Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 565: Where did Fei Xiaogui go (4)

This strange atmosphere made the anger in Shen Gui's heart grow stronger.

Her sharp phoenix eyes stared, looking at the group of people.

During working hours, play games in groups...... Ha!

Rao is a hacker who never pays attention to working hours and only pays attention to efficiency, and is also annoyed by the atmosphere of the entire technical department.

Grandpa's technical department, how can it be like this!

She frowned and waited for about ten minutes. Du Ruofei finished the game. He put down his phone and glanced lazily. It seemed that he didn't see clearly that there was one more person underneath. He said: "Last week, who had the fewest stars?"

Everyone suddenly spoke:

"It must be an atom. She just dresses herself up every day and got only two stars last week, right?"

"I got fifty stars, it's definitely not me!"

Du Ruofei let out an "Oh", and immediately he said: "There were two projects to do last week, and that is, two people are needed..."

As soon as he said this, Atom, who was dressing up in the mirror, spoke directly: "Mr. Du, isn't there a newcomer in our department?"


Everyone seemed to have only seen Shen Yugui, and they all looked over.

After seeing her, everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

"Ah, beauty!"

"Fuck, the technical department has finally come in!"

Atom's eyes widened, "Am I not a woman?"

Those people laughed: "You have a temper, even if you are a woman, you are a tigress. Where is the newcomer cute and sweet~"

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

Before she recovered, Du Ruofei said indifferently: "Then this week's project, let the newcomer do it. I will forward the email to you later."

After speaking, he stood up: "The meeting is over."

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

She was immediately stunned.

The weekly meeting of the technical department ended like this?

She couldn't help asking: "Give me both projects, then what are you doing?"

"Maintain the previous project!"

"Also, hurry up and play the game. The more stars you have, I will try to stop working next week.

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

What **** the technical department! The company spends money to raise them, just to play games?

She twitched her mouth and watched everyone go out and could only follow behind them. Instead of returning to her workstation, she followed Du Ruofei to his place.

Du Ruofei's office was said to be separated from everyone, but in fact it was installed with a glass door. Everyone knew what he was doing at a glance.

After Du Ruo flew in, he put his slender legs on the desk again, and immediately played the game seriously.

Shen Yugui endured and endured, comforting himself and said, "Forget it, the people in the technical department are weird. People who have the ability have a weird temper, just like her, isn't it also weird?"

She spoke with a good temper: "Director Du, I want to ask you a question."

Du Ruofei was concise, staring at the phone: "Say."

Shen Yugui sat opposite him, tapped his finger on the desktop, and immediately opened his mouth: "When I came last night, you said that the server was stuck, and then the power was cut off and restarted. Then you know that the CPU occupied the most at that time. Which software is it?"

She thought and thought about Fei Xiaogui's source code, and finally only thought of one possibility and the only possibility.

In order to prevent people from discovering, Grandpa must have hidden the source code in a certain piece of software.

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