now...

Zhang Qianqian opened his mouth: "It's good for him to go abroad to develop."

After all, Chen Zifan has never confessed to her.

Shen Yugui looked at her and sighed.

Many people say that the graduation season is the breakup season.

Many college lovers break up for various reasons after graduation.

Zhang Qianqian and Chen Zifan are like a young couple. Chen Zifan is going abroad now. Zhang Qianqian is definitely not happy, but she can't stop him from pursuing his dreams.

She patted Zhang Qianqian's hand without speaking.

Seeing that Shen Yugui seemed to be worried about Zhang Qianqian's affairs, Fei Nancheng suddenly said, "He won't go."

The two were taken aback for a moment and looked at Fenan City.

Fei Nancheng calmly looked ahead, "The Chen company needs him, he won't go."

Fei Nancheng understands Chen Zifan and is not a person who shirks responsibility.

He said so, Shen Yugui believed.

Zhang Qianqian also stared at the front in a daze, but he was not happy, more depressed: "But it's such a pity..."

That is his dream!

The atmosphere in the car became repressed again.

In this way, the three people arrived at the Science and Technology Museum.

Shen Yugui rushed in, and the staff led her to the arena, pointed at the poor Fei Xiaogui who was curled up in a ball and said, "It has been like this since winning the game."

Feeling guilty in her heart, Shen Yugui hurriedly jumped onto the arena and patted Fei Xiaogui's shell: "Fei Xiaogui, don't be angry. Can Ma Ma apologize to you?"

Fei Xiaogui ignored her.

Shen Yugui picked it up: "Fei Xiaogui, if you don't speak, I will leave you here and go~"

Fei Xiaogui remained motionless.

Shen Yugui sighed, it was quite difficult. It's not right... My sister has a very timid personality, but she never plays her temper...

Shen Yugui hurriedly looked at Fei Xiaogui, his brows frowned, "Fei Xiaogui! What's wrong with Fei Xiaogui? You wake up..."

She moved Fei Xiaogui's arm, but found that that arm was no longer under its control!

In other words, Fei Xiaogui is no longer in this repellent shell! !


[What happened to Fei Xiaogui? I will write after a meal~ Alas! I’m stuck on my own outline and struggled all morning without having lunch...]

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