Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1085: Three talents

"Dow friends do this, Yang naturally can only be respectful and desperate, but the other predecessors of the Red Cross friends may not want to think too much!" Yang Junshan snarled.

The look of the Red Landers is a bit heavy: "The Zongmen is already in danger, and several elders... oh... Anyway, as long as Junshan Taoist friends take a shot earlier, it will help to alleviate the Zongmen crisis."

"Dao Yougao sees Yang!" Yang Junshan modestly said.

"It’s just the truth!"

The Red Landlord is in the right direction: "Yang Daoyou is a master of the law, and Chiquan Shishu was stabbed to death. The faction has lost one of the masters of the tactics who can take the overall situation. After that, the Red Maple and the sisters fell, and the only two of the school. The Taoist strategist is not a one. Although the remaining strategists still have a master class, the master is only a monk in the sky. Although the guardian is strong, it can be less A well-familiar tactical master is in control, and there is always a dullness between the operations. Ten percent of the power can't be played by 70%. If the Junshan Taoist friends enter the battlefield earlier, they will make the people outside the realm of the fire almost invade this. Zong's Shanmen Dojo."

The Taoist sects of the Taoist dynasty and the masters of the Taoist tactics, and even a master of the martyrdom of the heavens, in accordance with the scarcity of the cultivating profession in the cultivating world, the burning gate can take out the master level or above before the attack. Three of the Masters, this is enough to explain the details of this sect.

"After all, it is a big sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. It is also excusable for some of your predecessors to be conservative!" Yang Junshan said after sighing.

The Red Landlord was proud to say: "Yang Daoyou is going to ask sooner or later. Of course, it is better to ask for it later than late, so it is more sincere, and let’s take it. The ultimate benefit is that I burn Tianmenquan. Send up and down!"

There is still a layer of meaning in the Red Land Road, but Yang Junshan himself is very clear in his heart. That is, he was taken away by the Red Landlords in a way that is not in accordance with the rules of the sect. However, the label of the party where the Red Land is located is firmly attached to Yang Junshan’s body. At least after he was asked by the Red Landlord, the other major factions in the Burning Gate will not be Yang Junshan was in contact.

The Red Landers took the lead in Yang Junshan, but they also undermined the unspoken rules of the internal factions of the burning Tianmen. Then the factions of the Red Landers would have to bear the joint censure of other factions.

"does it worth?"

Yang Junshan asked, he believed that the Red Landlord would definitely understand the meaning of his words.

The Red Land Road head did not return, but Yang Junshan seemed to be able to see the smile on his face, only to hear his voice came back from the front: "Yang Daoyou is not the same as other strategists. This risk is worth taking. !"

Yang Junshan’s face is a look of interest, saying: “Oh? The words of the Red Cross friend are quite flattering to Yang. I don’t know how Yang’s He De, can you be so valued by the Taoist?”

The Red Lander sighed a little and looked back at Yang Junshan. He said: "It seems that the Taoist friends have not realized that they are among the Masters, or in the field of cultivation."

This time, he did not wait for Yang Junshan’s inquiry, but continued to explain after a pause: “The identity of the Taoist strategist is completely different from that of other strategists. Although it is not the same as the law, but for The formation method is also quite a bit cognizant. How can a strategist who has achieved the succession of the squad and step-by-step achievement to be a master class can be compared with a strategist who creates a new set of Taoist squadrons? It seems to originate from the Purple Wind School, but the five elements of the Raytheon Road are not the inheritance of the Purple Winds. It should be the result of the independent deduction of the Taoist friends."

Yang Junshan has a slight glimpse, but he is still very real: "To say that the creation of a new road to inheritance is over, and it should be said that it should be improved and upgraded on the basis of the five elements of Leiguangbao. Something is just standing on the shoulders of the predecessors."

The Red Land Roadman laughed and said: "The inheritance of the five elements of Raytheon has been in the purple wind for hundreds of years, but no one has promoted it to the level of the Tao."

Yang Junshan can only "hehe" smile, the five elements of Leiguang Baozhen seems to be the original creation of the sunset, and whether the purple style has a complete inheritance is really not very good.

However, the red land people's appreciation of Yang Junshan seems to have not reached the limit. He only listened to him and said: "Not to mention the Xishan Yang's five elements of the Leiguang Road, but after the actual test, the battle under the Western Hills, facing many strong Enemy besieged, two consecutive Huagai strongmen successfully robbed, do not know how many great supernaturals in the cultivation industry, and do not know how many great supernaturals have seen the value of the five elements of Raytheon!"

"The emergence of a new road in the field of cultivation is often the result of several generations of mages, dozens or even dozens of marshals working together to deduct the efforts, but Yang Daoyou has created the entire system of Taoism almost by himself. Even if it is only the completion of the stage of the quality of the battlefield to the Taoist, it is enough to be surprising."

The Red Landers said that the tribute to Yang Junshan can finally come to an end, so I concluded by summing up: "So, in the next view, as long as you can win a single brother, you can be the other two. The guru, even if it is being punished by the Zongmen, is worth it."

The Red Landlord said yes, he arbitrarily asked Yang Junshan to destroy the unspoken rules of the internal faction of the burning Tianmen. When he led Yang Junshan to meet with the people of the Burning Gate, the Red Flames, even though the Red Flames and others were waiting for him. The arrival expressed enough gratitude and respect, but how many Taoist people made a happy face but could not see a little joy.

"Yang Daoyou can come, I will add a few points to the odds, but the matter is urgent, and the Red Land is too reckless. I am afraid that it is not a good reception, but please Yang Xiaoyou!"

The Red Flame Road is a teacher of the Red Cross, and also a strong man of the Huagai. However, Yang Junshan has shown enough politeness between the words.

Yang Junshan said: "Invasion of extraterritorial forces, no one in the practice world is duty-bound, the predecessors only told me that Yang must do his best!"


The Red Flames are hesitant and hesitantly said in the tone: "The Taoist priests made a stunning world, and now the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect is not lacking. It is better to go to the pool and to go to the lake first." Several other Taoist friends have joined forces to maintain the operation of the array and assist other Taoist friends in suppressing the extraterritorial forces that have emerged from the fire."

Yang Junshan's look is unchanged, said: "Predecessors rest assured that Yang will go all out! But I also need to ask the seniors to lead the younger generation to the ranks of your party."

"And slow!"

A voice interrupted the words of the Red Flames who were about to open their mouths. This made the Red Flames very dissatisfied, and his face sank, saying: "Let's relax, Red Land, can you still be a teacher in your eyes?"

Red Land even said that he did not dare, but anyone can see that he still has something to say, and he must say it.

The red-airway people next to the Red Flame Road people quickly said: "Senior brother, Red Land has always had an idea. Would you like to listen to him?"

The Red Flames screamed coldly. As his most proud disciple, the Red Flames did not have to say anything about the protection of the Red Landers. It was only this time that the Red Cross was too reckless, and he was weak in this faction within the Zongmen. This time, the other two factions seized the handle and suppressed it. The heart was naturally dissatisfied with the Red Land.

However, after listening to the words of the red-empty people, the Red Flame Road people still snorted, although they did not say anything in their mouths, they actually taunted the disciples.

"Teacher, the disciple thinks that Yang Daoyou should be fully responsible for the operation of the Guardian Guardian!"

The first words of the Red Landers made the Red Flames and the Red Airways people's eyes wide open. Even Yang Junshan was full of surprises.

Delegate the party’s guardian corps to an outsider!

"Red Army teacher, you, you dare to think!" Red Airway people smiled bitterly.

The Red Landlord’s suggestion made it difficult for the Red Flame Road people to answer the question. The Red Airways had to speak again to avoid the blasphemy.

The Red Landlord is in the right direction: "Teacher, uncle, disciple, I don’t know the two people’s worries. After the fall of Chiquan Shibo and Hongfeng’s younger brothers, the three ancestors of the faction have already been unable to fully operate. Although there are more than a dozen orchestras in the pool, there are even actors in the field. But I really want to talk about the rumors of the formation. Who is comparable to Yang Daoyou? Did the teacher forget the original Chiquan Shibo? Yang Daoyou's evaluation of the five elements of Raytheon?"

The red airway man looked at Yang Junshan and said: "The teacher said that what you said is really justified. Don't forget that you have come to the pool. Now it is not your teacher who has the final say. Second, there are still five or six. The Marshal Master is in the middle of the squad, and is running the big battle with you as the master of the Akiya, and you are a master of the squad, and you have the teacher’s warrant, are you willing? Let Yang Xiaoyou take control of the whole big array?"

The Red Landlord said with indignation: "The Uncle Akiya can not completely control the Guardian's squad. Although he is self-satisfied, he can face the two divisions' hands in the pool and borrow power but can't do anything. Going on, we don't have to wait for the other two divisions to divide our veins. We ourselves are first rushed by the extraterritorial forces."

"Okay, don't say it anymore!" The Red Flames suddenly opened their mouth to stop the dispute between the two.

Yang Junshan took the opportunity to open the door: "Yang just wants to resist the invasion of the extraterritorial forces, but he did not want to make all the friends in the same place. Is it better to let Yang go to the prison and the people outside the domain to kill? Yang is confident that he still has some strength. ......"


"How can this be?"

The three Taoists in the burning Tianmen refused at the same time.

In the end, the Red Flames took a three-point apology to Yang Junshan: "Hey, it’s not that the old man doesn't trust his friends. It's really ugly, but it's hard to export. But now I want to see the friends. The old man even wants to take over. The entire guardian squad, the other two brothers may not let the Taoist friends do the wish, on the contrary, the old man really wants to do this, but will push the Taoist friends into danger."

The Red Flames people obviously have to be more comprehensive, that is, the Red Land Road people did not think of this. The face could not help but bring a three-pointed twilight. He heard the Red Flames continue to say: "That way, the old man can’t make the Taoist control the whole road. Array, but the 'land of the land' where the old man is currently guarding can be entrusted to the Daoist to take charge of it, so that it is difficult to say what the two brothers can say. The only thing that can be considered is that the Chi Gong’s younger brother is afraid of it. It will be a dilemma with the friends."

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