Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1365: situation

"Than brother, why are you so anxious to get here?"

Tie Xun was dragged by Xie Guangdao in the early morning, and came all the way to the Devil's Wing Gorge. This gave him the opportunity to ask him why.

Xie Guangdao people are full of mysterious words: "Is there no news for the iron brother?"

Tie Xundao knew that he had always been well informed, and he quickly shook his head, and some ignorant: "What news?"

After all, Tie Xundao had a friendly move and his eyes turned bright: "Is it about those who are outside the country? Do they have any news?"

Xie Guang glanced around and saw that although he had entered the Devil's Wing Gorge, the winds of the ghosts and wolverines could cover the conversations between the two, but the Xie Guangdao people seemed to be extremely cautious, indicating that Tie Xundao continued to the Ghost Whistling Gorge. Walking in the depths, I continued to say: "Yes, it is the news from the Red Gold continent, where the Xianzang has been opened."

Tie Xundao’s footsteps were fierce, and he was shocked. “What? Really opened? So, those who have stolen people really have the key to open the three secrets, and those legends are true?”

The existence of the three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Repeatedly deepen the mystery of the Three Immortals and the auras that cannot be opened, so that when the Three Immortals are really opened, even if they are repaired to the level of Texan and Xie Guang, the first reaction It is often unbelievable.

However, Xie Guangdao said that Tie Xundao was a little bit safe, and then he looked solemnly: "The old man couldn't believe it when he heard the news for the first time. However, the source of this news is that the old man is completely incapable of questioning. The Xianzang of the Red Gold continent was indeed opened, and it also caused a big mess. Now even the Heavenly Kings have gone to more than one."

After the shock of the first time, the people of Tiexundao smiled bitterly at this moment: "Lian Xianjun has gone to more than one? The charm of the three sacred sacred treasures is truly unparalleled, even the longevity celestial beings in the heavens are Can't resist?"

Unexpectedly, Xie Guangdao still shook his head in a dignified look. He said, "No, this time, the iron brother is afraid of guessing wrong. Those who are immortal are not fighting for the treasures of the fairy tales. Of course, maybe This purpose is not ruled out, but the direct reason for Xianjun’s dismissal is because there is a big mess in the Chijin mainland. Those who are in charge of the situation are trying to suppress the situation there."

Tie Xundao people were shocked and said: "The chaos, what mess? Is it possible that one or two smugglers outside the area can be reversed?"

Xie Guangdao said with a bitter smile: "The stowaway naturally did not have the ability. In fact, he was enthroned after he opened the discovery of Xianzang. After that, he escaped. What may be in the smugglers? Things can enable them to open the void channel and leave the world for nine days. However, although the smuggler has left, the opening of the sacred possession is enough to make the Red Gold Continental monks who heard the news come out."

Tie Xundao heard the news not only did not reveal the slightest shock, but the face was full of joy: "So, the legend is really true, there are countless natural treasures in the three hidden treasures?"

Xie Guangdao people smiled bitterly: "There are countless natural treasures, but the quantity is affirmative, and it can be seen and collected by a god. The quality is naturally not said, and it is poured into the fairy. The Red Gold Continental monks caused a scuffle even if they competed for these treasures, and as more and more monks heard the news, the melee did not calm down, but it became more and more fierce, knowing that the melee caused the entire Xianzang space to oscillate. The final collapse, at least caused more than five road repairs, dozens of heaven and earth treasures were too late to rescue and collapsed space, coupled with casualties in the melee, this fallen road repair may not be lower than Ten."

“Hey, has it collapsed?” Tie Xun’s people heard that their eyelids were beating, the color of their faces was deplorable, and then they said: “Thousands of heavenly treasures, what, so much? The entire Red Gold continent What is the total number of monks above the border?"

Xie Guangdao people smiled bitterly: "This is not the case. There are so many people who have died. Almost every one is the head and brain of various forces. This can only be the deeper and deeper the enemy, and the scale of the conflict is getting bigger and bigger. By the time I received the news, almost half of the Red Gold continent had already fallen into turmoil. In this situation, even if two or three immortals are in the air, don’t think about being able to suppress the situation in a short time."

Tie Xundao people imagined that there were dozens of scenes in which there was a melee. They couldn’t help but shudder, but looked at the depths of the Devil’s Gap, or said: “Unfortunately, until now, we are not sure that the three sacred sacred hides in the Black Wind continent. The exact location of Ghost Whiskey is only considered to be the most likely."

"So we have to come here, aren't we?" Xie Guangdao asked.

Tie Xundao Shen Shen said: "What do you mean by saying... Waiting for the rabbit?"

Xie Guangdao nodded: "Yes, the news on the Red Gold continent has not yet arrived here. This may be your chance. If Xianzang is really here and opened, you and I will join in. Take one or two things and leave, never because the greed is blocked inside."

Tie Xundao people figured it out, and in the end it was even more tempting among the three sacred sacred sacred sects. He made up his mind: "Just do it, and succumb to timidity and timidity."

The two Thunderbolt people reached a cooperation intention, and the next step is to further deepen into the depths of Devil's Wing Gorge to avoid the attention of others.

However, at the time when the two were about to leave, in the gust of the Devil's Wings, a lightly floating voice was clearly floating in the ears of the two.

"The news of the two of you is afraid that it is still a little late. If you want to take the opportunity to break into the fairy tales, do you think that the extraterritorial smuggler will give you a chance?"

Xie Guang and Tie Xun two people were shocked and quickly moved closer together to prevent accidents.

In this ghost weeping gorge, in the case that the two are prepared, they can still hear the voices of the two people, so that the coming person is either a special mystery or the strength of the coming person is far in the second. Above people.

"You don't have to be nervous. If the old man really wants the lives of both of you, you don't have to say anything to remind you both."

In the squally wind of the Devil's Gap, there is no shadow in the gorge, a shadow is like a leaf floating in the canyon. There is a sinister intention to penetrate the bone marrow before the two.

"Ah, you--" Xie Guangdao apparently recognized the person in front of him, but it seems that there is no direct reference to it. Instead, he turned his voice into a loud smile. He said: "I really haven't. I thought that even you were alarmed."

The people of Tie Xundao heard something from the tone of Xie Guangdao, and they stood very respectfully by the side of Tie Xundao.

A horrible laughter came from the population, and Xie Guangdao said: "The news of your kid is well-informed, but it is still a poor one. Nowadays, it is not only the Red Gold continent, but also the fairy tales of the Blue Flame continent have already been born. ”

The two people were shocked to hear the news. Xie Guangdao people felt a keen sense of what they were, and continued to lower their posture. "I just don't know what the current situation of the Blue Flame continent is. It will not be as chaotic as the Red Gold continent." Is it?"

The person once again made a horrible laugh, saying: "How can Heaven make this happen again and again, but they are still miscalculated, even though the stowaway sneaked in time when they opened Xianzang, but The original imprint of the stowaway was followed by the news after the man fell, and the immortality began to close, and only a few treasures were brought out."

"Closed again?"

Once again, not only the Xie Guangdao, but also the people of Tie Xundao are also a mistake.

Xie Guangdao quickly asked: "Where does the original imprint of Xianzang open?"

The person with a smile on his face said: "Hey, can you guess two of you?"

The people of Tiexun are still somewhat ignorant, but Xie Guangdao is somewhat awkward and said: "Hey, is that - that? If so, then it is still possible to continue to open after the day."

The person nodded and said: "The reason is very short-answered, but it is flowing toward the water, not to mention that although the one is going to go further, but before this goal is reached, I am afraid I will not see someone in the heavens wash away. At the beginning of the day, the three roads of the heavens are the best way to go."

Tie Xundao and Xie Guangdao looked at each other and did not dare to pick up this one.

After a while, Xie Guangdao decided to set the **** and continued to ask: "So the predecessor's meaning is -"

The singer took a look at the two people and said: "It's very simple. What do you mean by grabbing one or two things inside? With the old man, if you can kill the stowaway before Xianzang is found, it will open the source of Xianzang. Is it not better to temporarily control your hands in your hands?"

After the two thunderous people were shocked, Tie Xundao asked carefully: "For the time being?"

The screaming screaming, the sorrow that can't be said in the look, said: "Why, is your courage bigger than the old man, and you want to overwhelm the original imprint to make the sacred possession as your own?"

Xie Guangdao people touched the people of Tie Xundao without a trace. Tie Xundao people hurriedly waved: "Don’t dare, all of you rely on your predecessors to tell you."

The person nodded with satisfaction and said: "This is right. If Xianzang is really in this ghostly gorge, then the first person must have the ability to go deep into the Devil's Wing, but can sneak in. The extraterritorial monks want to come and don't come to the wine-bags. Just look at the strength of the stowaways who have opened the two mainland Xianzang of Chijin and Lanyan. We only need to wait at the limit. At this time, everyone is going to the limit. I still want to go further, then just kill the killer, and it’s not a problem."

Both Xie Guang and Tie Xun quickly said: "All the only seniors are the leader."


There is one more!

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