Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1351: Human head

Just like the three best swords in the world, but did not want to be so easily, the three sages together to break up the three sacred gods and gods hidden in the sword.

However, waiting for Yang Junshan to feel that a golden body fairy has completely disappeared, there will be a more intense war in Xianfu.

Lv Mei Xianzun took the lead in making trouble, and the blue-blue sword was arrogant and arrogant, like a pour, and sprinkled out to the other two sages.

However, Minghai and Bai Yu seem to be not particularly surprised by this. The two men almost responded at the same time. Although Lu Meixian was in the first place, it did not cause serious impact on the other two Xianzun.

"It's the fastest Lu Daoyou!"

"Why should Lu brother be so anxious?"

Minghai and Bai Yu both opened their mouths, but the tone did not have any anger, but it seemed very gentle, and even with a two-pointed ridicule.

Lu Meixian respected the two sages, but not the slightest embarrassed, but laughed loudly: "No way, there is only one sword in the flying sword, but I have three people, but the hand is fast and slow!"

The two sects of nature will not be outdone, and they will fight back immediately.

"Lv Daoyou already has a life-threatening device like the Blue Wave Blu-ray sword in his hands, and why is it necessary to fly these three swords!"

"Exactly, these three flying swords have lost the remnants of the three sacred sacred gods, and the quality has to be dropped from the fairy steps. It is better than the blue wave blue sword in the hands of Lu Xiong. Lu brother is a sword fairy, a lifetime. Sincerely, I still want to be able to make a difference because of these three flying swords?"

Lv Meixian smiled and said: "While these three flying swords have fallen from the fairy steps, they still have some traces of the fairy swords. It is of great benefit to Lv’s future pursuit of the life of the flying sword and the promotion of the fairy, not to mention this. The three-pointed flying sword is the grade of the sword but it is also a kind of Shangpin. Lu may not be able to leave it to the descendants of the next generation.

Said in the mouth, the hand is not slow at all, the blue-blue sword is already lightning fast, this time it is the blue-blue fairy light that Lu Meixian respects itself is integrated into the sword, not only Jianqi Flying more rapid three points, and even each sword flying out has a powerful Leiyin help, is one of the flying swords of the town of magic, Da Yuan Shen Jian Lei!

Although the three sacred sages did not involve death, but Lu Meijian’s eruption of this supernatural power also caused most of the sacred secrets to be filled with thunder and light, and at the same time, the other two sages were also somewhat tired.

However, at this time, Lu Meixian respected it with a big laugh. In the Jianguang, a blue celestial light suddenly burst into a volume, but the three sacred sages were taken in the hands.

However, in the moment when Lu Meixian respected the three swords in the battle with the other two sages, the space channel that was originally expanded by the three sages suddenly had an influx of ice blue, Russia. It turned into a giant claw and caught somewhere in the secret of the fairy.

At the moment when the three sages were discovered, this giant claw was already inserted into an iceberg somewhere in the secret place.

"The horns of the island owner, why not take it?"

The three sages almost succumbed to each other's disagreements because of a three-sword sword, and then shot together, the sky's Jianguang and Xianman from the different directions toward the sky giant claws.

However, I heard a loud laughter turned into a grand voice that shocked every place in the fairyland: "Seeing three people are busy, the island owner is inconvenient to interrupt, this thing the island owner took away, no effort to send !"

After all, the sound of the deafening glacier bursting sound came, and a huge elliptical glacier rose from the ground, but was pulled out from the secret ice sheet by the giant claws.

At the beginning of the three immortals, they did not realize what the main purpose of the island was, although it was instinctively blocked at the moment of his appearance, but it was only because the horned island owner itself was a dragon outside the domain, but it was Zhou. The only true dragon in the world, and the only one in the world outside the world.

However, when the iceberg was pulled up by him, countless ice **** fell off the iceberg, but it made the original face of the iceberg show a lot. The three sages looked at it, almost a glance at it. Out of the bottom of this iceberg, suddenly all of them angered, and they used their three-pointed powers.

Yang Junshan saw clearly in the hidden ice caves. At the beginning, he was shocked that the dragon island owner could pull up an iceberg with one hand. This is more than Yang Junshan’s full implementation of “Fa Tian Xiang” and “Moving Mountain”. It is much more powerful to be able to move a much smaller iceberg.

However, as the ice attached to the iceberg in the main dragon island of Dragon Island fell off, a general outline was revealed, but Yang Junshan was full of horror!

Under his observation of the Guanghan spirit, where is the iceberg, it is a huge human head composed entirely of black ice!

Yang Junshan is still stunned, and the battle between the three sages and the island of Longdao is in the air.

Despite the siege of the three sages, the timing of the selection of the Long Island Island is extremely ingenious, not only a step ahead, but also when the three sages fight each other.

However, what is most shocking to the three immortals is the strength of the Long Island Island’s sudden outburst when faced with the three sieges!

Among the dragon's whistling sounds, another giant claw claws emerged from the void, and countless white spirits spread in the secret world, almost freezing the majority of the three sacred gods, even if it was Nothing can be frozen, but it is also difficult in the spirit of Sen Bai.

These strengths, like a demon fairy who has advanced into a fairyland for more than a hundred years, is simply a sword fairy who will be promoted to the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, but the real strength is even the peak of the gods of Lu Meixian. Must be inferior to the existence of three points.

Although in the extraterrestrial starry sky, the tyrannical overbearing of the dragon monks has long been heard, but today, what I really saw with my own eyes, still makes the three immortals feel shocked.

"The three really want to set up dozens of local and foreign roads in the secrets of the Immortal House, and do not care about the victory with the island owner?"

The voice of the Lord of the Dragon Island is like a thunder, and it is shaken by the inner and outer roads in the secret of the fairyland.

A few cold snoring sounded in the same secret, but the three sages who had been besieging the main island of Long Island were not slowed by three points at the same time.

The masters are fighting, this slow one point is already waterproof, not to mention the slow three points.

The dragon island owner smiled long, and the giant claws were recovered. The iceberg with the skull had already left the fairyland.

This Long Island Island owner is obviously very accurate. He shot in the middle, but he will receive it when he is good. Although he took away the extremely valuable things in the secrets of Xianfu, he was greatly distressed. But he is not greedy, but he has also made it impossible for some of the sages to make up their minds to stop him from leaving.

After the three sages competed for the three sacred swords, and the dragon island owner grabbed an iceberg from the mystery, the fairy tales suddenly became alive.

First, the other two fairy sages fell into the secret, followed by the open space channel over the secret space, and two celestial lights came in again, and seeing the channel fluctuations abnormal, obviously follow-up may still There are other immortals coming in.

At the same time, Yang Junshan also acted. When he saw the main practice of Longdao Island, he also knew what to do.

Yang Junshan first began to undulate with his hands on the face, and the ice around him began to follow. The sound of "吱吱嘎嘎" was one after another and more and more dense, and then the amplitude of the ice sheet was also More and more, the ice surface around the ice crystal giant has burst, and numerous ice crystal powder slags are raised. A huge space of ice dust is formed in the Sanli area around the ice crystal giant, blocking everyone around to see it. Sight.

At the same time, a pair of two ceremonial magnets ooze from the body of Yang Junshan, and then blend into the huge space of ice dust, twisting all the senses of God around and letting it in a short time. There is a blind spot inside.

Yang Junshan did not dare to be scornful. He knew that the blindness he had created could not last for a long time, and it was very easy to attract the peep of the great supernatural powers. Even the fairy statues might come in, so it is necessary to hurry. Time will put this giant hand in the bag.

Yang Junshan went to the wrist where the ice crystal giant broke, and after sweeping off a layer of ice attached to the surface, it revealed the red and tender crystal inside.

Yang Junshan had no time to make more impressions. The whole body began to rise to the extreme, and then began to move the mountain to try to move the entire ice crystal giant.

Although the ice crystal giant is very large, it has spread a few dozen square feet on the ice sheet, but it is not too heavy for Yang Junshan who can lift the whole iceberg.

However, what makes Yang Junshan feel wonderful is that in the process of moving the whole ice crystal giant, I don’t know because Jiuzhen Zhenyuan infiltrated into the crystal of this giant hand, or because of others, he suddenly discovered this giant. The hand seems to be slowly shrinking, so that even the weight seems to have been reduced a bit.

Yang Junshan's heart is moving, simply no longer eager to recover this giant hand, but a brain that will flood into the crystal of the giant hand.

Then, under the gaze of Yang Junshan, he saw that the frozen crystal of the giant hand seemed to have signs of melting, and the giant hand was indeed rapidly shrinking.

When Yang Junshan saw it, he did not dare to neglect, and continued to flood the Jiuzhen Zhenyuan, speeding up the speed of the entire giant.

At this time, Yang Junshan suddenly looked up and looked at somewhere in the ice and dust.

After a while, the ice and dust mist first violently surging, followed by the two pieces slamming away, and a figure came from a distance. When the person in front of him was seen, the coming figure was suddenly stagnation, in tone. With a three-pointed saying: "Yang Junshan? What are you doing here?"

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