Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1394: Mediation

Zhoutian World Yuzhou Chenyu County.

Yan Yan and a few Yang's children hurried into the old house of Yangshi in Qingshi Town. It is just that Yang Junping has been waiting here for a long time.

"Old nine, how is the current situation?" Yan Yan asked straight into the knife.

At this time, many Yang’s children were stationed in the old house. Yan Yan could not call Yang Junping’s “second brother” and could only be called by Yang’s third generation of the monk’s ranking.

Yang Junping’s gaze was first swept by Yang Lan and Yang Yaoyao who followed Daxie’s body. He saw that the two children were innocent, and this look dignified: “The situation is not very good!”

Yan Yan waved his hand and sat down first. Then he told me: "Go and ask your thirteen uncle to come over, and by the way, the two elders Zhou and Ning will also come."

After all, Yan Yan looked at Yang Junping: "When everyone comes, let's talk!"

Yang Junping nodded, and his eyes looked at the family members who stood in the lobby of the old house at this time. They found that although most people were ups and downs, there were several obvious injuries, but the number did not appear. After the absence, this was a slight relief.

In a short while, there were twilight landings outside the lobby, and several ancestors such as Yang Junyi, Zhou Yi, and Ning Bin walked in.

After waiting for everyone to sit down, Yan Yan nodded to Yang Junping and said: "Old nine, you said."

Although Yang Junping is not a Taoist monk, his position is there, even if Yang Junyi can't get big in front of him.

I saw Yang Junping nodded to several Taoist ancestors and said: "At present, the situation faced by Yang is a bit grim. Since the family's main force came to the confrontation between Chenyu County and the Devil's Blood, the spy of the various forces has not stopped. ”

Speaking of this, Yang Junping’s voice paused and said: “After Jun Xiu’s departure from Qu Wushan, her two monks and monks have left to defend because of their comfort, so they are now in Quwu Mountain. Only Bawu, a demon king, was still in the air, and had just received news from Quwu Mountain. In the foothills of the south, it has been found that the wolf demon is spying."

Yang Jun screamed and said: "The grey wolf, the tortoise and the sun dare to show up, where did he come from, crossing Lingxiao County?"

Yang Junping shook his head and said: "That is not, according to the tracking of the Dark Raven King, the few wolves should be bypassing Lingxiao County. In the south of Quwu Mountain, the people of Sirius Gate are more like Peek into the reality of Qu Wushan."

Yan Yan said: "It is not difficult to understand. In the past few years, the Sirius Gate has been completely shocked by Jun Xiu, but from the action of Sirius Gate, I am afraid that Jun Xiudu’s departure from Qu Wu Mountain has already been known. It is."

Yan Yan thought of the news that Yang Yuyu reported to her after returning from Qu Wushan that day. The appearance of the Tiger King in Qu Wushan and the conversation with Yang Junxiu gave her some unpredictable feelings.

"What else?" Yang Junyi asked anxiously.

Yang Junping continued: "The message has been sent to Wu Shuo and Jiu Li and the two big witches, asking them to help, but these two seem to have scruples, and they are not willing to fight against Yang and the magical blood."

Yan Yan’s look is unchanged, and he nodded indifferently. “It’s understandable. After all, from the standpoint, Wu Shuo and Jiu Li and the Devil’s Blood are both of the same domain. Even if they don’t consider themselves, Also consider the position of the witches."

Having said that, Yan Yan also said: "Then let them sit in the town of Qu Wushan. The Sirius Gate is not an extraterritorial force. If you want to come, they are willing to take the shot."

Yang Junping’s eyes brightened and said: “If there are two people sitting in Quwu Mountain, then there should be no worries on the side of Sirius. Would it be better to transfer Bawu? Although Bawu is a demon repair, it is not an extraterritorial force. He and Hu Niu is generally a local demon repair, at this time more than one Tao Xiu is more than a chance to win."

Yan Yan only slightly hesitated, and vetoed: "No, Qu Wushan must have someone to lead the demon, and Shu Shuo and Jiu Li are not demon after all. After Jun Xiu left, no one can be in town except Bawu. I can get hundreds of demon repairs in Quwu Mountain."

Yang Junping was frustrated, and the other Yang’s monks in the lobby were also dignified, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little nervous.

Yan Yan seems to have not been affected by the atmosphere. He once again asked: "What news can Lan Lan have overseas?"

As the second disciple of Yang Junshan, Ding Rulan, who has advanced the way, is undoubtedly the first person of Yang’s fourth generation, and the ice line that Ding Rulan has taken. A pulse, because of its own talents, the magical power of cultivation is great, and there are few rivals among the same-level monks. If you can get back from overseas, it is undoubtedly a big boost.

However, Yang Junping heard the news but smiled bitterly: "If Lan is not very good overseas, even the family's contact with her has been cut off. Now she can only contact her through Long Island."

Ning Bin heard the words: "So Miss Ding herself can be dangerous?"

Yang Junping said: "From the news from Long Island, it is not dangerous to see Lan."

Speaking of this, Yang Junping seems to have unfinished words, but he looked at Yan Yan and seemed to have some scruples. In the end, he still did not say much.

However, Yang Junyi did not have so much scruples. Hearing Yang Junping talking about Long Island, he asked immediately: "But the Dragon Island Princess took care of it? I heard that the fourth brother and the person, oh, that, have also visited Longdao. The real dragon island owner on the top, I wonder if the island owner can come forward to mediate one or two?"

Although Yang Junyi’s character is rather sparse, people are not stupid. When they say that their mouths are not responding right, they quickly turn to the main island of Longdao Island.

Yang Junping glanced at Yan Yan and found that her look did not change. She said: "I am afraid that the Long Island Island owner is super-status, but in the end it is also an outside party. From that, the news from the Long Island is coming. The other side is also inclined to be neutral, but it is enough to protect the foundation of Rulan and our Yang family overseas."

"Speaking of mediation, I heard that Qi Daozu, who recently sat in Xishan, seems to be interested in asking Ling Yizong's Sang Wuji Dao to come forward to mediate the conflict between the family and the Valley of Fire." Zhou Yi suddenly interjected.

"Hey, the Valley of Fires is also going to be looted? When the blood of the demon field is attacking Huaiyu County, they want to rob the fire. If the uncle is still there, they will not believe that they dare to provoke us Yang!" Yang Yuyao said indignantly.

"You shut up, here is where you talk!" Yang Junping yelled.

Yang Yan, who was next to him, quickly licked her clothes. Yang Xiaoyao was still angrily, but she did not say anything.

Yang Junping said: "The news from Xishan should be that the two lower-ranking monks have conflicts between the actual control lines of Yueyao County and Jiayu County. Although there is no big incident, but the ten sisters However, I was worried that when the family and the demon domain blood were fighting, I would also succumb to the fire valley. Therefore, I would like to ask the sorrowful ancestor as a mediator to make the raging valleys taboo. After all, anyway, Sang Wuji’s ancestors and ours Yang’s friendship is shallow.”

In the lobby, the Yang’s monk heard the words and nodded his approval. At present, Yang’s own burden of Yang Junshan’s disappearance and the invasion of the demon domain blood is obviously unwise, even if it’s clear. Knowing that the Valley of Fire is deliberately ignoring the fire, this breath will also swallow.

Secondly, it is also because of the relationship between Sang Wuji's Taoist ancestors and Yang's ancestors. It is not necessary to say that Yang Junshan is also a teacher and a friend. He is still Yang Junyi's Yuezhang, and Yang Junqi can be regarded as his niece, and at the same time with Yang. The three most important ethnic groups in the family maintain a close relationship. It is conceivable that the ancestors of Sang Wuji are in the detached position of Yang.

Only Ning Bin seems to talk to himself, saying: "I didn't expect the Huang Ting ancestor of the Ling Yizong to be so deep with Yang. It is said that there is still a great supernatural person and Junshan Taoist ancestor in Yao County. The relationship is extremely deep, that is, the Aoyuan Taoist ancestor who is now sitting in the Kailing School. Since I asked Sang Wuji Dao to come forward to mediate, I would like to ask one more person. I want to come to the Aoyuan Taoist ancestor to see the face of Junshan Daozu. This is also a busy meeting. Help."

Ning Bin said that his eyes were on the first face of the audience sitting in the lobby.

In fact, when Ning Bin just opened his mouth, Yan Yan’s eyes flashed a trace of fineness, but she quickly re-masked the fine mans.

When Ning Bin looked at her, Yan Biao had regained the original look of trepidation, but Ning Bin could not see anything from it.

At this time, Yang Junping said: "If you can move the Aoyuan ancestors, it is natural, but I am afraid it is too late. On the other side of Xishan, I want to start mediation."

Ning Bin heard a glimpse of his face and quickly looked at Yan Yan again.

However, Yan Yan suddenly stood up from his seat and said: "If this is the case, then I will concentrate on dealing with the offensive of the demon blood. The situation is severe, but it will not deteriorate in a short time. ”

Yan Yan’s voice was a loud meal, and then he said with deep meaning: “This is a rare test of strength for my Xishan Yang’s. If we can survive this battle, then Xishan Yang’s first family in the cultivation world. The title is a real name."

Ning Bin looks a bit complicated and seems to want to say something, but after Yan Yan finished, he left the hall.

At the same time, Mengyu County's Xishan sky, the original invisible but like an integrated five-line Lei Guangdao, today is a magnificent space portal that can only be observed only when the territory exists.

Just in front of the space portal that could not be seen in the eyes of ordinary monks, Yang Junqi stood up and seemed to be waiting for important people to come to visit.

Suddenly, there was a cloud of light in the void, slowly turning into a space portal in the void beyond the length of more than a hundred feet in front of Yang Junqi.

At this time, Yang Junqi suddenly said: "There is a teacher who came to work today, and Xishan Yang is grateful!"

"Ha ha……"

A burst of laughter came, and Sang Wuji’s figure appeared in front of the space portal. “You and I don’t have the name of mentoring, especially on this mountain. It’s enough to say that the old man’s ‘predecessor’ is enough.”

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