Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1568: Group repair call for help, Junshan shot

The roots of the wood outside the ancient jungle have long since dissipated.

The original source of Sangzhou Tiandi is so rare that the volatilization rate of the original source is second only to Leizhou.

Fortunately, the local forces in Sangzhou are not without income. Ling Yizong, Qing Muzong, Fei Yun Pao and Qianhu Zong have Huang Tingdao repairing machine advanced fairyland, but the expected Jinxian, the local power of Sanzhou It is neither one nor one.

However, the torrent of the outbreak of the original source also annihilated the air of the Great Luo Xianzun Yang Junshan, so that the savage repair outside the plane of the plane was finally bold enough to come in, plus two or three previously hidden in Sanzhou The alienation of the immortal, eventually formed a stalemate in front of the eyes.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Junshan’s driving of the Changhe Lingzhou suddenly emerged from the depths of the ancient Qianlin, which was undergoing the assimilation of the sky, so that the local monks of Sangzhou who had defended the spirit of the ancestral spirits gave a cheer, even the local monks of Sangzhou. Dasheng shouted, and asked Yang Junshan to help, expelling the alien monks outside the domain.

However, compared with the life and death of the elites in Sangzhou at this time, Yang Junshan is even more surprised. At this time, among the local sects of Sangzhou, there is no one who has a golden scent!

Others did not say that the breath of Jumu Xianzun was in the moment of Yang Junshan's appearance, and it has already locked it in the scope of God's knowledge. However, the cultivation of the peak of its goddess is not a fake.

According to Yang Junshan, Jumu Xianzun is the senior **** of the Zhoutian world. He is a peak of the goddess of the gods. Although the strength may not be as good as that of the flying swordsman, it is far from the golden fairyland. The threshold is already left, but it is an indisputable fact.

What's more, Jumu Xianzun became a fairy, and behind it was relying on the giants of the world of Ling Yizong. Yang Junshan did not believe that he had not prepared enough for himself to reshape the origin of the fairy.

"Please also ask Junshan Xianzun to help me and wait for me!"

"Also ask Junshan Xianzun to look at the same child in Zhoutian, help me to expel the field and repair it, I am grateful!"

It wasn't someone else who spoke first. It was just before the sang Wuji and Bai Qing went to the depths of the ancient jungle to fly the clouds.

After the return of Fei Yunzi from the ancient jungle, it was precisely because he brought the news that Junshan Xianzun was about to appear, which made the local forces of Sangzhou, which was about to collapse, barely support it.

In fact, Fei Yunzi can be sure that Yang Junshan will help each other without knowing it. It is not long ago that Sang Wuji and Bai Qing sneaked Yang Junshan with the scorpion, which is also the case. Participants, Yang Junshan may not necessarily consider whether it is intentional or accidental.

In fact, Fei Yunzi now thinks that what happened at that time was extremely embarrassing. Whether he or Bai Qingxianzun, the two seem to have lost the most basic reason under the words of Sang Wuji.

The minds and attentions of the two became extremely simple and simple. From the words of Sang Wuji, the two chose to believe almost without thinking, so that when Sang Wuji shouted in the depths of the ancient jungle The moment when the ancient existence appeared, Bai Qingxianzun almost did not think about it, and then threw the world’s main commander to Yang Junshan, who had just broken a line of fairy tales.

Even in the end, when Sang Wuji suddenly shot and attacked Baiqing Xianzun, Baiqing Xianzun did not have a little precaution in advance, and without any rebellion, he was smashed through the chest from behind.

Moreover, it is not only Baiqing Xianzun, but Feiyunzi himself. When I think about it later, it seems that I did not have any precautions against Sang Wuji. Fortunately, Sang Wuji chose to attack Bai Qing, if it was Shooting to himself, fearing that it is impossible to escape the fate of Baiqing Xianzun.

Even Fei Yunzi believes that he will eventually survive, but also thanks to Junshan Xianzun.

If it wasn't for Junshan Xianzun's sneak attack on the landlord, it would still be able to come over hard, so that Sang Wuji was at a loss and fled, fearing that it would be himself not the next one.

This is also the reason why Fei Yunzi’s salute to Yang Junshan after San Wuji’s escape is not only to express his apologies to him, but also to express his gratitude.

Followed by Fei Yunzi to ask for help from Yang Junshan is the Zhilang Xianzun of Qianhu Zong.

Surprisingly, after the appearance of Yang Junshan, as the host, and suffering from the pressure of the ultimate repair of the great wood fairy, but always kept silent.

Yang Junshan sneered in the heart, Changhe Lingzhou directly stopped in a few miles away, as if the war over the spirit of the sect of the spirit did not have any relationship with him. He directly said: "Yang did not want to kill, Sang Wuji. , hand him over!"

Despite Yang Junshan’s neutral attitude, Luo Tian’s cultivation of the siege of Ling Yizong and the alien forces outside the region still maintain sufficient vigilance against the Changhe Lingzhou, which indirectly makes Ling Yizong’s local influences in Sanzhou. The pressure is greatly reduced.

However, the attitude indicated by Yang Junshan’s opening still makes the native monks of Sangzhou one by one.

The local powers have no words for a time, even when other Zongmen forces are looking at the spiritual sects, the giants and the Xu Tian, ​​who has just become the emperor, are still under heavy pressure. Keeping silence is like a group of desperate people who have enough knowledge of their next destiny, but who are trying to maintain the last dignity.

“Returning to Xianzun...”

Seeing that the spirit of Yizong is always silent, Fei Yunzi feels that he is a party and seems to be standing up to say something.

"you shut up!"

Yang Junshan’s sound of calmness seems to contain a raging anger. The momentum of the great Luo Xianzun is not revealed, but this lightly floating sentence is enough to make many of the great powers of the local forces in Sangzhou whitish.

Fei Yunzi retreats, but he can hear it. This time, Yang Junshan seems to be sang Wuji. In fact, the target is the Ling Yizong. It should be unaffected by other forces. This also makes Feiyun. The child was relieved with a sigh of relief. He had been screamed for a big face, but his face was slightly faint.

Ling Yizong, finished!

After this incident, Ling Yizong’s one-day day in the whole of Sangzhou is gone forever!

This incident was already doomed when Sang Wuji shot and killed Baiqing Xianzun. In the eyes of Sang Wuji, he interrupted the process of Jumuxian respecting the plastic fairy, and took away the source he had accumulated for hundreds of years. When it was the treasure, it was irreparable, and the appearance of Junshan Xianzun was just the last one on the building that was about to be overturned.

But when the priests in Sangzhou thought that Yang Junshan would not be easy to give up, Yang Junshan suddenly shot at this time!

The boundless purple cloud overflowed from the river of the Yangtze River, and then spread to the past, the alien monks outside the siege.

Congenital mixed vitality, Yang Junshan's this sacred magical magical power, at this time, the power is almost 30% higher than the usual!

This is in Yang Huaxian's promotion to the golden fairyland, and refining the backbone of the money tree, in turn, the back of the strength of the deity.

Of course, this is also because Yang Huaxian is in the side of Yang Junshan. Otherwise, the gain of this supernatural power is at most one or two percent.

Many foreign monks who are besieging Ling Yizong have actually slowed down the attack on the sangzhou cults when Yang Junshan appeared. Originally, Yang Junshan put on a neutral posture, and even the liquidation of Ling Yizong The possibility is that the aliens outside the domain are naturally happy, but it is expected that just Yang Junshan still has a stance of falling down the stone, but in a blink of an eye, they will be shot without warning.

This sub-regional alien party is somewhat unprepared, and the congenital mixed-volume gas is over, and the aliens outside the domain under the fairyland are taken away from the vitality and turned into a pile of dead bones.

Even if it is repaired to reach the fairy godland of the Yuan Dynasty, it is necessary to eat a congenital qi, so it must be a big loss, the source is wilting, and even the facial skin must be a bit old, but it is a life that scares these longevity people. A jump, because they are sure, if they are brushed up for a long time by the congenital, they will not be able to be beaten down.

At that time, many of the extraterritorial monks who were besieging Ling Yizong suddenly spread out, including three savage Jinxian, and each of them guarded the direction of dozens of monks who staggered the long river Lingzhou, and continued to open and Lingzhou during the retreat. the distance.

Despite this, the aliens outside the domain are also congenitally mixed, leaving more than a dozen monks of the Taoist life, including many of the longevity seeds of the thunder and Huang Ting, even the Yuan Shenxian people have two vitality. damage.

Since the Da Luo Xianzun of the Zhoutian world has already stood on the side of the Sangzhou native, and the Luo Tianxing world has never had a great supernatural power that rivals Yang Junshan, the aliens outside the domain have been besieging Ling Yizong. The essence of the state’s local powers is annihilated in one fell swoop, and it is natural to withdraw as soon as possible.

Yang Junshan suddenly made a difficult attack. Not only did it go beyond the expectations of the aliens outside the region, it was the fact that the local forces in Sangzhou apparently did not think that, at first, several Xianzun face each other, and thought that someone secretly promised Yang Junshan, thus In the secret, what kind of transaction was reached, this was changed to Yang Junshan, and this is naturally the most suspected.

However, Jumu Xianzun shook his head at this time, saying: "The old man has not yet qualified for the promotion of the great Luo Xianzun, and now the faction still has a big relationship, what qualifications are promised?"

Several Sangzhou immortals listened to each other and thought about each other.

At this time, the long river Ling Zhou, which dispels the alien forces outside the domain, has already sailed beyond the guardianship of the Ling Yizong, and many local monks in the Sangzhou State have cheered in unison after experiencing the initial surprise. Even when Yang Junshan drove the Changhe Lingzhou from the ancient jungle, it was still vast.

At this time, Yang Junshan’s voice came again from the spirit boat: “Yang’s shot is just a matter of Zhou’s pulse, but things always have to be clear, Bai Qing is already dead, Yang. Someone will no longer pursue anything, but Sang Wuji’s affairs, Ling Yizong must give Yang a statement, otherwise Yang does not mind that now he will break the Ling Yizong’s guardianship law, and he can gamble. And seeing if Yang’s speed of breaking a certain person can match the many aliens who have just joined the field.”

Yang Junshan’s voice just fell, and the Ling Yizong guardianship in front of the Changhe Lingzhou was immediately changed. Yang Junshan sneered and was waiting to give this spirit an unforgettable lesson. But the scene in front of him was to make him Time is also a bit puzzling.

In the face of anger, Yang Junshan, who may be angered at the time of the entire Ling Yizong, may not only be strictly guarded, but at this time he will let go of the gateway to guard the big array, let Yang Junshan enter the spirit of the patriarch The door is in the middle of the station.

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