Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1371: short

Chinese goods treasure?

Yang Junshan’s strangeness barely believes in his own eyes. However, the canoe that has been floating behind him is indeed a hobby from the lower treasures to the middle treasures.

Although the quality improvement of this magic weapon can only see the result and can not observe the process, Yang Junshan can still vaguely perceive that even if the quality of the canoe is promoted to the treasure of the Chinese product, the process of promotion is still not termination.

However, the canoe itself has been warmed up by Yang Junshan for decades. Its quality has already reached the peak of the next-class treasure. It is only a lack of opportunity to break through the promotion to the Chinese-made treasures. Now, if you want to go further after the advanced Even if the quality of the canoe itself is still in the process of upgrading, it will not be achieved within a short period of time.

After figuring out what happened in the canoe, Yang Junshan naturally couldn't help but be curious. In the end, this canoe is a fusion of what kind of heaven and earth, so that its quality can be qualitatively changed?

Yang Junshan’s knowledge is felt inside and outside the canoe, even if he wastes a lot of time, in order to find the root of the quality change of the canoe.

In the end, around the spirit of the canoe, Yang Junshan's knowledge finally sharply captured an invisible atmosphere that was slowly blending around the spirit.

“Is this a popular treasure ‘thousand miles of hurricanes’?”

Yang Junshan's frowning is somewhat uncertain, because this smog has already merged with the canoe's instrumental spirit, and it has produced a lot of qualitative changes. He himself does not know much about the popular treasures, only to speculate possible. It is this thing.

If this is the case, this singular fusion of canoe and canoe can also make sense. After all, the popular treasure of “a thousand miles of hurricane” is more inclined to fly, and the canoe itself It is a pure magic weapon, which makes the two things undergo such a wonderful change after the collision.

However, in spite of this, Yang Junshan still feels a great regret in his heart. The "thousand miles of hurricanes" is also a popular treasure, and the starting point of the magic boat itself seems to be too low, if it is perceived in advance. This kind of breath, and intercept and capture the two before they collide, then this world is in his hands, and may be able to play a bigger role in the future.

However, Yang Junshan turned to think again, so it is his own magic weapon to collide with this wind, otherwise let alone whether he can perceive it and intercept it, even more likely to miss this world. .

Thousands of birds are not as good as a bird in the forest, so Yang Junshan will no longer entangle this matter.

Because the spirit is merging with the wind, the matter can no longer rely on the instinct to swallow the temperament of the Xianzang. Yang Junshan simply re-integrated the canoe into the temperate of Dantian, so that the speed of the quality improvement of this magic weapon can be accelerated. .

As for the Ding Fengzhu, which was just started, this thing is a perfect thing for the monks to use to cultivate the incarnation of the body. However, it is not used for Yang Junshan. It can only be temporarily collected as a magic weapon. And because of the popularity of "a thousand miles of hurricane", he was diluted by the joy of the fixed wind.

However, getting "a thousand miles of hurricane" is an accident, and getting a fixed wind is also an accident!

Originally, Yang Junshan was rushed over to perceive the change of the origin of the fairyland. However, Dingfengzhu is only an unexpected discovery on the way. Its own characteristics are obviously impossible to promote the surging of the popular source, then there should be another His things are, even Yang Junshan suspects that the hurricane raging situation formed by the entire Ghost Whistling Gorge may be related to it.

Yang Junshan made up his mind just to think a little and continued to move in the direction of the sense of God.

At the same time, the violent spatial fluctuations came from two different positions in Xianzang. Yang Junshan’s figure was slightly changed, and then he rushed toward the popular source in a faster way. Under the strong wind pressure, it is the sturdy body of Yang Junshan, which is bleeding out from the pores that are squeezed.

The two tyrannical gods swept from the different orientations of Xianzang. After a while, they captured the position of Yang Junshan at almost the same time, and then they came to him.

Yang Junshan turned a deaf ear to this, still firmly marching in the direction of the popular source, but what Yang Junshan expected, when the two Xianjun quickly approached him, the speed suddenly suddenly slowed down. Even from the sense of the gods, it is quite a bit difficult.

Yang Junshan sneered, if it is a single argument about each other's strength, Yang Junshan naturally cannot be the opponent of the two immortals, but in the current environment, simply comparing the temperament of the flesh, he is really not afraid that these two sages can The wind pressure can be caught up under such suppression.

A powerful hurricane head-on, even Yang Junshan could barely open his eyes, and at this time, he blinked and finally saw a wind-cold wind.

Tianfengzhu, it really is Tianfengzhu!

I really didn't expect that the nine-day world's black winds on the mainland actually had such a popular treasure. What I didn't even think of was that the three celestial celestial beings could capture and confine the Tianfeng column in Xianzang.

Tianfengzhu, this is a popular source of treasure that can only be nurtured in the hurricane of nine days.

Although Yang Junshan does not know that this thing is specifically ranked among the popular treasures, it is certain that the tablet of this object is definitely among the best.

At the moment of seeing this thing, Yang Junshan has already understood roughly, where the huge wind pressure in the entire Xianzang is derived from, and where the hurricane raging in the ghostly gorge comes from, all this is It originated from the huge wind column that is rotating in front of the eyes. Even if the three sacred sages confine it to the fairy tales, they can still infiltrate the power of the original source from the secret space.

Just how can this thing be recovered?

Even if the three sacred sacred priests were originally repaired with Jin Sinxian, they could only imprison this Tianfeng column. Yang Junshan does not think that his own skill is bigger than the three sacred sages!

Seeing that he wants to get closer to the difficulty of the Tianfeng column, Yang Junshan had no choice but to refine the grass that had just arrived, and then he sang it. The original tyrannical wind that suppressed his eyes could not be opened. The pressure was reduced, and the pressure on his body was reduced.

At this time, Yang Junshan noticed that his whole person had been stained with blood from the pores at this time, and it looked like a blood hyacinth. It can be seen that he had been under the pressure of the Tianfeng column.

However, even if Yang Junshan sacrificed a fixed wind, it is impossible to completely shield the original wind pressure from the front, but at best it can only be slightly slowed down.

These different treasures of Dingfengzhu will become completely inadequate in front of Tianfengzhu, the top of the world.

However, for Yang Junshan at this time, even if it is only to slow down the pressure he had originally suffered, it is enough.

Yang Junshan once again approached the position where Tianfengzhu was located, and the two Xianjun, who had already been very close to him, were once again opened.

When Yang Junshan became more and more close to the Tianfeng Pillar, he discovered a phenomenon that made him feel astonished. That is, the Tianfeng Pillar that seems to be standing on top of the sky seems to be shrinking.

Yang Junshan almost thought that he had made a mistake. When he looked at the supernatural powers of the great cold and the spirits, he reaffirmed his previous conclusions. This root is almost connected to the Tianfeng column of the fairyland space. It is indeed shrinking because of the evaporation of the inner strength of the source, and the speed of reduction is extremely fast!

Yang Junshan suddenly feels a bit stunned. If the hurricane in the Devil's Gap is affected by the popular essence that oozes from the secret of the fairy, then after the opening of the fairy, it is directly from the space channel. The source of the evaporation of the Tianfeng column itself.

Perhaps the first three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred mainland.

Yang Junshan, who wants to understand this, has once again tried to speed up his footsteps. The pressure that was originally relieved by Fengzhu for his efforts has quickly returned to him, but he is now close to Tianfengzhu.

At this time, clear spatial fluctuations reappear and are distributed in different orientations of the mystery, and it seems that there are at least five or six.

The more people come in, the more the space channel of Xianzang will be opened up, and the larger the space channel, the faster the sky wind column in the Xianzang will evaporate!

The acceleration and collapse of the Tianfeng column not only did not make Yang Junshan feel relaxed, but because he caused more wind pressure during the volatilization process, he became more and more miserable.

At this time, the two Xianjun, who had been slightly opened by Yang Junshan, suddenly became very powerful. Even in the case of increased wind pressure, they suddenly went upstream and quickly narrowed the distance with Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan understands that this may be the fact that the two sages have confirmed the existence of Tianfengzhu. Naturally, they want to get it at all costs, or maybe they have received any instructions from these two princes, but they are planning to do whatever they want. It is also necessary to deal with him if he consumes pure yang.

However, regardless of which type, Yang Junshan must get Tianfengzhu as soon as possible, because the Tianfeng column has been reduced to almost one-third of the original size, and it continues to shrink rapidly.

Fortunately, the six Taoist repairs who just came in a breath didn’t know the existence of Tianfengzhu, and they were not directed at Yang Junshan. After they came in, they rummaged through the treasures in the fairy tales. Naturally, I will not join in the fun of the two immortals.

Yang Junshan finally approached Tianfengzhu with great courage and perseverance, and his shoulders have been under the ribs, but they have been blown off by the wind to see the blood of two deep visible bones.

One left and one right, two magical lights twitched, Nie Chang and the shadow two Xianjun were attacked by Yang Junshan in the first time.

However, at this time, the Tianfeng Pillar, which had been reduced to a third, suddenly showed a collapse-like weakening. The spiral squad that had been condensed into it was almost one-fifth of the time.

Yang Junshan was overjoyed and quickly bite his teeth in the first two steps. Before the two immortals, the only remaining spiral wind column was put into the bag.

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