Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1165: Xian Array (for subscription)

Yang Junshan woke up from the epiphany. The first one who felt overjoyed was the Jiu Dao.

It’s not because Yang Junshan has finally woke up, but because the Jiuyi Dao people can be sure that Yang Junshan will have a leap forward on the way. So, the repair of the next fairy squad will be greatly improved, and he has been The grasp of the things that have been sought since then will surely increase.

The first sentence after Yang Junshan wakes up is to ask the Jiuyi people: "Predecessors, how much time do we have next?"

The Jiuyi Dao people immediately said: "It has been three years since five years. Now, for twenty years, I am afraid that it will not be done, but the old man can insist on himself for fifteen years, which means that Xiaoyou has seven years."

"Seven years?"

Yang Junshan frowned slightly and said: "Will you return to the cultivation world?"

The Jiuyi Dao people said helplessly: "This is also a matter of no way, but the old man is confident that he can safely enter and exit. Moreover, no one in the Lingxiao Hall dares to come."

Yang Junshan nodded: "That's good, seven years, this time the younger generation is confident that the power of the seven-star seven-seven ring will be restored to the original more than 30%!"

"Only 30%?"


Two voices sounded one after another, but the tone was obviously different.

The people of Jiuyi Road stunned the Red Star Taoist people, who realized that they might have been out of the ocean and were silent.

In the view of the Red Star Taoist people, the original four does not maintain the power of at least one hundred and nine. The Yang Junshan is so powerful, it is estimated that it will take at least ten years before and after. After exhausting, it only raised the power of the fairy tales from one to nine to 30%, and that Yang Junshan was still so complacent, simply too shameless.

However, the people of Chixing are limited by their own knowledge. However, the people of Jiuyi are understanding people. Don't underestimate the power of only 10%. The difference between them can be described almost by the use of Scorpio, especially for the Jiuyi Dao. In fact, the exhaustion of the gathering of the Star Cliffs for more than a hundred years in exchange for the power of this fairy squad, this transaction is no more appropriate.

The Jiuyi Dao smiled a little at Yang Junshan, and then he hurriedly confirmed: "Small friends can really restore the power of the Sanctuary?"

Yang Junshan nodded and nodded. "At least 30%, but this still needs the help of the seniors. After all, repairing is the root of everything. Even the younger generation has a lot of key points, but it is limited to their own cultivation. Many key places in the process of the array require the seniors to take their own hands."

After figuring out the two key tricks of the seven-star seven-seven ring system, Yang Junshan still did not speed up the repair of other build treasures, but instead turned back to re-search the two treasures that were first constructed. Because the seven-star lining array system was built and superimposed from the beginning, it was not the unified construction of the seven sacred arrays.

Before the two treasures are superimposed, it is necessary for the nine martyrs to find a suitable comet first, as the second base of the battle.

Although the previous Jiuyi Dao found a half-framed comet, it is a pity that most of the above-mentioned formations have been destroyed. In addition to Yang Junshan's complete system of fairy tales, it can no longer be used as a star-studded comet.

It’s not too difficult to find a comet of the right quality and size in this vast expanse of the universe. Even the ninth-mile journey of the nine-way singer, pushing the comet all the way to the sky above the land of the cliff is not the right distance. The problem is that it is not a problem to engrave the lattice pattern on the comet that echoes the second treasure array. The real question is how to use the array method to truly capture this array of comets into the trajectory of the array operation. Come.

Of course, the array itself is not a problem. The real problem is the cultivation of Yang Junshan!

The treasure array without the base comet itself is incomplete, so it is a paradox to open the array to capture the comet trajectory. How can an incomplete array be opened?

In order to really do this, it is necessary for the mage to fill the gap before capturing the base star. That is to say, at this time, the strength of the mage is directly determined by the power of the base. The power of the array of comets is often related to their own quality and size.

Therefore, when Yang Junshan really opened the second Baozhen and successfully captured the comet recruited by the nine martyrs as the base, compared with the array of stars that were nearly four miles in diameter, Almost a little smaller!

Even so, this is only two miles more than the diameter of the comet, Yang Junshan is almost not caught, if not for his repairs in the past few years, some progress, especially after getting the kidney record, The internal organs are in perfection, and the flesh is in the midst of the eve of qualitative change. This time the superposition of the array is almost to be messed up.

In any case, after the construction of the complete two treasure system, Yang Junshan is the first step in the correct way to repair the fairy tales, and this first step is directly reflected in the improvement of the power of the array. In the past, it was the strength of the two six-point arrays of the two treasures, which was promoted to the power of the 14th generation after the system was formed.

It is necessary to know that the power of the previous nine martyrdoms assembled by the power of the three or four squadrons is not like the squad. The power of the squad is only one in five, only one more power, but more importantly Nowadays, after the two treasure arrays are superimposed, the consumption in the running process is only four and not half of the road.

This is just a superposition of two treasures!

However, only after Yang Junshan built the Baozheng success, he realized that his initial calculation was wrong, and the root cause of this error was the array of stars, the shackles of Yang Junshan’s own cultivation, and the second base. The size of the comet is greatly reduced, which directly causes the power of the array to drop drastically. If the result of re-estimation, if the second array of comets and the original array of comets are the same size, then the power of the array of the two arrays is even It is possible to explode to one in seven or eight in one fell swoop.

On the occasion of the superposition of the two treasure arrays, in a hidden place outside the Jiulianxing Palace, the two cliffs of Moya and Chixing, which hide their respective faces, are directing more than ten of their respective places in Xingya. The master of the heart, surrounded by a wave of monks who had just left the Jiu Lian Palace.

"How, but there is a fish that slips through the net?" There is a **** faint on the magic weapon of the Red Star.

The minds of the people of Moyadao monitored the whole audience. When they heard the questions from the people of Red Star, they shook their heads and said: "There is no..."

However, the voices of the Moyadao people have not fallen, and others have suddenly disappeared in front of the Red Star Taoist people. Suddenly there was a blast in the void outside Lishui. As a scream rang, a ghost repair fell from the air. In the process, he was suddenly broken by a shadow.

The disappearing ink cliff man once again appeared in his position, nodded toward the Red Star Taoist, said: "This time is really gone."

The Red Star Taoist people’s actions for the Moya Taoist people are as commonplace as they are, and suddenly they have shifted the topic. “Demonian, Witch, Ghost, why do you want the teacher to kill me?”

The ink cliff people glanced at him and said: "Since it is the life of the teacher, then you and I are ordered to act, why bother asking?"

The Red Star Taoist glanced at the hand who was destroying the corpse in the field. He whispered: "Forget it, I don't believe that you haven't noticed this group of people recently. They are exploring two people everywhere in the Jilian Star Palace." The two people who were inspected were clearly the teacher and the actor Yang Junshan."

The ink cliff people look cold and indifferent, saying: "How about that, is it not that you still have to bully the ancestors?"

The face of the Red Star Road was cold and said: "What is this for the brothers!"

The Moyadao people also understand that they are talking a little heavy, but he is born with a cold face. The Red Star Taoist has been working with him for many years to understand his character naturally, but he did not put his words on his mind, but continued to ask. "You guess what they are looking for in the end with the teacher and the Yang Zongshi?"

Perhaps it was because the speech was too rushing, and the ink cliffs of the Moya people seemed to be a little gentle. They shook their heads: "It’s the same as the teacher, and it’s not a life or death experience. There are a few enemies that are normal. So much, I don’t have to let the teacher know how to be happy."

"The words are like this," said the star of the Red Star. He looked a little hesitant. He said: "I secretly inquired about it. The three tribes are not small, and the internal components are complicated, far more than the three dials on the surface. At least the Yaozu is divided into two, and behind it is the demon handsome house. The dial seems to be from the Xuan Bird Palace. The ghost monk seems to have the shadow of the little hell, and the witch monks are From the Zhu Rong tribe."

Hearing the words of the Red Star Taoist, even the people of Moyadao also have some movements. "There is the Sun Palace behind the demon handsome house. The Xuan Bird Palace is the power of the Suzaku Star. The little **** is the equality of the boss and the hell. One of the sixteen small hells set up by the king, the group of witches of the Zhurong tribe has always been lawless, how can such a group of people come together? How did the teacher and the Yang Zongshi offend them?"

The people of Chixing Dao met with the people of Moya, and their hearts were slightly different. They said, "Senior brother, do you think that the teacher and the Yang Zongshi are so urgent to repair the fairy squad, what is it for? The Yang Zongshi is nothing, but the actor is the martial artist. It’s hard to say that the temptation of Xianzhen is self-sustaining, but the teacher itself is a character who is about to become a fairy. The whole Jiu Lianxing Palace is the top one except the one, and why is it the same? Tight? And the teacher is too indulgent to the Yang Zongshi, almost wanting to desire, the gathering of Xingya has accumulated for more than 100 years, and there are also the hard work of you and me for many years, why the teacher is allowed to let the person Yang Zongshi squandered?"

The ink cliff people looked at him and frowned. "What do you want to say?"

The Red Star Taoist gnawed his teeth and whispered: "I suspect that the relationship between the teacher and the Yang Zongshi is not simple. The teacher is 80%. This is to hand over the land of Xingya to the Yang Zongshi."


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