Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 568: He must know the whereabouts of Fei Xiaogui! (2)

Du Ruofei didn't say much, just smiled: "Do it well."

The man nodded and walked out.

When he left the office, everyone in the technical department paused.

Someone sighed: "If I can find my next home, how good would it be?"

Someone has secretly opened the website and sent cover letters to other companies.

Shen Yugui looked at such a technical department, full of desolation.

When I came in, I was afraid that I was full of expectations, but after I came in, this kind of life will kill people's fighting spirit.

Grandpa's company, from its roots, was destroyed by Liu Jiyi and Bai Zhu! !

On the other hand, Atom smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Quietly tell you, I also found a job, and I will leave next week."

Shen Yugui was stunned: "What job?"

Atom looked at his nails: "Receptionist. Others heard that it was from our company, but no one wanted... alas!"

Southwind Technology has become a joke in the industry.

Fresh graduates entering other companies are growth.

Only Nanchuang Technology is decadent!

Staying here for a year, creativity is gone, only imitating and repairing!

Atom did not make these words clear, but seeing Shen Yugui's stunned look, she still opened her mouth: "Being a front desk is also a hope. Staying here, I can't see the future."

"Little sister, I think your skills are okay. The ones you just wrote are perfect. I advise you to find a job and quit as soon as you just came in. Don't tell anyone that you worked at Nanchuang Technology. With your ability, it will be easy to find a job."

After she said this, she stood up straight and walked to her workstation.

Shen Yugui looked at her, speechless.

A computer talent who has graduated from a postgraduate degree would rather go to another company as a front office than stay here... How failed Nanchuang Technology!

She turned her head again and looked at Du Ruofei.

He was sitting in a chair, he was not playing games at the moment, his eyes were looking outside through the glass window, and his expression seemed a little sad.

The atmosphere of the technical department is deadlocked.

Someone sighed, "I really envy Xiao Wang."

Xiao Wang is the one who just left.

Everyone was silent when he said this.

Shen Yugui tensed her chin and clenched her fists. She opened her mouth: "Our company's technical department will not always be like this!"

She had a high spirit of fighting, but those people just turned their heads and looked at her, then lowered their heads and started playing games, striving for more stars and less work.

Shen Yugui knew that they would not believe her for the time being.

And now, she finally understood why these people play games.

Because it is too helpless and hopeless.

Can only indulge in the game and avoid reality.

not like this.

It shouldn't be like this.

Shen Yugui lowered his head.

This group of people is so depressed because they don't even know that there is a small turtle in the company-the most advanced and powerful artificial intelligence in the world.

Unfortunately, she couldn't tell them.

Shen Yugui was depressed, but according to the atom, he divided his work into seven days.

At least, Du Ruofei did the right thing.

The technical department cannot be left without people, and if the people above know about it, it will definitely lay off.

Soon, at the end of get off work hours, at exactly six o'clock, her cell phone lights up, and a small message from Philadelphia: [I am downstairs in your company. 】

After Shen Yugui saw this message, his depression finally eased, and his eyebrows were also bent.

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