Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1201: Robbery (3)

Yang Junshan knows that he is taking risks!

In fact, he was originally a big adventure.

When Yang Junshan was swallowed up by the thunder of the thunderbolt, he already understood that this time, although it was in the thunder, it would make the power of the thunder robbery three points, but for him, he had three thunders. Still not a problem.

The real difficulty is how high he can reach in the process of thunder!

If he still has a fear of thunder and robbery, he still hopes to be able to use the sacred sacred magic as the bottom line, then he will already be at the moment of the thunder. Instantly changed his mind, a sacred magical power can not meet his wild vision in the moment of expansion, at least before the end of three thunders, he will have to congenital mixed spirits to practice the magic of the gods!

For this reason, when the robbery is wrapped in the will of the heavens and the earth, he is no longer awe, but happy, even because he can’t be as troubled as possible by refining as much as possible the will of the heavens and the earth. In order to increase the will of the refining and refining world and the speed of wandering the world, he will not hesitate to reduce himself as a price!

The great supernatural powers who have always been robbed have never been afraid of their own power to resist the thunder, and do everything possible to improve their own strengths. Like Yang Junshan, in the process of robbery, they are too light to be robbed. Do not hesitate to give up to reduce their own resistance, has not been heard for thousands of years, can be described as an ancient and wonderful.

In his display of the magical power of the heavens, the body is soared twice, and more thunder can be bathed under the robbery. The original god, which is as solid as the real thing, becomes scattered because of the expansion, but can more fully contact the robbery plasma. At that time, the mighty strength of the heavens and the earth and the will of the heavens and earth will flow into his dantian, not only will the nine 仞 仞 他 他 原 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 得以 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹Huge improvements.

However, when the seeds of a sacred magical power are about to be successfully convened in Dantian, Yang Junshan suddenly feels that the will of the world and the use of vitality suddenly slow down, and the tremendous pressure on the body and the gods When he was suddenly stunned, when he looked up and looked up, it turned out that the first thunder had passed.

Yang Junshan couldn't help but grin, and his heart was greatly regretted. It was only a little worse. Just a little, the seeds of Xianshu Shentong could be successfully condensed, but it was just at this festival. The first thunderbolt suddenly ended. Why can't it last for a while, even if it's just a few breaths?

Throughout the ages, I feel sorry for the end of the robbery. It seems that he is also unique!

However, in Yang Junshan’s own opinion, this is indeed the case. If the first sacred magical seed can be completed before the end of the first thunder, then he will have more embers to condense the second. This life magical magical powers can also free up more energy to deal with thunderstorms. You must know that the three hijackings are stronger than one, even though he has a strong confidence in the thunderstorm, but it is not It means that he has already taken lightly to the thunder.

Yang Junshan quickly took his mind and dispelled the magical powers of the Fa-rectification. He converges on the Fa-rectification, the blood in the body is like a big river, and the sturdy body is cultivated in a moment of vitality, used to restore the damage under the robbery. At the same time, because of the weakness of the heavens and the earth, the conciseness of the sacred magical powers has stagnated, and Yang Junshan can only gather the flourishing Jiuzhen Zhenyuan in Dantian, waiting for the arrival of the second robbery.

In fact, the robbery cloud on the top of the head did not give Yang Junshan much time to recover. The rolling thunder jumped back and forth in the robbery cloud, just like a hungry beast that was about to be released, waiting for the moment when the cloud broke. It’s not like a smashing beast that is like a sneak peek, but like a claw of a stalwart beast, holding down the heavens and the earth to the small and incomparable Yang Junshan!


Thousands of feet of soot and earth and stone rose from the sky around Yang Junshan. Yang Junshan and the ground under his feet were instantly pushed into the crater of a few dozen feet by the robbery from the sky. Countless thunders were like fish. Going up and down the week, it seems that everything in Yang Junshan has been torn apart.

However, in the face of such a dangerous situation, Yang Junshan was relieved with a sigh of relief in the thunder: the celestial celestial sacred seed of the celestial celestial meditation was successful!

The violent world of heaven and earth is pouring into the body. For the ordinary thundering monk, if you are slightly careless, you can tear the meridians in the body. However, the characteristics of Jiuyi Zhenyuan’s self-consolidation can be in the world. At the moment of the influx, it was suppressed and then assimilated.

The surging world will flow into Dantian, often because the monks distracted from the thunder and innocent refinement and escaped slowly. However, in the face of such a fierce robbery, Yang Junshan still puts most of his energy into confining his life. Above the seeds, there will be almost no leakage from the raging heaven and earth, and it will be refining and absorbing by the fusion of Shentong seeds, so that the only one of the last steps will be completely formed.

Since the seeds of the celestial gods have been condensed successfully, then Yang Junshan’s purpose of crossing the thunderstorm has already reached half!

However, he still did not dare to relax, the flesh was damaged under the ravages of robbery, and the law of the gods was constantly disintegrating under the impact of Lei Guang.

Under the weight of the thunder, the potential of Yang Junshan’s accumulation in the past two hundred years is being awakened, because the rejuvenation of the skin, the flesh, the bones, the bones, the dirt, the sputum, the marrow The damaged flesh is constantly recovered, and the force of robbery in the flesh is constantly being sawed. While resisting the invasion of the thunder, the pure force of the pure yang is also squeezed. Absorbed, and drip into the blood, and gradually gathered together with the flow of blood.

The gods and gods bathed and thundered, not only greedily absorbed the will of the heavens and the earth contained in the robbery, but also absorbed the power of pure yang contained in the thunder, until the monk was successful in the thunder, In the field of Dantian, the birthplace containing the power of pure yang can also be called the “daoguo”, and it is also the symbol of the advanced Huangting.

The cultivation process of Huang Tingjing is also the process of transforming the fruit of the birth to pure Yang. If in the process of thundering, the more pure Yang absorbs in the Yuanshen, then the "cohesive" The starting point of Daoguo is undoubtedly higher. After the advanced Huangting, the conversion time of pure Yang fruit can be greatly shortened.

At the same time, once the pure yang tires are formed, it means that Huang Tingjing has reached its peak. The next step is naturally that the birthplace is re-emerging the Yuanshen, and it is the pure yang god, which means that the monks are going to immortalize.

This is naturally a matter of the future. What Yang Junshan is doing now is to keep the flesh as best as possible under the ravages of robbery, while the Yuanshen is as free from robbery as possible without being hit hard. Drawing on the will of the heavens and the earth and the power of pure yang, and more importantly, he will also condense the second sacred magical power.

I have to say that Yang Junshan’s heart at this time seems to be killing. In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, he is indeed dead!

In the case of life and death, I dare to use it with one heart and one mind, and in the case that I have clearly conquered the success of my life, this is not only a superfluous addition to the outsiders, but also insatiable.

However, don't forget that the level of Xianshen Shentong's "congenital mixed vitality" may not be as good as "撼天仙诀", but you may want to condense this sacred fairy tales, but you must first condense the "Ziqi Donglai 诀" Cost of life to say!

"撼天仙诀" is more difficult to condense, but its two extensions of the magical powers have already been refining and becoming the natal sect of Yang Junshan. As a result, the difficulty and cost of the latter will be conceived. Time is not necessarily worse than the former!

When the "Ziqi Donglai 诀" was finally concise and became the fourth sacred magical power of Yang Junshan, the second robbery had already passed half of it. More importantly, it was used in one heart and three times. In the case of strengthening the first robbery, Yang Junshan has not dared to take the risk of using the "Fa Tian Xiang Di" magical power, which means that the time of condensing the second sacred magical magical power is probably better than the first sacred magical magical power. Still longer!

However, things have come to this point, and it is useless to want to retreat. Yang Junshan has only tried to condense the second sacred sacred spell "congenital mixed vitality".

The power of robbery has become more and more fierce, just like the claws of a giant beast are pressing, while still going back and forth, it is necessary to crush the prey under the claws. Yang Junshan, who is looking for thunder robbery, is a copper pea that is destroyed. It seems to be cracked, ragged, and the blood oozing out of the body turns into red and black coke under the robbery of the robber. He just blocked the second robbery.

The brilliance between heaven and earth, at this time, Yang Junshan, who looked like a wolf from the outside, just breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a burst of spurt in the internal organs. Zhangkou had a hot and black blood spurting out, even waiting for this. The black blood of the mouth has turned into a smoky blue smoke dissipated in the air.

"It’s still a lot worse. This time is really too big. It’s too small to be the power of this thunder. If you remember it, the third thunder will come, not only the wrap, but also It will directly hurt the soul of the sea!"

In the minds of Yang Junshan, countless thoughts were turned, but the mouth was taking a deep breath. The heaven and earth that remained in the week because of the thunderstorm suddenly disappeared like a Swallow's homing.

After Yang Junshan's five-line Leiguang Dome Formation in Xishan, he helped the two people to survive the thunderstorm and even experienced the thunder of three times. Therefore, compared with other monks, even if they had predecessors and high-school words, they also It is not comparable to its own personal experience, but in fact this is the biggest reliance of Yang Junshan.


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