Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1230: sneak into

Yang Junshan is thinking about whether or not to wait for others to come to the confluence. Although he is interested in the ingenious arrangement of the ban, he feels that he does not need to take risks for this matter.

However, sometimes God's willingness is often helpless through accidental sudden events. At this time, the peripheral warning stone is touched!

Of course, the stone could not be touched by Yang Junshan. However, the position triggered was not too far from Yang Junshan, and the reaction from the forces outside the Ziyun Peak was extremely rapid. Several breaths suddenly appeared from different directions. When the position where the stone was triggered was faintly formed into a semi-envelope, Yang Junshan was also surrounded.

At this time, if Yang Junshan quickly retreats, it is not impossible, but it is more likely that the monks who have been copied will be aware of it, so Yang Junshan’s ghost has made a few steps forward.

These are the steps that have made him easily escape from this faint encirclement, but let him enter the area that is banned.

Those extraterritorial forces from Ziyunfeng did not notice Yang Junshan. However, in the position where the warning stone was triggered, a sudden burst of spiritual power and space turbulence suddenly broke out. It is obvious that the intruder has already erupted with the power of Ziyunfeng. Conflict, and from the turbulent center to keep advancing to judge, the intruder not only chose not to retreat after being discovered, but chose to force the sudden advance.

This made Yang Junshan, who had the opportunity to re-enter even if he sneaked into the early warning zone, had to stop again, because the outbreak of the war has attracted more and more monks outside the Ziyun Peak area, and came here. The atmosphere of these monks was also stronger than one, and even forced Yang Junshan to continue to go deeper in the direction of Ziyunfeng.

Who will be, in the end, can make such a big move, it seems that it is not like a person can do it.

Yang Junshan is not without doubt whether it is the other companions of Zhoutian World. However, he does not boast that he does not think that other people can rush to the Xiaoqixing domain so quickly. Perhaps the copper ancestors or Qianxuandao can, but only One or two people are also unlikely to make such a big move, not to mention the time of the appointment has not yet arrived. It is not wise to stun the snake so early.

Yang Junshan thought about it while avoiding the warning bans hidden in the grass, shrubs, stone cracks and roadsides, but suddenly thought that it would be the first person of the Zijing Pavilion.

Although the five ancestors of the Zijing Pavilion were repaired as jagged, this time they came to the Sanqing Patriarchate, but they were familiar with them. It was not impossible for them to arrive at the speed of the five people. With the five of them teamed up to attack Ziyunfeng, it is indeed possible to come up with such a momentum.

Just if it’s really the Purple Pavilion, why is it doing this?

But even if there is another purpose, it is necessary to raid the Ziyun Peak before the crowd, among the five ancestors of the Zijing Pavilion, the wonderful Taoist people are serious teachers, they can choose a more sensible way, why bother Nowadays, there is a strong choice in this way. I can’t say that the wonderful people can’t even find a few warning stones. Can’t even avoid it?

Unless this group of people who hit Ziyunfeng is a bait!

The sound of the East hits the West, a thought emerges in the mind of Yang Junshan, perhaps in the other direction of Ziyunfeng, even inside the Ziyunfeng, there should be their accomplices in the dark, or seek what!

The great supernaturals who came from different directions of Ziyunfeng were gathering in the battle, which made Yang Junshan have to go deep into this area to avoid being discovered. From this point of view, although forced, but in fact Yang Junshan It can also be regarded as the beneficiary of the East.

The wars beyond a few miles seem to have entered a feverish degree. The sudden roads appear in the clear sky, and there is no sound in the clear sky. The sound of the thunder and the sound of the thunder and the sound of Yang Junshan, the thunder and magic, should be the purple It is.

No reason, Yang Junshan sounded at the time of the separation of the Yinqiu Star Palace, the words of the Bronzebeard specifically to him: Be careful with the Purple Pavilion!

Since it has not been able to go out in a short period of time, it is necessary to take a chance to sneak into the adventure, but it is necessary to take a look at what the purple scorpion is playing.

Yang Junshan’s thoughts must be changed, and he began to seriously study the warnings and bans around him.

Yang Junshan expressed his appreciation for the arrangement of these early warning bans, because he realized that the sergeant showed him a new skill.

Unlike those individual early warning bans, in general, in order to prevent these prohibitions from being seen or resolved, monks usually use some skills, such as arranging a series of bans, linking several bans to each other, pulling them all together, or The use of Yang Junshan's "embedded secrets" hides a ban in several prohibitions. Once the defuses are not checked, the ban is also triggered while cracking the ban.

These early warning bans in front of Yang Junshan can be seen as a double ban.

Unlike the serial prohibition or the embedded prohibition of Yang Junshan, the double prohibition is to hide another ban under a ban.

In the case of normal operation of the surface ban, the inner layer of the ban is ineffective, or static, has no effect, so it does not attract attention.

Only when the first re-enforcement of the surface fails, whether triggered or cracked, a certain ineffective ban will be activated, and it means that the intruder is discovered, and this hidden ban seems to be the same. An alternate mechanism.

Compared with Yang Junshan's embedded secret technique, this method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it also has the same point. That is, once it is successfully deployed, it is extremely difficult to be discovered. The intruder will be noticed with a little carelessness, and the difference is different. The former is usually hidden under the ban, while the latter is hidden between multiple bans.

The advantage of the double ban is that when the surface ban is in normal operation, the inner ban is static and ineffective, which can reduce the support and consumption of the aura in the process of prohibition, but the disadvantage is not none, that is, the focus of the ban. It is more solid and solid than a single ban, and it is naturally more expensive for the consumption of spiritual materials.

In fact, Yang Junshan discovered the secret of the double ban from this point.

The embedded method is the opposite. The banned ban or the array method will always be in the running state. The consumption of the spirit and the aura that support the operation is naturally greater, but the advantage is that it can save a lot of layout method. Or prohibited materials.

Although Yang Junshan greatly appreciates the means of prohibiting such an arrangement, since it has already been seen through, the process of sneaking into it naturally becomes relatively easy. In Yang Junshan, through this forbidden area, it is closer to Ziyunfeng. At that time, in his perception of the gods, the sudden advancement of the outer Zijing Pavilion has been contained. It seems that the monks of the Zijing Pavilion have also realized that the resistance of the strong spurs is too great, and they have slowly retreated, and the turbulent distance caused by the fighting method. It is getting farther and farther.

In front of Yang Junshan, it was a burst of purple fog that blocked his way.

No one is a fool. Perhaps the raids of the Purple Pavilion will attract most of the attention of the foreign forces on Ziyun Peak at the beginning. It will not be long before, and there will be people in the extraterritorial forces who will think that this is the other side’s plan to adjust the tiger to the mountains. Will take the necessary measures just in case.

Yang Junshan only sneaked into the big array before the other party reacted, using the other side's big array to hide himself, and this is the best for Yang Junshan.

After experiencing the repair process of the Seven Stars of the Xingya Star Field, with the improvement of his cultivation, Yang Junshan confident that his own rumors are not weaker than the ancestors of Cang Xuan.

At that time, Cang Xuan Dao’s ancestors began to create “the sneak secrets”, which made the world’s patriarchs feel guilty.

Nowadays, this method of confrontation in front of him, from the Sanqing faction to expose the Leijing channel to the present, has the extraterritorial forces been operating in Ziyunfeng for several years?

Even if it is a road, I am afraid that it will only take shape at most, how can it block the sneak of Yang Junshan? ——

Ziyunfeng Sanqing Hall.

Originally the Zongmen Dojo of the Sanqing School, it has now become the headquarters of the extraterritorial forces that seek the world of Zhou Tian.

At this time, there are several extravagant monks in the temple who seem to be waiting for something.

At this time, a short and fat body, but a monk who was only a warrior, walked in from the outside of the temple, and was carrying a dead man in his hand.

As the chubby monk stepped into the temple, his body suddenly began to change. The original short figure suddenly rose a foot, and the original fat body began to become thinner. A round face that looked thick and thick became A lot of young, turbid eyes are also shining with light, and occasionally there is a trace of Limang flashing through it, and the breath of the whole body is a Tao.

But see the monk's hand throwing the person who is carrying it to the center of the main hall, saying: "It is a dead man. When he is caught, he immediately breaks his heart."

The two monks in the temple heard the words in their hands, and the Buddha was silent in the mouth.

"Only this one? Xu Gongzi can understand their purpose?"

The person who said that is holding a folding fan is the Meng Tingting of the Confucian Huang Tingdao.

The monk, known as Xu Gongzi, shook his head and said: "There are three, but these three people should have no connection with each other, but they have just acted at almost the same time. The goals seem to be different. They were suicided after being discovered. It is not clear how the three people got in touch with people in the world around the world, and the purpose of their actions is not clear. From the results of the search, the three are just ordinary monks of the Sanqing School, and there is no valuable clue. It seems that the Zizi Pavilion has already been laid out."

"Hey, Xu Gongzi and other people sneak into the three Qing dynasty monks for a long time, actually can not find any clues?"

A cold voice came from a narrow neck, and the appearance was clear, and the narrow-eyed monk came from the mouth.

Xu Gongzi's face changed, Shen Sheng: "What is the meaning of Sima Zong?"

The monk, known as the 'Sima Master', was cold and proud. He said: "Is the meaning of the deity Xu Gongzi still do not understand? In fact, there is no need for Xu Meizi and other Meizu monks to stop, just let these dead people do it. The deity can control them in time when the purpose of the other party is truly exposed."


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