Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1574: 驭天星界, 迦楼罗鸟

The thirteenth small plane world born in the world of stars and stars.

The self-cultivation civilization born in this small plane world, because of its great connection with the Yaozu, was easily conquered by the demon at that time after the world disintegrated and merged into the starry sky.

The local forces in the Tianxing world did not form an independent race, but since they succumbed to the Yaozu from the beginning, the native cultivation of the astrology has continued.

In fact, the local forces in the Tianxing world have once sought to establish a nationality, but in the end they were screwed up by them.

The local forces in the Tianxing world are not strong, but because of the good relationship with the Yaozu from the beginning, they are entirely possible to establish the complete race with the power of the Yaozu.

The birth, development, and subsequent evolution of the celestial world have made its native monks have a very rare trait, or talent, in the stars, which makes it easy to understand the nature of the singer.

And this trait will continue to grow as their local practices improve.

The traits of the local monks in the Tianxing world have been noticed by the various parties of the Yaozu when they first contacted the extraterrestrial starry sky.

This gift of insight into the nature of the Braun is more straightforward to say, that is, to be able to communicate with various living spirits before they become a demon, and to be able to identify their own potential to a large extent.

Although there is a saying among the Yaozu, it is "everything is a spirit, it can be a demon", but the randomness that can really open the mind and embark on the path of becoming a demon is great, even if it is a Yao The blood is noble, inherits a long-standing race, and does not dare to guarantee that the descendants of the birth will be able to embark on the road of the Yaozu.

Kailing, that is, opening the intellect, is always the first day of the demon road, and it can almost be called the most difficult one, because in most cases, the soul can cross this level only through its own Epiphany.

However, before the creatures opened their minds, they were blinded. How difficult is it to cross this level?

At this time, the appearance of the celestial starry world undoubtedly made the Yaozu see some slight light on the most difficult one.

They have the talent to perceive the nature of the spirit, and to a large extent can get the closeness of many souls still in the state of obscurity, so that they can further try to establish simple communication.

And communication often means having the potential to open up the saga, and at the same time this potential will gradually grow in the slow communication, and finally cross the Kailing mark, understand the essence of cultivation, and eventually become a real Demon repair.

Therefore, it has the ability to communicate with the unspirited souls, and can promote the spiritual growth of the soul, and can distinguish the size of these undead creatures in the process of communication, and naturally gain the friendship and friendship of the Yaozu. .

At the same time, in the process of dealing with the Yaozu, the monks in the Tianxing world can also gain enormous benefits, so that the original self-cultivation civilization, which was originally developed in multiple ways, will eventually be carried forward only by the beasts. The mainstream of the Tianxing world.

The reason is that in all things, not being a demon does not mean that these ethnic descendants cannot grow. Many souls who follow the animal instinct are still strong in their long life, so they have beasts and beasts. The name of the wild beast, the fairy beast, and even the strong existence can be compared with the longevity of the demon.

The local monks in the Tianxing world will be able to conquer or gain the friendship of these unbeaten animals through their talents and practices, or they may use a step-by-step coercion approach to form a master-slave, symbiotic, and the like. The relationship of these powerful beasts into a part of their own strength.

Originally it was only a small plane world, and the strength of the sky was soaring. With the support of the Yaozu, when the astrological world disintegrated and merged into the starry sky, they could completely establish a new race, based on the stars and the parties. The forest of power.

However, when things are about to be completed, they are being played by the local monks in the Astronomical world.

The monks in the Tianxing world have the ability to communicate with the souls that have not become a demon before and to distinguish their potentials. The future with potential may not be able to enlighten into a demon, but most of them will eventually become spiritual and demon. Potential.

However, the monks in the celestial world must also be strong, and their power is inseparable from the potential beasts.

So he concealed some of the undead creatures that might become demon and have great potential, and then conquered and cultivated them as their own beasts to enhance their own strength. Such things will inevitably occur.

However, the huge ethnic group of the Yaozu can become the first race of the starry sky. Even if the internal factions are everywhere, they can still compete with the major forces of the stars, and there is no such thing as the ability to see the local forces in the Tianxing world.

Therefore, a mixed-race descendant born by a true dragon overnight was “identified” by a monk of the Tianxing Circle as a dragon. In the future, there will be no possibility of opening up the intellect, and after the disappointment of the real dragon, it is easy to get The custody of this dragon.

However, when the monk in the celestial world was waiting for the dragon to grow up as his own beast, he would surely increase his dreams. On a certain day, a few years later, the dragon’s mother was getting After the exact news that his baby was disposed of by the dragon, he suddenly came to the door and will just open his mind. He is being abused by the monks of the heavens, forcing him to bear the soul and become the miserable appearance of the dragons of his beast. I saw it right.

A revenge storm led by angry real dragons finally came to the monks of the celestial world, and soon involved a number of similar incidents of the descendants of the finest demon, the demon descendants who had high potential. The monks of the astronomical world were used to support them in the name of "no hope of becoming a demon" and eventually became their beast and beast.

Therefore, it was just a venting anger of a true dragon monk, and soon developed into the anger of the Pan Yao people. How can the local forces of the Tianxing world be able to withstand it?

It is no longer possible for the affairs of the tribes to be carried out, and even the inheritance of the local self-cultivation civilization in the Tianxing world has become a problem.

Fortunately, among the Yaozu, it is not completely negating the achievements of the Tianxing world in the beasts and maintenance. The local forces of these astronomical stars also have people who are flexible and flexible, and they are not good enough to make a commitment to invest in a demon. The cultivating forces seek refuge.

The final result is that after the monk's cultivation of the true civilization, after the general cleaning of the demon's sweeping plow, although the inheritance is not broken, the remaining essence has become a demon repair. The vassal force of the service, and even many of its own life and death must be manipulated by the hands of the demon.

The monks who used to be the beasts of the astrology, now become the beasts and servants of the demon, because only in this way, those demonistic forces will be assured that they will not be able to open the intellectual descendants to these repairs.

In the end, these descendants also have the blood of these demon repairs, and they will not be discarded as wild beasts; secondly, they will not worry that these cultivators will use their descendants to counterattack; thirdly, the improvement of these martial arts can enhance their own strength. It can be said that it is a three-pronged one. It must be said that this karma is really wonderful.

However, although most of the repairs have fallen into the control of the forces of the Yao people, but at the beginning there was a small part of the repairs that escaped in the sweeping of the Yaozu.

These monks are wandering in the stars, although they are hostile and strangled by the entire Yaozu, it is difficult to gather together to form a climate, but at least they can still have freedom, and there are also people who have a lot of encounters in the stars. A tyrannical beast, even a demon person, is not willing to provoke.

This time, Princess Sissi suffered such a wandering repair, and it is obvious that it is a repair that has a powerful beast and is extremely difficult to deal with.

As the initiator of the annihilation of the local self-cultivation civilization in the Tianxing world, the true dragon family had a good impression on the cultivation of nature, but these vagrants were also repaired, and the dragons were also regarded as lifelong enemies.

When Princess Sui realized that the sea frog that had been hit by the Pang dynasty into the sea was a beast, the squatting smile on the sea and suddenly smiled and shouted. Sorghum can wear a cloud.

"Be careful, he is summoning other beasts!" princess reminded.

However, Yang Lizhen has already won the temples and the muscles are straightforward. The body of the fairy prince is not only huge, but the weight is even more unbearable. If there is still seawater buoyancy, he can feel that his foxtail method can even be Do not catch it and collapse on its own.

A loud long sound suddenly came from outside the sky, and the shudder from the blood made the princess instantly change his face.

"Gaillou Luo, you **** beast slave, actually dare to raise this bird, my dragon will not spare you!"

Princess Sui reached out and pointed a finger at the sea. Suddenly there was an infinite amount of sea water rising and falling over the top of the scorpion.

The sneer sneered, the sound was not disturbed by the waves, and it was clearly transmitted to the sea boat: "I am so lucky that I can meet a little dragon who just gotten to the fairy. Since my Yi nationality was in trouble, I have waited." The vows will be the highest glory for the maintenance of the true dragon, to wash away the shame of the year, and today the deity has this way."

At the time of the execution of Princess Sissi, Yang Lizhen had already noticed that Pang Wei, who had sunk into the sea, was also driven by the current and rushed toward the sea. He quickly tightened the foxtail law and brought Pang to the sea. .

At the same time, as the sea water rises, the sea boat is also rising by a few dozen feet under the sea water. However, as the sea water falls, the sea boat does not fall, but continues to rise, even with the start of the sail. Take off.

A screaming screams from far and near, the demon singer who has been re-formed as a human figure is put on the deck and rolls like a big meat ball.

At this time, the voice of the repairs came again from all directions: "The little mother dragon, thought that there is a spirit boat that can escape?"

The clouds in the sky suddenly split open, and a pair of giant claws were found out of it, and they were caught straight above the sails of the emptiness.

The rumor of the Galou Luo Luo, the rumor is the golden-winged Dapeng family, but also regarded it as the golden-winged Dapeng blood, temperament, like the dragon snake, especially the dragon, once extinct under the dragon's encirclement, However, there were rumors that the release of the family was blessed and escaped the disaster of the genocide.

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