Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1185: Drama (subscription)

In the face of the attack of the Moya Dao, Yang Junshan did not use the **** for tat, but instead made a hand to smear in the void, three layers of space barriers built in front of him, the huge space axe Every time the blade breaks a layer of barrier, it will eliminate some of it. When the three barriers are broken, the power of the full-strength strike of the ink cliff has been resolved by three-quarters. The remaining small blade is only extended by his palm. Dissolve it invisibly with a touch of light.

At the same time, the Red Star Taoist who is doing his best in the middle of the sky, when he is down the mountain, has not yet had time to relax, and he has already heard the people of Moya Dadao shouting "Be careful."

The Red Star people were panicked, but at this time he had no difficulty in making other responses, and then he felt that his ribs had been smashed, his body had been broken, and a finger-thick hole "汩汩" blew outwards. A cough in the mouth, a **** foam also splashed out of the mouth.

Yang Junshan’s Tianxian finger almost broke through his lungs.

Even in the face of the tacit cooperation between the Mo Cliff and the Red Star Taoist, Yang Junshan also showed an overwhelming advantage in the fighting!

After being hit hard by Tian Xian, the Moya Dao and the Red Star Taoist immediately took the defensive, and the two men cooperated with each other to retreat. Not to mention blocking Yang Junshan again, only to ask Yang Junshan not to go back and counterattack and count down.

Fortunately, Yang Junshan is not willing to do anything more at this time. Although he can reinvent the Red Star Taoist people with one enemy and two, he really wants to fight for his life, and he may not be able to see the whole body, but not to mention the extraterrestrial sky, not His home, there is not much time for him to waste.

Looking at Yang Junshan, no one turned and left, but Mo Ya and Chi Xing did not dare to catch up. This time, the two Tao Yundan were taken away. The two men want to attack Huagai again. I don’t know how long it will take. The resentment in my heart can be imagined.

"Damn, this is actually so tyrannical Zeizi strength, there is an equal and a few thunder stolen territory." Red star angrily Taoist terms, even forgotten body injury.

The ink cliff people stared at the light of Yang Junshan until it was unsightly in the starry sky. This was cold: "You can't make this child easy to escape."

The Red Star Taoist did not have a good airway: "What should I do? Who knows that this child can actually stay in the starry sky for seven years, and now the people of Haoran College, Yaoshuaifu and Zhurong tribe may have already left."

The ink cliff people said: "The identity of his birth in the world of the world is almost certain. Although those people have left the Jiu Lian Xinggong, they may not be guarding the world where he is. We only send the news. Let those people ambush at the door of his house, but they are afraid that the teacher will return to blame in the future."

The face of the Red Star Road is first and foremost, followed by another, and said: "Just do it! Not to mention when the teacher will come back, even if he comes back, he may not be standing on his side."

In the starry world, it is difficult to distinguish between the north and the south. Although Yang Junshan had two experiences with the Jiuyi Xianzun in the sky, but at that time, Jiuyi also concealed Yang Junshan because he avoided the leak. In the dark, he has already figured out the way back to the world of Zhou, but this time it was the first time that a single person trudged in the stars.

Identifying the path among the stars, mainly relying on the huge stars around the sky, Rao is the magic weapon of Yang Junshan at the foot of the help, and the return to the road is almost as smooth as possible, waiting for the soul mirror that has been broken in Dantian to perceive when Haotian mirror position where he has to fly in the silence of the sky lodged in the month Yu Shiguang.

Although he encountered several foreign monks on the way, he even had conflicts with several people. However, Yang Junshan chose to avoid the guilty heart. At the same time, the strength he showed also made the other party feel jealous and did not appear stalked. The situation of playing.

However, after approaching the world of Zhou, Yang Junshan suddenly found that in the surrounding stars, the inspection of the extraterritorial forces was still extremely strict, which made him very puzzled. Is it that there are important people in the world in Zhoutian? Outside the domain, let the extraterritorial forces intercept here and prevent him from returning?

Fortunately, Yang Junshan is not a stupid person. He immediately thought of a possibility. Could it be that the two ghosts, Mo Ya and Chi Xing, leaked my whereabouts to these extraterritorial forces?

However, when the returning path is imminent, even if these extraterritorial forces will block the way of returning, Yang Junshan will only choose hard when he curses in his heart.

Hide the figure in the void, and then with the cover of some celestial comets, following the direction of the soul mirror in Dantian, Yang Junshan slowly approaches the world of Zhoutian, as long as he can enter the distance of 3,000 days in the world. Within the scope of the inside, he can directly use the soul mirror to communicate with the mirror to open the return channel.

However, Yang Junshan obviously underestimated the degree to which the extraterritorial forces trying to invade Zhoutian world attached importance to him. He was able to use the cover of those celestial bodies to approach the world of Zhou Tian, ​​and those extraterrestrial monks could not think of it, just when he was floating. As the empty meteorite slid quietly forward, a ray of light suddenly swept over the top of the comet.

Yang Junshan secretly screamed badly. He wanted to dodge the flash. It was too late. When he looked up, he saw an extravagant monk holding a bronze mirror from a hidden cave opened on the comet. At this time, he was stunned. Looking at Yang Junshan, who was swept out of the body by the mirror.

"He's here!"

The monk outside the field was shocked and laughed. He jumped and said: "He appeared, and Yang Junshan appeared!"

Yang Junshan looked at the monk outside the field, a Confucian crown robes, and a loud scream was Confucianism mistaken me, simply no longer hide the figure, and fully control the light of the foot to the direction of the world in the Zhoutian world.

At the same time, after the monk outside the field shouted his line, the surrounding stars and the sky all rounded up and down to Yang Junshan's location. Obviously this time to block him, the outside party is also good. Great strength.

At this point, Yang Junshan did not dare to have some reservations. He was violent and his body shape suddenly rose to a height of one foot. Shan Junyi was thrown out by him, and he took advantage of the power of the heavens and the earth. Then the scorpio smashed into the top of his head in his hand, and shouted "Scorpio", and the body really poured out like a flood of a broken dyke.

At the same time, within the range of ten miles around Yang Junshan, all the stars and celestial bodies of the size of the stars are less than 30 feet. Although more than ten feet are only moved within the void, they can be less than ten feet. The meteorites and the like were rioting in time. In the starry sky, Hu Chong ran into chaos. Seven or eight extraterritorial monks were repaired as bad, and they were immediately smashed by the meteorites. They suddenly died three times and five wounded. The rest were repaired as acceptable, and they were also won. Wolverine, had to dodge, and there is still time to intercept Yang Junshan.

Only the remaining four or five existences that were obviously above the Taoist dynasty still braved the stellar rush, and steadfastly blocked the direction of Yang Junshan.

At this time, Yang Junshan had already met with the two extraterrestrial tactics in front of him, but the two apparently did not have the courage to resist the mountain scorpion that flew in the air. They could only choose to let them go.

And Yang Junshan waited for such an opportunity, and the gods and gods passed through the turbulent space that the mountains and the monarchs rolled up, making the two extraterrestrial road repairs even if they let the path open and it was difficult to stabilize their body shape, and Yang At this time, Junshan took the scorpion and turned to the left side of the field.

The extraterritorial road repair was shackled by Yang Junshan's momentum, and his body shape was unstable. He could only avoid the enemy's front and all the way back, while the right side of the road repair was unable to help because of the disordered space, and he could only watch it. Yang Junshan not only broke through the blockade of the two, but even injured his companion in one fell swoop.

The fierceness that Yang Junshan showed in an instant was obviously beyond the expectations of everyone. The oncoming interception suddenly turned into chasing after him. However, the Taoist on the right side could only catch up with the scalp, but at this time from other directions. The three Taoist monks who came in also caught up, which made him feel a little relieved.

However, at this moment, Yang Junshan, who should have been stunned, suddenly turned back, and a longbow appeared in his hand. A three-footed bone arrow appeared on the bowstring and was full. As the bowstring rebounded, a sound The strange whistling whistle has not yet come, and the shadow of the arrow has penetrated into the void, turning into a dragon-shaped illusion towards the Taoist repair.

The repair was terrified, and he quickly turned around and avoided the light. So it was suddenly a few hundred feet away from Yang Junshan, and it was difficult to catch up.

However, he did not wait for the road to celebrate his good fortune to avoid the sneak attack, and a scream from his companion surprised him with a cold sweat.

Looking at the sound, he saw the arrow that he had just avoided, but he passed through the companion behind him.

His companion was the Taoist who had previously joined forces with him to intercept Yang Junshan. After being attacked by Yang Junshan in the first place, his heart was not stunned, but he could only follow him behind him. Tao Xiu's power to revenge, but it was expected that Yang Junshan looked back and was avoided by the former companion, but he did not hide for a while, a shoulder was considered abolished, and even with the hate of the just dodge companion.

Yang Junshan’s method is fierce. Although he is trying to besiege his extraterritorial road, he can’t be frightened by the other side’s joint efforts. The remaining four Taoist repairs are still closely behind him, and at the same time, As he became more powerful in the world of Zhou Tian, ​​more and more foreign monks who heard the movement came from afar.

Yang Junshan did not dare to relax, because from the beginning to the end, the real supernatural powers who can really block Yang Junshan by himself have not yet appeared.

Seeing that he was close to the outside of the field, Yang Junshan put his hands together and then pushed out. The body was surging, and the layer of blue-gold brilliance spread toward him in the starry sky. It was originally cited because of the scorpion. The turbulent size of the meteorite was immediately towed, forming four huge meteorite belts in the void, just like four huge ropes, intercepting the four foreign roads, trying to stop them from chasing Yang Junshan's footsteps.

Two instrumental magnetic gods, Yang Junshan's third sacred magical power has also been shot.

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