Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1218: Secret (below)

Yang Junshan could not help but disappoint: "What is this secret? It doesn't sound like a clue!"

The people of Aoyuan did not respond to Yang Junshan’s complaints, but said from his own self: “But there are also rumors that when the ninth ancestor of the ancestral dynasty was born, it was awakened by breaking the heavens and the earth and directly achieving the golden body. The supremacy exists, and some people are convinced that the death of the Jiu Dao Dao is actually the supreme being behind the real black hand."

Yang Junshan heard the words and stayed.

However, I heard the people of Shiyuan continue to say: "There are rumors that this supreme being is not willing to see someone walking the path of the golden body. Therefore, for thousands of years, in addition to the nine ancestors of the martial arts, the rest of the road to Jinxianxian All of them have fallen under the celestial mirror at the beginning of Dengxian. Some people think that even if there is a character like the Jiu Dao ancestor in the cultivation world, it will block the three mirrors of the celestial mirror. Only the angered and wrathful landlord can wake up again from the slumber, and the result is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the nine ancestors."

Yang Junshan finally can't help but again: "Predecessors, these rumors can be true?"

The people of Shiondao laughed and said: "All said that it is a rumor. Who knows that it is true or not? But those who are in the Temple of Ling Xiao are not the ones in this world. Therefore, no matter whether these rumors are true or false, they are not Empty mouths, there must be some reason behind the support, and it is not a hole in the wind."

Yang Junshan’s look has finally begun to become cloudy and uncertain. If the road to Jinjinxian can only be a matter of the monk’s own ability, then let the road of Jinshen immortal, it’s really not that Yang Junshan can grasp And Yang Junshan does not think that he can confront the mysterious, possessive, "owner" who controls the world.

Perhaps it was noticed that Yang Junshan’s look changed. The Ziyuan Taoist smiled and asked: “What’s wrong? I heard that I felt that I was so easy to get to this step, but suddenly I found myself still very small and still unable to control my own destiny. Feeling very frustrated?"

Yang Junshan smiled reluctantly and stabilized his mind. He said, "Yes, the predecessors, I don’t know what kind of realm has been achieved by the supreme existence of this heaven and earth?"

The people of Shiyuan sneaked a sigh and said: "Where do I know this? Can I become the master of this world, and what is the strength and strength that I can wait for?"

Yang Junshan was greatly disappointed.

"However," the eyes of the Aster Garden seem to show some incomprehensible colors. "I have heard that the predecessors of the Nine Miles have said a word. He once said that the world leader is this weekday world, but Zhou Tian The world is not the landlord', just not understanding it."

"The lord is the world in this world, but the world in Zhoutian is not the landlord."

Yang Junshan whispered aloud the words I learned from the population of the Aoyuan Road. I didn’t get any income at the same time. I couldn’t help but be discouraged. “Is there still no news for Jiuyi Xianzun?”

The people of Shion Dao sighed: "It has been confirmed that the predecessors of Jiuyi were imprisoned by the celestial mirror, which was the news from the sacred mouth of the main hall of Lingxiao."

"Ling Xiaozheng Hall?" Yang Junshan wondered.

The Aoyuan Taoist explained: "The Lingxiao Temple is just a general term for the cultivation of the thundering monks who can enter the secret palace. In fact, the real Lingxiao Temple is actually in the mirror, but in order to distinguish it, it will be true. The Lingxiao Temple is called the 'Lingyu Zhengdian', and the Jiuyi Xianzun is trapped in the celestial mirror. Even Xianzun, who can enter and exit the Temple of the Mirror, can't see him. ”

Yang Junshan sighed with a long breath and sighed: "This is really, it really makes people..."

For a time, Yang Junshan could not find the right words to describe his mood at this time. He could only end the sentence without a long sigh.

However, at this time, the Ziyuan Taoist people seem to suddenly think of something, saying: "Yes, there is one more thing to remind you. Recently, the forces of all parties have been vigorously cultivating the mage, and this trend is not a temporary rise, but should It’s already in the dark, but in recent times, the forces of the parties seem to be dissatisfied with their own cultivation, and they have begun to buy some of the accomplished masters in the practice world, even because of some The battle of the famous gas strategists, some of the Zongmen forces have also caused some conflicts and storms, which gradually became noticed. You should pay attention to these things, these things are very embarrassing, sooner or later will involve you, even... ..."

Yang Junshan was listening to the focus, and the Aoyuan Taoist voice suddenly slammed, but he asked subconsciously: "What even?"

The people of the Aster Garden hesitated: "Maybe the great supernaturals in the Temple of Lingxiao didn't come to you because of the secret of Jiu Xian Xian Zun Deng."

Yang Junshan stayed, said: "The predecessors mean that they are looking for the next one, but it is not necessarily because of immortality?"

The people in Shion have smashed their heads. It seems to be a bit confusing. "Who knows, maybe it's a combination of both. In short, you are careful!"

After a pause, the Ziyuan Taoist said: "Fortunately, you have weathered the thunder in time. Not only can you enter the Lingxiao Temple at any time, but you have the qualification to be equal to these people, and your own strength is indeed taboo, otherwise I even suspect that even if you are hiding on the West Hill, the old monsters will ignore the face and join hands to break the road and force you to go."

Yang Junshan couldn't help but shudder. He had to say that the words of the Aoyuan Taoist people really made him feel chilling.

Nantianmen, oven, fast.

When Yang Junshan came here, he was confronted with Ouyang Xulin, who was walking away. When they met, they all saw a slight glimpse.

"Yang brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, the things that happened to you, but recently it has made the whole cultivation world follow the turmoil!" Ouyang Xulin rarely confessed him.

Yang Junshan knows that Ouyang Xulin is the registered disciple of the Babao Taoist in the oven, but although he is a registered disciple, because Ouyang Xulin is a rare refining genius, it is quite a Babao Dao in normal times. Appreciate, therefore, can often enter and exit the oven to accept the guidance of the eight treasures.

If there is a background behind the Ouyang Xulin, it may be that the Eight Treasures have long accepted it as their own disciple. In fact, even if it is just a disciple, his status in the oven can be said to be second only to Xiao Zhenren, who has been identified as the singer of the Eight Treasures.

Yang Junshan’s heart is happy, but he knows that since he entered the thunderstorm, he is already standing at the top of the world. He is able to reach him on weekdays, except for the existence of the same class. The rest of the people did not show enough awe to him, but also opened the distance between them.

This situation is hard to escape even in Ning Bin. The two people who had a very good relationship with each other, along with the cultivation of Yang Junshan and the improvement of their status in the cultivation world, seem to have opened an unspeakable gap between them. When I saw him again, Yang Junshan could clearly perceive the restraint and awe of Ning Bin.

However, this feeling does not seem to be reflected in Ouyang Xulin. With Ouyang Xulin's ridicule, Yang Junshan can clearly feel that he still regards himself as the companion who had taken the risk together and the other party seems to be I don't mind Yang Junshan's cultivation and identity change.

So Yang Junshan also smiled: "I am going to take care of him? Hey, yes, where are you going? Go back to Tianzong?"

Ouyang Xu Lin’s look is a glimpse, saying: “No, I have been following the teacher in the oven for a while, and Yuan Magnetic Mountain has not gone back for two or three years.”

Yang Junshan heard that this is exactly what happened. He said: "What happened? What happened?"

Ouyang Xu Lin heard a sigh, and looked at Yang Junshan with a complicated look.

This makes Yang Junshan’s heart jump. Doesn’t it mean that what happened to Tian Tianzong is related to him?

Sure enough, I only listened to Ouyang Xulin’s saying: "In recent years, Zhang’s brother has been rushing around to cultivate a great supernatural power. Even the sects have rarely been taken care of. In recent years, there have been only a few words returned to Yuan magnetic mountain, and Every time I stayed in the sect for a day or two, I left again. Without him sitting in the town, many of the same door began to pull the gang to fight for power, and the Zongmen became suddenly smouldering. In the past, there was no Zhang brother sitting in the town. The things in the door are all taken care of by the brothers of Ning, and now the brothers of Ning have left, and I have no ability to take care of the Zongmen things, and I am not willing to involve these things, and simply move to the teacher to hide."

It turned out to be because of Ning Bin!

Ning Bin’s ability, Yang Junshan, is naturally known. Even now, many things outside the Yang family are basically Ning Bin’s masterpiece, and they are well organized.

It can be said that although the entire Yang family, Yang Junshan has become more and more lofty, but in fact it has gradually separated from the control of family affairs and began to move toward the spiritual leader. The management of the entire Yang family and the internal and external affairs are completely It was supported by two people, Yan Yan and Ning Bin.

Regarding the internal affairs of Yu Tianzong, Yang Junshan once heard about Yan Yu. The Yang family would not take lightly the movement of this "neighbor", but these things Ning Bin never used to intervene. It is a bottom line that he once set for himself as a former disciple of Tian Tianzong. Even if Yang Junshan and Yan Yan know that if Ning Bin is involved, the Yang family will do more with less for some of the actions of Tian Tianzong. But he will not go to him.

Now I heard Ouyang Xulin’s words, but it further confirms the accuracy of the family’s inquiries about Qi Tianzong’s news.

撼天宗 seems to have some successors!

"Right, what time did you come to the oven?" asked Ouyang Xulin.

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