Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1088: Fight

A lot of things are already doomed before they happen.

When the Red Landers took the map that the Red Flames handed him to him and returned to the front of the "Three Pulses", he had already understood everything.

Since the burning of the Tianmen Gate to abandon the county is a foregone conclusion, then the burning Tianmen now thinks about how to retreat in the case of preserving strength, and the reason why the sectarian forces of the various parties responded to the call of the Imperial Palace to help burn the Tianmen to resist the extraterritorial forces. The offense, I am afraid that more is also to take the opportunity to take a share, and the culprit is probably still in the fairy palace.

Even if the Junshan Taoist is the same, the reason why I am willing to guard the "Three Pulses" for the Red Flame Taoist people, why not want to have income?

The biggest possibility of this is the root of the "three veins". After all, the other party is a master of the tactics. In addition, it is also possible to covet the large-scale fire and large-scale formation of the "three-pulse" array. The veins and the medium-sized spar veins.

Of course, the benefits of his direct ability to get the hand and the three-pulse source of the pool in the pool of the battle, this is the source of the ability to directly improve the cultivation, but most of this vitality must be used in the array. In the course of operation, the tactical master intercepts a small part of it for self-cultivation. This is also a customary rule in the cultivation world, but there is a necessary premise that it cannot affect the operation of the array.

Even if it was suppressed by the other two tactical masters as before, it is not forgotten to take advantage of the three sources. It’s just that his situation is too embarrassing, even if it’s just a shot, it’s just a drop in the bucket. When Yang Junshan came to take over, he was one of the reasons for letting go.

Before the burning of Tianmen exited the Burning Down, use some of the benefits of not taking it or taking it away to enlighten the forces of all parties. For the burning of the Tianmen, it is true that this vein has smoothly escaped from the Burning County. Why not?

I don't know why, when Yang Junshan saw the Red Landlord again, he found that the other party seemed to have changed one. It was less than a trace of exuberance, but more mature and intelligent.

Just when Yang Junshan was still amazed at the temperament changes that occurred in the other side, he saw the Red Landlord handing a scroll to his hand.

"This is..." Yang Junshan's gaze is full of inquiries.

The Red Lander smiled slightly: "This is the map of the 'Three Pulses' and the specific direction of the three veins as the basis of the array. The teacher heard that the Taoist needs three days to fully control the entire array. The time was a bit long. I asked the teacher for this scroll, and I hope that the Taoist can control the big array earlier."

Yang Junshan was somewhat suspicious of opening the scrolls. Just looking at the gaze, there was a shocking color. I dare not talk about it: "Is the Red Flame predecessor really wanting to put such a valuable thing under the control?"

This is because Yang Junshan’s heart is not shaken, and the complete “Three Pulses” array is also the key. The key is that the other party’s three-matrix line of the three-line array will also be clearly marked. What do you mean by saying that the other side is already aware of the purpose of your own?

The Red Lander was in accordance with the words given to him by the Red Flame Road: "The suspect is not used, the employer is not suspicious!"

Yang Junshan heard a good look and arched the archer: "Thank you for your trust, and please let the red flames of the predecessors rest assured. Now there is this picture in hand. After one day, Yang will be confident that he can completely control the whole three veins. Bao Zhen!"

The red land people were surprised by the color, saying: "Yang Xiong's road is good!"

If the Master is in control of the pool, he can control the whole big battle by slowly groping. Now, with the map, all the changes in this big array have been clearly displayed in front of the Master. Even in the hands of the clever masters, they can also use the array to reverse the whole array of the array, and thus get the complete inheritance of the whole array.

The Red Landlord handed over the complete three-pulse map to Yang Junshan, which is almost equivalent to the complete inheritance of the Baozheng in his hands, and Yang Junshan needs only a period of careful deduction. .

After the Red Lander left, Yang Junshan slowly opened the picture scroll, while deducing the various changes of the Three Pulses, while thinking about the real purpose of the Red Flames to give him the map.

court? Pulling?

It seems that there are, what is the meaning of the specific directions of the three veins, the fire veins and the spar veins?

Is it a temptation?

Shouldn't it be for yourself?

Eat outside? What is the generosity of others? Selling Ye Tian?

Interesting, is it true that the people of Red Flames really want to split?

Yang Junshan’s heart is full of leaps. It seems that it all makes sense at once. If the Red Flames want to break the door and stand on their own feet, it is necessary to flee the Tianmen Dojo. Then these things that he can’t take away naturally don’t matter.

Is this only possible?

The burning Tianmen has a long history, and there is no such thing as the existence of the thunder in the martial art. There are even rumors that it is not impossible to burn the Tianmen with the immortal. The Red Flames are not the only ones in the district, but dare to break away from the burning gate. ?

Can't make it!

Unless he has the support of a huge force behind him, or ... the burning of the old antiques that suppress the air traffic of the Zongmen "disappeared"!

Thinking of this, Yang Junshan has a cold sweat behind his own. If this is the case, then it is really a big problem. Burning Tianmen is strong for thousands of years. I don’t know how many enemies have been formed in the dark, such as burning the door. Losing the suppression of the top powerhouse, it is bound to be a situation of a group of wolves biting!

Yang Junshan’s face was pale and like a piece of paper. He was so excited that he was gnashing his teeth for a while, and there was still some thought on the deduction of the array.

For a long time, Yang Junshan calmed down the excitement, even though he had expected that the burning gate would decline, but after all, the dead camel was bigger than Ma, the process of decline must be long-term, but now it seems that this is not good. It is a situation in which a tree is scattered and scattered, which is stronger than the original Tianzong defeated Yuan magnetic mountain.

However, when the sky collapses, there is naturally a high top. At least so far, the burning gate has not yet reached the point of disintegration. The Xiangong will not allow it to be abandoned as a fire-fighting prisoner in the absence of full preparation in the cultivation world. The burning of the Tianmen Dojo in the first line of defense will not be possible for at least the next three to two years.

After thinking about these things, Yang Junshan once again sinks his heart and begins to deduct the map in his hand.

Sancai Fengxian is a hugely acclaimed system of Taotianmen in the field of cultivation. Supporting such a large road operation, the consumption of cultivation resources must be extremely amazing. Therefore, if it is unavoidable, the entire road array In daily life, it is necessary to maintain a minimum level of operation, like a snake that is entrenched. It seems to be motionless, but in reality it saves the most physical strength, so as to give the opponent a fatal blow at a critical moment!

If the power of the three-day squadron is fully loaded, then the cost of maintaining the daily operation of the squadron is only 10%. Even at the beginning of the fire, the burning gate will not be used. The consumption of the operation has increased to 30%, and the relatively independent heaven, earth, and human domains have each relied on the power of the road, and the road to the pool has retained 70% of the force as a preparation.

After the sneak attack by the ghosts, the burning of the Tianmen was greatly hurt, and the fire of the fire became the frontier of the invasion of the cultivation industry by the extraterritorial forces. The next day, the underground space of the burning Tianmen Dao was launched, and the power of the three sects was maintained at 60%. Each of the three domains is divided equally between the two. The total number of people in the pool is 30%. In a certain area, when the danger is encountered in a certain field, the remaining power of the road will be passed on to the past to resolve the danger.

It should be pointed out that although the three domains each rely on the power of the Taoist system, the three domains themselves are also part of the Taoist system. If necessary, the Chikan people in the total pool can even concentrate on the full power of the big array. Released at a certain point, this is the place where the three talents are really powerful.

It is said that when all the forces within the range of hundreds of miles of the squadrons are concentrated in a certain place, even if a fairy is to retire in the face, this rumor is not enough to prove the true and false, but it is enough to prove the three talents. Feng Xiandao is very powerful.

With the specific map of the Three Pulses in the hands, Yang Junshan used only a whole day to control the whole seven-eight-eighth eight-eighth, even if the whole domain covers dozens of miles, he also It is possible to extend the force of the array to any corner and corner, and control the extremely fine.

However, it is precisely because of this that Yang Junshan can truly perceive the dilemma facing the entire territory at this time: according to his calculations, the power of the three domains of the land is borrowed from the entire system of the Taoist system. It’s less than 20%, and even one in eight can’t reach it. In the end, there’s only one out of six, which means that the power of the Three Pulses can be reduced by four points!

Don't underestimate the power of this four-pointed squad. If you are in the hands of a brilliant strategist, he can even use this four-pointed force to block a territory, or save three or five Scorpio real people in a critical moment. !

Where did the power of this four-point road go?

This problem is not difficult to guess, and Yang Junshan also quickly traced the whereabouts of the force of the four-pointed trajectory through a complete array of systems, and confirmed the speculation. From the domain of the heavens and the domain of the people, some people are using the system of the horoscope. The power of the road to steal the land of the land.

Sure enough, they moved their hands and feet in the dark, Yang Junshan sighed, and there was a hint of excitement in the faint heart. It seems that after he defended the defense of the entire field, a battle is inevitable.

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