Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1408: response

"Most of the formations of the five elements of the Leiguang Dome extended to the Badlands Town have been forcibly destroyed. Now the family has basically lost control of the desert town!"

In the Chamber of Deputies, all the news about Mengyu County is continuously gathered here.

"What happened? I didn't send a message before, saying that Hu Niu killed the Grey Wolf Taoist in the desert town?" Yang Junping asked a thick layer of sweat on his forehead.

"It was Zhang Yuming, Zhang Yuming appeared. He took three shackles and smashed the thunder nets that were woven in the sky over the desert town in the middle of the sky. The knife and the mysterious Huangting ghost repair machine destroyed. Most of the bases of the desert town." Yang Lan said with some panic.

"Bastard, this is Zhang Yiming, I will go to him for a while!" Yang Junyi suddenly stood up, and there was a flush on his face.

Yang Junping said: "Don't be stubborn. You have been seriously injured by Zhang Yuming. How many strengths can you still have now?"

Yang Jun screamed: "That can't let them go wild here. If you go on like this, even if the four brothers' five-ray Rays of the Road are exquisite, they will gradually tend to eat under the encroachment of so many great supernaturals." collapse!"

Yang Junping frowned and sighed: "It is true that someone will stop them."

"I will go!"

A cold voice suddenly came.

The people in the synagogue heard the sound, but they saw Yang Junqi’s arrogance. His face looked awkward, but his eyes were extremely firm.

"Ten sister, you..."

Yang Junping opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

Yang Tianling and Yang Junqi’s mother and daughter once lived together. The mother and daughter were very emotional. This time Yang Tianling was harmed by others, and Yang Junqi was almost slain. The whole person was immersed in the grief of losing her closest relatives.

However, Yang Junping also knows that Yang is now in distress, and Yang’s top-ranking combat power, Yang Junqi must be shot as soon as possible, he does not even know how to comfort her.

"Reassured, I am not so vulnerable!" Yang Junqi said faintly.

"Don't fight hard with people, everything is to save yourself as the top priority!" Yan Yan suddenly inserted a sentence at this time.

Yang Junqi nodded and said: "I will use the power of the formation method to entangle with the knife as much as possible. So I should be able to let the tiger girl rush out to deal with Zhang Yuming, plus the two partners under her watch. Huang Ting ghost repair, I think the situation in the waste town can be stabilized for a period of time."

Yang Junqi glanced at the church and glanced at Yan Yan’s time, but he saw Yan Yan suddenly smiled at her. Yang Junqi realized that he had turned away from the discussion after saying goodbye to everyone. The church went to the southern desert town.

However, the seriousness of the situation faced by the Yang family at this time has gone far beyond everyone's expectations. When Yang Junqi just assisted Yang Junxiu in the south, the northwestern sky has been rendered by the magic cloud. Huang Tingdao Shurao The temptation to infuse the infinite magic into the territory of Mengyu County.

Fortunately, although Luo Wei Mozun is magical and boundless, in Mengyu County, it is subject to the all-round restraint of the five elements of Raytheon. Yan Yan first gathered Ning Bin, Jiu Li, Ouyang Xulin and other Taoist monks. Together with a simple five-way martial art martial art, five Taoist repairs each have a five-line Thunderbolt supernatural powers. Although they are all in the first stage of the Taoist dynasty, after joining forces, they are barely able to be suppressed as a force. Opponent.

Although Yang found a way to deal with Luo Zhe's demon respect, he almost immediately took away all the monks on the top of the mountain. Among the remaining monks in the synagogue, except Yang Junyi, the rest is Yang. The real person of the sturdy power of the monk.

However, Yang’s crisis ended here. When Yan Wei and others just left the Chamber of Deputies, Yang Lan suddenly moved his ears and seemed to hear something.

"The patriarch told me to wait for the various places to sit in the town as soon as possible, to assist the smooth flow of the five elements!" Yang Lan conveyed Yang Yuyu's order to the church.

"He didn't say what happened?" Yang Lan asked casually.

Su Changan had already left and left when Yang Lan asked.

Yang Lan has also stood up and looked at Yang Lan deeply. He said: "Since it is the command of the patriarch, then as soon as possible!"

After all, he had already walked outside the Chamber of Deputies. Most of the monks in the Chambers quickly got up and rushed to the Five Elements.

Yang Hao looked a little ugly, but he stood up and whispered: "Go!"

The remaining few real-life monks in the synagogue walked silently behind him.

Yang Junping shook his head without words, but there was a sigh of Yang Junyi.


Yang’s public service in the Chamber of Deputies is still negotiating how to deal with the invasion of Luo’s Devils. Yang Xiyu, who is in the Xishan Mountain Plateau platform and controls the core of the entire five elements of the Raytheon Road, has once again A dangerous atmosphere is perceived to be coming quickly from the west.

Yang Yuyu glanced at Yang Junshan, who was standing outside the front of the market. It seemed that the crisis faced by Yang at this time had nothing to do with his father, but he himself had already condensed on the tip of his nose. A few drops of sweat.

When Yang Yuyu was still thinking about how to resist the threat that suddenly appeared in the west, he did not see Yang Junshan standing outside the market but his eyebrows were slightly picking, and he seemed to have noticed something unexpected. Things are average.

At this time, Yang Yuyu suddenly gave a slightly surprised voice.

Because in his perception through the system of the Taoist system, the breath that came from the west, suddenly stopped after entering Mengyu County, and actually stayed in place for the next period of time. Nothing moved.

Yang Yuyu's heart is puzzled. After seeing Yang Junshan but still can't get any hints, he slightly bites his teeth. The gods have extended along the array system toward the wilderness town in the west of Mengyu County, but they suddenly found out that In the vicinity of the dangerous atmosphere previously discovered, I found a hidden but extremely powerful air machine. More specifically, the two seem to be facing each other!

Yang Yuyu can be sure that the concealed and powerful air machine is definitely not the father's body, Yang Huadao, because the breath of the two is completely different. On the contrary, the two breaths in the wilderness town are more perceptually Like homologous.

Yang Yuyu’s heart is strange. He understands that his father must have known everything that happened in the wilderness town. He even understands the identity of the two great supernaturals who are confronting each other. However, he looked at the plain extension of Yang Junshan and finally decided not to ask. reason.

In any case, the threat from the west has just been lifted. However, before Yang Yuyu breathed a sigh of relief, the three sharp winds suddenly came from the north and went straight northward under the Xishan Mountain. In addition, three gullies that were as deep as ten feet were opened, and whether they were Lingtian, villages, and bazaars along the way, they were completely destroyed by three swords that squandered the meaning of destruction.

Yang Yuyu was shocked. From the control of the five elements of Raytheon, even though he suffered from the invasion of the Great Powers, he has not been attacked directly by the supernatural powers to the foot of Xishan.

Even Yang Junshan, who has been sitting on the side of the town, has no choice but to turn to look at the north, as if he can see the enemy through the stone wall of the mountain.

Yang Yuyu chose the coverage of the shrinking guardian array for the first time, so that the power of the road can be concentrated as much as possible. The three swordsmen who were suddenly in front of it are really very heart-rending.

"It is the Fenghua Taoist of the Fengxue Jianzong, the Baiqing Taoist of Qingmu Zong, the Jianzhu Taoist of the Fenglei Jianzong, and the three people jointly use a three-in-one sword array to connect their respective channels of the gods. Magical!"

Yang Junshan, who has been watching Yang Yuyu's strains for a long time, has finally raised his point.

This also proves from another aspect that the strength of the three "Taozhumei" who emerged from the north is extremely strong, and even stronger, even if Yang Junshan feels the pressure.

Yang Yuyu did not know this truth. He was able to force the father who had already said that he had to be alone. He knew that he had already reached the moment when Yang’s life and death were at stake.

Yang Yuyu set the mind and said: "Please also ask your body to be incarnate..."

Yang Junshan nodded, but he heard Yang Yuyu continue: "...Go to the desert town to stop Zhang Yuming."


This decision is somewhat unexpected to Yang Junshan. He originally thought that Yang Yuyu wanted him to deal with the "Songzhumei" three people, but he did not want to ask him to block Zhang Yuming.

To tell the truth, Zhang Yuming's "Four Yuan Sealing Skills" drove the four major thunders, although it was tyrannical, but in Yang Junshan's view, it was still incomparable to the "Shuzhumei" three swords repair team with the sword array.

However, Yang Junshan was only slightly glimpsed, but then decided to act in accordance with Yang Yuyu's arrangement. Since this time has been handed over to his son to respond, then simply everything is implemented according to his ideas. In fact, this time The barren hill town, Yang Junxiu and Yang Junqi are also resisting.

Because it is necessary to support the battlefields in Mengyu County, the power of the five elements of the Raytheon Road is actually scattered, and Yang Junqi is able to block the knife between the knives and has been extremely reluctant. As for Zhang Yuming and his four scorpions, in fact They were all contained in the power of Yang Yuyu's guardian guardian, and then Yang Junxiu resisted.

Although Yang Junxiu’s men still have Baoyu and Zhongjiu, and the Huangting Ghost King is difficult to completely converge under the suppression of the Dojo, but every harassment of the shot still makes Yang Junxiu feel terrified, so She had to share some of her energy to monitor the Huangting Ghost King at all times. In fact, she was also left and right, and was very embarrassed.

When the Yanghua Taoist arrived, the battlefield in the desert town immediately changed.

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