Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1357: Blood sacrifice

"A world of seats is born from chaos, and it follows three stages of gestation, shaping, and integration. From the perspective of the entire world of stars and stars, these three processes usually correspond to three plane worlds. When a seat-faced world is about to merge into the world of starry sky, then there will be a seat-faced world behind it, and after the second seat-faced world, there is a third seat-surface world that has just succeeded in chaos. "The Horned Dragon is respecting the popularization of some extraterrestrial stars in Yang Junshan, even if it is among the monks of Xianxian, there are only a few secrets that can be known.

Yang Junshan’s words are somewhat incomprehensible: “According to Long Zun’s saying, Zhou Tian’s world is not yet integrated into the stars, so the twenty-seventh seat world should not be fully formed yet, but the fact is three. The celestial sage has already entered the twenty-seventh world in the world thousands of years ago. Even the dragon said that the world’s twenty-seventh world has already existed. This seems to be intimate with the dragon’s words. contradiction."

Jiaozuo Long Zun heard and said: "This is what the old man is going to say next. The world of Zhoutian itself has a very special point. The world in Zhoutian has already matured thousands of years ago. At that time, it was completely possible to integrate into the world of Starry Sky into the twenty-sixth week of the stars. However, the world’s world leader, Puyuan Xianzun, at that time, in order to impact the road, he did not hesitate to weaken the whole world in Zhoutian. At the cost of comprehending the strength of the civilization, the time to integrate the world into the stars has been delayed for thousands of years. Until now, when the world of Zhoutian is about to enter into the sky, the world of the twenty-seventh seat at this time is also It has already passed the formation stage of the plane world, and gradually approached the period of integration into the starry sky, and this time is hundreds of years later or even shorter than the Sunday world itself."

Yang Junshan heard a glimpse of his face and said: "Why is this?"

Jiaozuo Long Zun sneered and said: "Without him, it is only because the world leader of Zhou Tian has successively sacrificed two golden bodies of immortals!"

The **** dragon is flat and faint, but like the same number of cockroaches, the sound of Yang Junshan is so deep that his voice can't help but tremble: "Blood sacrifice? Golden body fairy?"

Jiaozuo Longzun seems to have predicted for Yang Junshan's reaction at this time. The appearance of a banter is even more alarming for Yang Junshan.

"What is the truth of His Royal Highness?" Yang Junshan could not help but ask again.

The horned dragons have put away the banter on their faces. The color is true: "Nature is true. If there are no three, nine priests and two sages are under the design of the landlord, the essence of the body is swallowed most of the time. What is the source of the heavens and the earth that is used to feed back the world of the world, how can this world be able to survive today?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flowed in the minds of Yang Junshan, and the look of his whole person became cloudy and uncertain.

At this time, the horned dragons no longer talked, but quietly waited for Yang Junshan to digest the news he had just revealed.

After a while, Yang Junshan’s look settled down and took a deep breath. He said: “Shang Long’s Highness is following these things. Is it necessary to remind the defenders of the defense?”

Jiaozuo Longzun did not directly answer Yang Junshan's inquiry. Instead, he opened the topic and asked: "Small friends can know that behind the birth of the Three Immortals, it was originally derived from the promotion of the landlord?"

Yang Junshan wants to be the source of the thick and pure heaven and earth in the Three Immortals. He said: "In order to converge on the essence of the three sacred remnants?"

Jiao Zhuanglong smiled and seemed to agree with Yang Junshan’s speculation. “So, you are vying for the remnants of those who have already completely exemplified Jinghua, not only to get the news of the twenty-seventh seat world. At the same time, it is also to rob more of the essence of the source from the hands of the landlord. Now, in the fairy palace, whether it is a happy fairy or a sectarian fairy, they may have a disagreement about the speed of the world into the void, but There is absolutely no way for the landlord to limit the origin of the world in this world without restrictions."

Yang Junshan’s heart moved, saying: “So the Dragon’s Highness had a head-shaped iceberg that was completely sacred by the three sacred ancestors. In the middle, he killed another rifle and swallowed the diffuseness of the Immortal. One-fifth of the source of the gas?"

Jiao Xiaolong smiled and said: "Isn't the little friend who is curious about the world's landlord, how can he promote this series of calculations without going out?"

Yang Junshan suddenly flashed a hint of enlightenment, and there was a hint of gloom in his face. "The meaning of His Royal Highness is that in this world, apart from the sacred fairy and the sectarian sect, there should be a hidden existence. Force, a force that is fully loyal to the landlord?"

The horned dragon faint smiled and said: "The so-called spectator is clear, although the old man stepped into the fairyland, but in this world, it is ultimately an outsider, whether it is a sect or a fairy, or a possible lord. It is impossible for the forces to include the old man in their system. However, this will help the old man to see more things. However, the so-called power of the landlord is only suspected by the old man, and there is no direct evidence."

Yang Junshan was silent for a moment, and he began to say: "What is the purpose of His Royal Highness and the Lord?"

The horned dragon sighs indifferently: "Without him, pick up a goodwill in advance."

“Goodness?” Yang Junshan thought: “The twenty-seventh face of the world?”

Since the twenty-seventh world is already a world with a very mature and self-cultivating civilization, and there are already bounds and masters in control, then the existence above the fairyland cannot be entered again. Under the wonderland, Yang Junshan is not self-respecting. With his strength and status, it is indeed the one who is most likely to have great gains in the world of orientation.

The horned dragon sighed and smiled: "How hard is the heaven and earth treasure, not to mention the heaven and earth treasure that can be used to reshape the fairy body? And the twenty-seventh face world now has a high enough self-cultivation civilization, inside The cultivation of resources has also begun large-scale mining. Even though there are several kinds of heaven and earth, who knows if it has been used by the indigenous monks there."

Yang Junshan did not explain: "What the **** is that?"

Jiao Yanlong smiled and said: "Is it true that Xiaoyou really has no confidence in his own achievements in the golden body?"

Yang Junshan laughed dumbly and said: "The Dragon Lord is the Dragon Dragon. In this world, even if he is alone, he will not see the embarrassment of the local immortals in the palace. Even though His Royal Highness is talking about this. The highest existence in the world, no matter what the landlord is doing, but it is also poised, showing that the dragons behind the temple are strong, and the strength of the atmosphere is heavy! Do not say that you have not yet reached the immortal, even if you really condense the golden body to step into the sky, compared to the world's landlords Compared with the dragons in the extraterrestrial starry sky, what is the next thing?"

The horned dragon swayed his head and smiled bitterly: "The deity thinks that he has said very clearly, but he did not expect that Junshan Xiaoyou still did not realize the true status of Jinshen in the starry sky time."

Yang Junshan smiled and said nothing.

The horned dragon once again said: "The deity refines the remnants of the three sacred sages, and captures the original imprint of the twenty-seventh face world. With this mark, he can deceive the landlord. The monk under a fairyland is temporarily sent to the world of the plane, but this imprint is naturally impossible for you, but to be left to the deity's niece and princess."

The horned dragon stunned, and this turned to the doubtful Yang Junshan, laughing: "Don't you be afraid that no one will find you?"

Yang Junshan heard the words but also laughed, and probably understood the meaning of the horned dragon.

At this time, the horned dragon statue seemed to think of something. Su Rong asked: "Yes, the white tiger under your hand is a trouble. You are best prepared. The ghost people will not see one. The white tiger will grow up, and sooner or later will find you trouble."

Yang Junshan is about to open his mouth to thank Long Zun for reminding, but he also heard Long Zun said: "And, is Bao Jingyu and Qi Jingzong dead in your hands and your hands? And the little white tiger under your hand actually has 伥Ghost, even a surname, a surname, a bell? Hey, your kid’s means of death is that the deity can’t admire it! So you’d better go straight to the golden body, because the news about the deity, about you. It has already spread outside the domain, and there are even rumors that your name has been passed to the ears of Zhong Rong!"

Yang Junshan smiled again and again. Since the last Huang Ting ghost repaired the land and escaped from Qu Wushan, Yang Junshan knew that there would be this day, but when he heard the news from the corner of the dragon, he could not avoid Yang Junshan. Feel the scalp numb.

However, the horned dragon respect seems to be against Yang Junshan's addiction, and continues: "I have to say that your boy's ability to provoke right and wrong is indeed admired by everyone. In addition to the ghosts, the deity also gets news, it seems that there is a gang of ruins, you The kid is hung up among the unpopular people. The deity even helped you inquire about it. It is said that it is directly related to the death of a Huang Tingru."

Yang Junshan understands that this is actually that the horned dragon is reminding him in this way, and he is prepared to guard against the possible calculations from these forces.

Yang Junshan also asked some questions about different ethnic groups outside the domain. When he talked about Heluo Palace, he asked Long Zun to see Luo Bingyang and wanted to learn from him. .

However, this time, I didn’t want to refuse to say this: "The kid was born in Heluo Palace, and now he is helping the old man to repair the Dragon Island of Long Island. Now there is no time for you to exchange ideas." ”

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Long Island is a floating island, and there is a guardian of the dragon. The dragon is sitting in the town and suppressing it. Even though the world is disintegrating on Sunday, it begins to transform into a starry world, and the influence on Long Island is also Very little?"

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