Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1171: For

“There are only three days left in the Jiu Lian Xinggong,” said the three ships.

The extraterrestrial monks who manipulated the starships went forward to report to the three great supernatural powers such as Huang Tingru.

Waving the hand of the boat, the demon king of the three great supernatural powers said: "Meng Laoshui, can you be sure that it is in the Jilian Star Palace?"

The Huang Tingru repaired the folding fan in his hand, but saw that the fan of the folding fan was replaced with a new one. On the one hand, the book had a big "fire" word, while the other side was a "wind" word.

Just listen to the Huang Tingru Xiu Dao: "The sinus demon king is relieved, can't be wrong, sent out to inquire about the nine disciples and the disciples of the Yang surnamed master, it is the most loss in this direction, and it is still lost in batches. What does this mean? Someone in this generation has a purposeful attack on me, except for the two people who came out of that world, who would have provoked the Sun Palace, Suzaku Stars, Ah Nai Hell, and the forces of my Haoran Academy?

The demon king nodded his head and spewed a white steam in his nose. He said: "It is a bit reasonable."

Meng Xing, Huang Tingru, repaired the folding fan in his hand and said: "Although none of the men who were killed were killed in the scope of the Jiu Lian Xinggong, there are several sub-domains within the seven-pointed starry world. Loss, but it will empty out a nine-star palace, this is not intended to cover up."

At that time, the witch monk who had never spoken in the trio was hesitant at the moment, saying: "From the news I got, the nine-speaker should be a senior Huang Ting. This time from that side. It seems that the world is also out of the shackles of the world. In the hope of becoming a fairy, I will wait for the three to join hands. If he has not advanced into the fairyland, he will naturally have the upper hand, but he wants to defeat it. Not easy."

This sorcerer was originally just a matter of fact. Although the three of them said that a two-person thunder of Huang Ting, of course, they were extremely strong after joining forces, but they were repaired to the yellow court, and when they were killing each other, they wanted to obtain absolute It is extremely difficult. When the time is too big, the people of the Nine Ways are gone, and they may not be able to stop it.

What's more, it is said that the prince Yang surnamed by the Jiuyi Dao is not a weak one. Although it is only the Huagai area, it has not been robbed, and even the will of the heavens and the earth has not been refining, but in the end it was once sealed by the great sorcerer. People don't pay attention to three points, and from the orders they have received this time, the value of the Yang ancestor may not be lower than the destruction of the nine martyrdom, because this person is a great sorcerer. The key to getting out of trouble.

However, this sorcerer’s words are somewhat harsh in the ears of Meng’s Confucianism. In the view of Meng’s Confucianism, the other party’s distinction is that he satirized his failure to intercept the Jiu Dao people outside the world, and even After being injured by a small repair in Huagai, he snorted and said: "Wu Guangdao is relieved that Meng Mou is not a trade here. The reason why he chose Jilian Star Palace before is not just speculation, but this Fan and I have an ally."

The Thunderbolt monk named Wu Guang did not care about the tone of Meng’s Confucianism, but was somewhat curious, saying: “Allies? I don’t know who Meng Daoyou found?”

Meng’s Confucianism “hehe” smiled and pointed to the void in front of him. “When counting time, this Taoist friend should be coming soon.”

Listening to the monk's confucianism, the other two Taoist repairs are also quite curious, and probably less than a fragrant time, there is a slight spatial fluctuation in the void in front of the starship.

Meng’s Confucianism has a bright eye and said: “Come on!”

When the sinus demon king and the great witch Wu Guang looked up, they saw a monk with a small seven-story pagoda on top of the star in front of the star ship standing in the starry sky, facing the starship.

Meng Fu Confucianism laughed and said: "The Seven Towers Friends, please also enter the boat in the Syrian!"

After all, I turned my head and said to the two companions: "This is the Seventh Tower Friends, but the Huang Ting Dao of the Jiu Xing Xing Xing Xing Feng Xing."

The sinus demon king and the big sorcerer Wu Guangwen listened to each other as a monk of Huang Ting. The nature between them was a lot more serious. They quickly greeted the monk and Confucianism in the bow.

The seven towers of the ancestors, like the electricity, entered the deck of the star ship's bow. First, they swept the Wu Wu and the sinus demon king. This was the head of the Meng name Confucianism, and the corner of the mouth was slightly stunned. Want to come is the descendant of Meng Sheng, Daru Meng Weiting Meng Daoyou?"

Meng surnamed Shuxiu smiled and said: "Don't dare to act, it is Meng Mou, this time I have seven towers and friends to help each other, I can quietly sneak into the Jiu Lian Xinggong, when the nine 驷 is about to become a fairy, suddenly Killing, this will not only hinder its enlightenment, but even join forces to kill it."

Seven towers and ancestors said: "The deity and the nine are quite festivals. If this can break the chance of this person becoming a fairy, or even kill him, then the old man’s request is controlled by the man. The Star Cliffs must be accepted by the old man."

When Meng Weiting’s eyes were slightly in contact with the other two companions, he shot the folding fan in his palm and said: “The Taoist friend is assured that I will wait for the heads of the nine martyrdoms and one who will follow him. As a mage, as for the rest, I am not at all concerned."

With the words of Meng Weiting, this is the gloomy face of the seven towers, and it seems to have a bit more smile.

"So, let's ask the Seven Towers friends to pick me up and go to the Taoist temple to hide them. After all, entering the Jiu Lian Xinggong is not small. If there is no Qitadao friend, I will definitely be the nine. The Taoist found out." Meng Weiting Dao laughed.

"Not busy, not busy!"

However, the Seventh Daoist ancestors waved their hands at this time, with a slight apology: "You should not enter the Jiu Lian Xinggong at this time."

Meng Weiting’s face changed and he was not pleased: “What is this for Daoyou?”

The seven towers and Taoist ancestors did not change, saying: "Several people are born with big forces and have a large background. Naturally, they will not see the place where the Jiulian Star Palace is in the eye. But you shouldn’t be so rash. Rushing into the Jiu Lian Xing Gong, a family can still be in the Jiu Xing Xing Palace."

The three people looked a little bit sloppy, or the Meng Weiting Taoist responded faster, and the look immediately changed: "But what other great supernatural beings exist in this nine-star palace?"

The Seven-Tower Master nodded and said: "There are still a fairy in the Jiu Lian Xing Palace. Although it is usually rare to see one side, even if there is a cover, you may be able to win other people, but you may not be jealous. I have had this, after all, even if it is the Sun Palace, Haoran Academy and Zhurong Tribe, I am not willing to easily provoke a fairy? Even if it is only a god."

"So what does the Seven Towers Friends mean?" Meng Weiting hesitated and asked.

The seven towers of the ancestors said: "I still want to succumb to you, leaving the star ship outside the Jiu Lian Xinggong. You will sneak into the Star Palace with me. When the nine 驷 驷 仙 仙 仙 , , , , , , , , , , , If you want to come, you will not be embarrassed by someone who has lost the qualifications for advanced fairyland."

According to the original plan of Yang Junshan, after repairing the Seven Stars to the extreme that he could reach, and handing the map to the Jiuyi Dao, he wanted to return to the cultivation world first.

However, the Jiuyi Dao people did not recommend Yang Junshan to do this. At this time, the Jiuyi Dao people were already preparing for the impact of the wonderland. They had no time to send Yang Junshan to venture back to the cultivation world, and before the Jiuyi Dao advanced into the fairyland, Even if Yang Junshan had already understood the path of returning to the cultivation world, it would be difficult for him to break through the encirclement network under the peripherals of the cultivation industry.

Second, the nine martyrs suggested that Yang Junshan leave after he advanced into the fairyland, because in the process of advanced fairyland, it may trigger a large-scale starry sky vision, observe and perceive these starry visions, and improve the monks in the future. Impact repair as a bottleneck has a wonderful help.

Moreover, for the Jiuyi Dao people, in the case of foreign spying and getting closer, the goal of the advanced fairyland has become easier and later. Therefore, the Jiuyi Dao will not wait until Yang Junshan’s five-year field. The period is approaching when it begins to impact the wonderland.

Yang Junshan finally followed the advice of the Jiuyi Dao people and stayed in the land of Xingya for the moment, waiting for the moment when the Jiuyi Dao people attacked Wonderland.

However, after the retreat of the Jiuyi Dao, Yang Junshan stayed in the land of Xingya, but he quickly realized that his situation seemed to be becoming subtle. He had always been respectful to him, and he had two Taoist and Red Stars. After the retreat of the Jiuyi Dao, he has never been exposed in front of him. On weekdays, several servants who are responsible for daily care are also lax, even the people of the two cliffs of the Blue Cliff and the Red Star. When I went to Yang Junshan, it was mostly Yin and Yang, and I didn't want to talk to it.

Although Yang Junshan did not know why, but he did not put it in his heart, he was not a man of temperament. These changes were not taken into consideration. In his view, the land of Xingya is just one of his life experiences. Just where he is, as long as the nine-way man is rushing to the immortal, he may not have the opportunity to visit this extraterrestrial star palace.

However, Yang Junshan soon discovered that things did not seem as simple as he had imagined. He stayed in the land of Star Cliff for more than ten years. Most of his time, his energy was placed on the deduction and repair of Xianji. After a moment of leisure, I naturally want to travel in this gathering place, so I can also change some of the rare treasures in the cultivation world, but the starry sky is not a rare practice treasure, but also brought back to the family. Give some younger generations as gifts.

However, after Yang Junshan entered the marketplace of the gathering place, he quickly realized that the atmosphere around him had become very strange in the place where he passed. Whenever asked about the price of some spiritual materials, the main ones were given. Obviously high price, or it is a lie that this thing has been sold out, welcome to come next time, Yunyun.

Once or twice, it was a matter of two times. After several times, Yang Junshan was slow again and understood that things were different.

With the cultivation of his Huagai Taoist, he is also a top figure in this gathering place. For more than ten years, he has been responsible for the restoration of the array method. Even if he does not appear frequently, there are still many people who know him. Under the circumstances, he dared to blatantly offend him. Then, apart from the fact that Mo Ya and Chi Xing are behind the ghosts, deliberately targeting him, there seems to be no other reason. As for the Jiu Dao people, Yang Junshan does not think so. The Jiuyi Dao will use such a shallow means to deal with him.


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