Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1360: Nine days

Although there are very few news about the nine-day world, it is not without it.

Although the nine-day world is still an independent and relatively closed plane world, but for thousands of years, it is not that no other monks have strayed into this world.

Perhaps they will not be able to get out of the world after entering this world, but they may not have the means to pass on some news.

Like a drifting bottle thrown out of the sea by people who are trapped on an island, there are always one or two lucky ones to get, so that you get some fragmented about the twenty-seventh world, that is, the nine-day world. Message.

Or, like Yang Junshan and others, I am fortunate to have the original imprint of the nine-day world. I can stay in this world for a short while avoiding the surveillance of the landlord. Although I still can’t locate the space of the nine-day world in the stars. Location, but can get some relatively complete news about the nine days of the world.

As for the news about the nine-day world left by the three sacred sages in the secret of the fairy tales, it was as early as thousands of years ago, and now it has changed. Although most of the news is no longer a reference, there are very few messages that can be Yang Junshan and the celestial sages in the fairy palace infer many clues of value from them.

For example, the three-day world tour of the three centuries before the reign of the three centuries, from the information of the nine priests to Yang Junshan in the hands of the immortals in the fairy palace, the three sacred sages entered The nine-day world of molding should be completely unintentional under a chance.

However, I don’t know if it’s too much to say that the three sacred sacred qi is too far-fetched, or that he was handed over to Huagai’s unfortunate home, and that the three sacred sects who strayed into the world of nine days happened to meet the battle of the nine-day world. The war, but also faintly joined in.

The great supernatural powers who can qualify to participate in the battle for the landlord are all cultivated to achieve the existence of the golden body. The three sacred sects are just a good **** fairy. At best, they compete with the participating lords. The senior leaders of several horses are quite equal.

However, when the great supernatural powers of several stars are fighting for the position of the nine-day world leader, it is at this time that the three sacred sages enter the scene, and at once they are regarded as intentions to hide and prepare for picking peaches. The despicable villain, then the three sacred deities are tragedy...

Of course, these great supernaturals quickly understood that a small god, in any case, could not be eligible to participate in the battle for the world leader, but there was already more than one gold. The body has already shot him.

It’s true that the three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The center of the battle of the magical person, even he can find the first treasure of the ice line in an ice dome that has been collapsed by himself, reinventing the success of the fairy body and advancement to the golden body.

However, at this point in time, the original has been the air transport of the three sacred sects and finally began to be extremely sad!

At the end of the battle for the landlord, the new landlord is in the upper position, and the other contenders have left the world without hesitation, because the three sacred sacred ones who have been late for the advanced breakthrough have suddenly become the new landlord. The best choice for killing Liwei.

It may be said that the remaining air transport at the time of the Three Immortals is still strong, and after the success of the New Territories, it is obviously impossible to control the will of the whole plane world. After the three masters were severely damaged, they still managed to escape. Even after the pursuit of the masters, he managed to escape to the world of Zhou, and at this time, the good fortune that accompanied him seemed to be exhausted, and eventually he was saved by the world’s world leaders. .

Combined with the information given to him by Jiu Xianxian, and his own speculation, Yang Junshan reluctantly promoted the beginning and end between the three sacred sages and the nine-day world. At the same time, he probably reached a conclusion. The reason why the nine-day world's original mark is probably because of the opportunity to break into it, the world has not been controlled by the landlord, but also misunderstood and participated in the battle of the landlord.

Yang Junshan, as an outsider himself, can sneak into the world of nine days by virtue of his original mark, but at the same time, the original mark will be taken back by the will of the world of the nine days, and then he will not be able to enter it.

I don't know if the recycling of this original mark is mandatory!

Yang Junshan spread two palms, carefully looking at the two of the palms are generally similar, but in some minutiae there are two distinct origins of the rune imprint -

This time, it was not only Yang Junshan, but also because of the agreement between the emperors and the other reasons. These are not the same actions. It’s all about it, no one knows who’s whereabouts and when he sneaked into the world of nine days.

This is a lonely and desolate starry sky. Yang Junshan is in a continuous floating mountain range.

According to the clues left by the three immortals, the position of the nine-day world is probably near this star field, but the specific location is not found. It is clear that now that Yang Junshan wants to enter it, he can only rely on the induction of the original mark in the palm, just like Yang Junshan returns from the outside world to the world of the world. As long as he enters the thousands of miles around the world, he will be able to Communicate by yourself and open the space channel to return.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Junshan has been in this star field for half a month, and the original imprint in the palm has already been sensed, but he still has never seen anyone from Zhou. The monks of the Heavenly World, it seems that they want to meet in the world of nine days, but they don’t know how to send the Princess Sissi to the world of Zhou.

After all, Princess Sui and Hu Niu are essentially different. Although both are demon repairs, Hu Niu is the native of Zhou Tianshi, and Princess Sissi is born outside the domain.

The reason why Yang Junshan has been here for many days, in addition to wanting to encounter other Taoist priests who have been sneaked into the nine-day world by the Immortal Palace, there is also a reason that since the departure of Zhou Tianshi by Jiuyi Xianzun He has always had a bad feeling of foreboding. He always felt that this trip outside the country was afraid of something bad.

When it is repaired to a certain extent, the monks will feel something for some things, and these sensors are often fulfilled in most cases, and Yang Junshan’s cultivation at this time is already at the point of the fairyland. The induction is more and more obvious.

But Yang Junshan also understands that since this kind of induction has already occurred, it is impossible for him to avoid this time, and even the more he has to avoid the trouble, the more likely it will be.

This may be a practice in itself!

Yang Junshan often breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the inspiration from the original mark in the palm of his hand, and turned into a twilight from the floating mountain range, closing his eyes and looking for the one from the void. The feelings in the midst of the sky are all gone.

I don’t know how long it took to fly. When Yang Junshan perceives the difference between the two, she finds a void vortex appearing in the empty starry sky. When he is about to fly into the space vortex, A space channel in the center of the vortex gradually formed, but it was not as strong as the world in the sun, but with a hint of pure and energetic heaven and earth.

Although in the process of sneaking into the world of nine days, subject to the oppression of space, the process of absorbing and refining the origin of this world makes Yang Junshan feel quite comfortable!

The nine-day world is a rather strange and unavoidable world. At least compared to the vast expanse of the earth and the ocean in the world of the sun, the whole world of the nine-day world is formed by nine unconnected floating roads of different heights.

At this time, the terrain of Yang Junshan’s location looks strange, and the vegetation growing here looks equally unusual. The vegetation does not look very tall, and the growing cane leaves and the like are on the ground. Above, even above these branches and leaves, there are tiny roots that must be plunged into the soil.

After observing the surrounding environment for a while, Yang Junshan suddenly woke up and quickly checked the original imprint of his hands and found that the two imprints were in each other, which was a slight relief.

However, he soon noticed that although the two original imprints were there, the one left by Jiu Xian Xian Zun had a more intense induction. Through this kind of induction, Yang Junshan could even perceive it. The direction to the source of sensing, the approximate location and the distance from this location.

On the contrary, the induction from the original imprint on the right hand is extremely weak, except that it can point him to a general direction, and other Yang Junshan can't perceive it.

The two original imprints gave Yang Junshan two different kinds of inductions. One strong and one weak and not the same, even the direction of perception is different.

Yang Junshan was originally just a passport to the nine-day world. It seems that it is not so simple. The two original imprints seem to indicate the specific location of a certain place or places in the nine-day world. .

Undoubtedly, it should be closer to the place where the left-hand source mark echoes, so that Yang Junshan’s perception can be made clearer, and the place that echoes the original mark on the right hand is far away. As far as each other's echoes are extremely weak, they can only give Yang Junshan an indication that the direction is extremely blurred.

When Yang Junshan was still savouring the perceptions of the two original imprints, the two messages originating from the original imprint were transmitted to his mind, which made Yang Junshan look sad.

"One month? This source mark can only last for one month in the nine-day world?"

What is enough for this time?

Yang Junshan looked up at the low hills that were undulating but had no end. This world has nine such huge land. One month can't finish a continent, and what kind of treasure can I search?


Today is the number one. Just thinking about it, this chapter is a supplement to yesterday’s.

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