Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1046: Xuan Huang

"this is?"

Yang Junshan looked at the snow sorrow with some suspicion. Although the space seal on the space was intact, he could still feel the pressure from the body of the crystal bottle from the space god, and this pressure is of course from Double-layer, two-color liquid in a crystal bottle.

In the colorless and transparent crystal bottle, the liquid on the upper layer looks slightly faint, and the liquid on the lower layer looks bright and heavy, showing the bright yellow color, no matter how the ferrets roll the crystal bottle. The black and white liquids inside have never been mixed. Even if the crystal bottle is upside down, the dark black liquid will rise up, and the bright yellow liquid will precipitate downward.

Silver light snowy looked at Yang Junshan poorly, although it found what he wanted, but he had no ability to open the space seal of the crystal bottle!

"Do you want to open it?"

Yang Junshan knows some questions, but he still wants to confirm. He has a feeling that once the space of the crystal bottle is sealed, I am afraid that something will happen.

The silver light snow fell to the foot of Yang Junshan, and the two front paws grabbed his hem, and the pitiful shaking was constantly.


Yang Junshan nodded helplessly. In fact, he himself was very curious about what the liquid in the space crystal bottle is.

Among the eyes that Xue Yu looked forward to, Yang Junshan took out a golden light, and the seal on the space crystal bottle suddenly failed.

The ferrets immediately stood up and pushed the cork of the crystal bottle away with the forelimbs. At this time, Yang Junshan’s sensation felt a bang, as if something had spewed from the mouth of the bottle. Then spread out to the surroundings until it disappeared beyond the reach of his gods.

Yang Junshan fixed his mind. When he looked down, he saw that the ferrets had stretched out. The head crossed the bottle and plunged into the crystal bottle. A fragrant smell came from the crystal bottle, let Yang Junshan Inadvertently sucking the nose, and then he smelled a faint **** smell from the smell of sweet fragrance.

Through the crystal bottle, Yang Junshan clearly saw that the black and white liquid inside it entered the belly with the scorpion swallowing, but even if the ferrets were picked from the top, it seemed to face the deepest layer of the upper layer. The color liquid can be floated at the moment it is taken, and then the uniform and distinct two-color liquid enters its belly together.

When Yang Junshan opened the space crystal bottle seal, the size of the space in the crystal bottle was almost certain. The volume of the black and white liquid contained in it was at least several times that of the ferrets, but with the crystal. The drop in the liquid in the bottle, the shape of the ferrets did not change at all, which makes Yang Junshan almost certain that there should be a place similar to the storage space in the body of the ferrets.

However, when Yang Junshan was still guessing what the magical two-color liquid was, he suddenly made a "slap" sound at the mouth of the snow, and a trace of crack appeared in the crystal bottle. On the top, this space crystal bottle actually has to be broken.

At this time, the snowy body fell from the mouth of the bottle, and the space in the body for storage was already full, and the black liquid in the crystal bottle was left in the general, but it was from the bottle mouth. The cracks appearing still spread downwards in the crisp sound.


The snow licked the trousers of Yang Junshan and pointed to the black and white liquid in the crystal bottle that was collapsing. It was obviously telling him not to waste.

Yang Junshan thought for a moment, and then drummed it for a while from the storage ring, and then there was a blue-green gourd in his hand.

The snow owl saw the gourd in the hands of Yang Junshan, and a pair of small eyes suddenly became thieves bright, and Yang Junshan took her brain and said: "It’s just a gourd!"

After all, I saw Yang Junshan open the gourd mouth, and the remaining half of the crystal yellow liquid suddenly flew out of it, and then entered the green gourd.

Just after the mysterious yellow liquid in the crystal bottle was taken up by the Qingling gourd, the crystal bottle seemed to have lost its last support, and the whole piece was broken in the sound of the sizzling sound.

The silver light snow scorpion called "吱吱" and made a bowing move toward Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan frowned and said: "The things you want have already been obtained. Are you ready to leave here?"

The head of the sled is like a glutinous rice.

Yang Junshan rubbed his chin and said with a seductive tone: "Is there any other treasures in this huge boat?"

Snowy eyes are somewhat unclear, so looking at Yang Junshan seems to understand the meaning of his words.

Yang Junshan shook his head in the hands of the Qingling gourd, but there was no liquid sloshing sound inside the gourd, but he still said: "Is there still something in this big ship related to the liquid in the gourd?"

The snow owl seemed to understand the meaning of Yang Junshan at once, and quickly jumped a few hops on the ground.

Yang Junshan said with joy: "Is there really? What are you waiting for, let's go see!"

The snow 貂 "嗖" turned into a silver light in this space, Yang Junshan also followed closely behind.

However, after a while, the shape of the ferrets stopped in front. When Yang Junshan came to it, he also looked at the sky in front of him. There was a wooden door in the clouds, and in the air. There is a breeze, but in the gaze of the cold and the fascinating, the floating in the air is not a breeze, but a broken space belt that traverses the wooden door of the cloud.

When Yang Junshan brought the wind through the debris of the space to bring the wind to the clouds, it was discovered that the wooden door was the same as the wooden door that he had opened above the ship's wall.

"Isn't this going to leave the sea boat from this door?"

Yang Junshan thought of it subconsciously, but he did not hesitate, and pulled the wooden door open.

The cold cabin, the dim light, the cracks that spread everywhere filled all the bulkheads, everything was covered by ice crystals, everything was silent, this is what Yang Junshan saw after opening the wooden door. And behind him, the wooden door that was just closed is just an ordinary door in the cabin.


The harsh voice suddenly came from under the feet, and the snow scorpion scared Yang Junshan’s clothes and put it on his shoulder.

Yang Junshan was embarrassed to raise his foot, and the boat under his feet suddenly returned to its original state. He smiled and smiled and said: "Ha, next time, pay attention next time!"

After all, Yang Junshan's feet gradually permeated a thin layer of brilliance, and when he stepped on the ship's board again, there was no more voice coming.

The sledge was in front, Yang Junshan followed behind, and crossed the three or four doors, and he finally pressed the desire to open the hatch until he came to a seat that looked bigger than the other hatches. Also strong before the general hatch.

"Is this cabin door?" asked Yang Junshan.

After getting a positive answer from the ferrets, Yang Junshan reached out and opened the door in front of him, and then filled with the smell of corruption and sorrow.

Yang Junshan frowned, this taste he has not encountered, this is a kind of rotten smell after death, and such a fierce taste came from the space secret behind the hatch, Yang Junshan did not know this How many things have died inside, is it a graveyard?

Lifting the foot into the hatch, the door behind him immediately followed, and then Yang Junshan felt that the foot was empty, and the whole person would have to fall from the air. Fortunately, because the cloud door gave him a hint, Yang Junshan The snow scorpion that screamed and screamed was caught, and at the same time, a piece of Qingyun emerged from the body, and the whole person slowly descended toward the ground of this secret space.


The cracking sound from the foot made Yang Junshan slightly wrong, dialing the thick dust under the foot, and a broken bone appeared at the foot.

Yang Junshan smashed the thick dust of the ground ruler. The bones of a huge unknown animal appeared on the ground, but the bones were obviously incomplete, and the pelvis was broken halfway from the shoulder to the hind limb. It seems to have been neglected by people.

Looking at the skeleton on the ground, Yang Junshan seems to understand where the rotten smell and the scent of silence in this space come from.

Holding a section of a skeleton in his hand, Yang Junshan slightly observed that the beast was not cut off during his lifetime, but was subjected to the power of space and was neatly cut into two pieces.

Yang Junshan looked at the farthest space, and under the eyes of Guanghan, he saw that there were at least dozens of different kinds of animal bones of different sizes on the Pingchuan, and these bones were unsurprising. It is not complete, and without exception, it dies under the cutting of the power of space.

It seems that there has also been a space storm attack here. Can it be said that the living things in this space were originally under the guise of the space storm?

Just when Yang Junshan was thinking about it, the snow owl had already run far, and Yang Junshan quickly followed up.

After crossing a forest that had already died and broken, under a collapsed hill, Yang Junshan cleared a hole that looked like a temporary place for a hunter.

Followed by the ferrets into the cave, on a stone bed that is obviously used as a rest, a long bow with a cold air like a jade is placed on it.

The snow scorpion jumped on the stone bed and ran two rounds around the long bow, but did not make any contact with it. Then he raised his head and called it to Yang Junshan, as if to say that the bow was with the black Liquid-related things, then they no longer care about Yang Junshan, but sniffing and smelling on the stone bed, do not know what to look for.


Yang Junshan's eyes flashed in the cold, and he could not help but whispered.

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