Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 573: The tortoise goes crazy (2)

Shen Yugui stood outside the balcony, hidden in a dark corner, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

The glass door of the balcony was open, and the cold wind from outside also blew in the conversation between the two people.

Du Ruofei heard Wen Ruoqing's voice and turned around. He raised a red wine glass to Wen Ruoqing to say hello, but his attitude remained alienated.

Wen Ruoqing laughed: "Brother Fei, you were the most legendary computer talent in our school back then. Dr. Hero sent you an invitation, but you refused. You have to go to Nanchuang Technology... Now I heard about you. It's not going well, isn't it?"

Du Ruofei didn't speak. In the dim light, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he wasn't interested in these words. Instead, he took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

Wen Ruoqing saw him like this and still wanted to speak, Du Ruofei pinched out the cigarette, and then said: "Disaccompany."

He walked out from the balcony.

When he came out, if there was a seemingly non-existent sight, he glanced at Shen Yugui and frightened Shen Yugui. Could it be that he found himself?

But before he could react, he saw Du Ruofei withdraw his gaze, changed a glass of wine, and walked to a place full of people.

As soon as he got there, several successful people on the sofa turned to look over.

Suddenly, someone said: "Yeah, take a look, isn't this Brother Fei?"

"For so many years, Brother Fei has not bothered to gather with us, why are you here today? It's really brilliant!"

The tone is yin and yang, with a contempt.

Du Ruofei didn't care. He just sat down, looked at one of the potbellied men, and said, "Brother Song, I'm here today to ask you, XX's server. Do you know what channels you can buy? Are you there?"

The man called Song Ge looked at his 30-year-old, with a big face and blessed face, and his demeanor was far worse than Du Ruofei. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Oh, our genius Fei has Ask me about things!"

"If you ask, do you understand the rules?" Someone booed next to him.

Du Ruofei squinted his eyes, and he smiled and said, "Yes, Brother Song, I toast you a glass."

After speaking, he raised the red wine in his hand.

"Wait a minute!" Someone opened his mouth and stood up directly, took his wine glass, poured the red wine, and took out a bottle of extremely high-strength whiskey, poured a whole glass into the red wine glass: " Come on, Brother Fei, long time no see, drink this!"

Shen Yugui stood by and frowned. She looked at Du Ruofei staring at the glass of wine, her face showing a bit of humiliation.

She felt that those few people ridiculed them too much.

But, XX server?

This is the most advanced server in foreign countries and it is difficult to buy. What does Du Ruofei want this for?

While thinking about it, I saw Du Ruofei raising his glass and drinking it in one gulp.

Under the light, his Adam's apple was moving. After drinking a glass of wine, he turned the glass upside down, and immediately said, "Song Brother, can you give me some pointers now?"

The man named Song just smiled, "Brother Fei has a good drinker!"

Someone next to him asked: "Who is Brother Fei?"

Brother Song said, "Don't you know? Then I will tell you how our talented Du has fallen? Haha, Nanchuang Technology was already going downhill back then, but he insisted Go in, hehe, he has been with Nanchuang Technology for eight years, and Nanchuang Technology is not as good as one year..."

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