Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1579: Come to me, summon the thunder

"Jia Hui, what are you crazy about? You are the grandson of Yang Junshan!"

Princess Sui frowned and looked at the people in front of her eyes. She did not expect that the interception of them would be Yang Junshan’s best friend.

When Jiahui traveled around the world in Zhoutian, in order to collect the spiritual materials, he had the self-help of Yang Junshan, and some of the overseas treasures were collected by Yang Junshan through Princess Sissi. Princess Sissi also knows the benefits.

But because of this, Princess Sui is even more angry. Yang Junshan is extremely admired for the benefit of Jiahui. He has always regarded him as a friend, but he never thought that this Jiahui today disregarded the two people’s friendship and actually stopped. The shackles are to be taken up by Yang Junshan, but not to mention the generations. Yang Lizhen is a grandson.

Jiahui whispered a buddha, his eyes were drooping, but it was that people could not see his face. After listening to the sound, he paused. This said: "Hey, Princess and rest assured, Jiahui really does not want to do this. The wicked, why not help, Jiahui is willing to make compensation, only to ask Yang Xiao Shizhu to be able to cut the snake in the hands of love."

Princess Sneer sneered and said: "Good face, if you really want this snake, Yang Junshan is in the endless sea, you can go to him to ask for help, stop me here and so on?"

Jiahui stands on the surface of the sea.

Princess Sui is extremely disdainful and sarcastically said: "Not to mention that this snake is a beast that is comparable to Daluo. Can you exchange anything with this poor monk? Will you marry your relic after self-immolation? That is not enough!"

The words of Princess Sissi are not mean, but this Jiahui is not angry, just stop at the princess and other people do not make concessions.

"Golden body Lohan!"

At this time, Princess Sissi finally noticed the changes in Jiahui. It was a little surprised. The scorn of the previous face also converges a lot. He said: "I didn't expect you to cross the sanctification of the body." ”

Jiahui shook his head and said: "You and I are all squatting in the days of Zhou Tianhua. The heavens and the earth will be exhausted. When the heavens mirror is innocent, he dares to take this step. From this point, you and I will never be more than Junshan Road. Friends."

The princess snorted without words. In fact, she was worse than the tribute. Jiahui’s physical sanctification became a golden body. Although she took it, the princess’s achievement of Jinxian also took her from gold. The power of the dragon ball that the boatman inherited.

"Why did you say so much? Jiahui, the order to complete the Bodhisattva is serious. Do you think this is to let you tell the old?"

A disguise that looked like a boy stood out from behind Jiahui. The man was less than three feet tall. He had a young face, but with a twist and a haze, he couldn’t stand on Yang Lizhen’s body. Look, the head does not return: "The mother dragon is yours, Foye I go to the more snake."

Jiahui apparently had a hard time, and the words did not directly agree. He sighed slightly: "Jia Xi brothers can only win snakes, not hurt people, otherwise don't blame the poor and not talk about feelings."

The boy’s interpretation is not someone else. It is the sorcerer of the sorrowful sorrow with Yang Junshan. He heard the words of Jiahui and laughed: “The rest assured that he killed the grandson of Yang Junshan, I have not lost my heart. Crazy."

After all, I don’t know when I have a pair of wooden fish. I gently tapped it and looked at Yang Lizhen. "You can't put down the snake in your hand!"

The voice came, as if it was going to pierce Yang Lizhen’s mind directly. The Yuanshen, which had not yet been purely yang, suddenly became chaotic, as if there was a voice in his ear and said gently, as he said.


A loud drink rang around, and Yang Li was shocked. He suddenly woke up from the strange state, and he heard the next Pang screamed: "Vulture, good face, you Pang grandfather, I am the most I am annoyed by the sounds of your release, and all of them are good materials for the cultivation of the sacred, and eat your grandfather!"

Pang's huge body came to Yang Lizhen's body, and the magic weapon in his hand did not know when it became a giant python, and he rushed to the head of the sorcerer Jiaxi.

Jia Xi’s look was a glimpse. He did not put the pig fairy around Yang Lizhen in his eyes. When he was nailed down, he quickly stopped his hand and took a trace of his mouth: “It’s actually a canopy! ”

"Less nonsense, you can't pass the grandfather of Pang, don't want to play the snake's idea!"

Pang Yi screamed, and then with the Ka Xixi Zun, they tumbling over the sea to make a group, and at one time it seemed to be evenly divided, no one can help.

The two long-lived people in the fairyland battled into a group, while the Princess Sissi and the Jiahui never acted.

Seeing that Pang Wei’s strength is not weak, Princess Sui’s heart is slightly relieved. She looks at Jiahui and smiles: “It seems that you are not sure, why, do you want to fight?”

Jiahui had a one-handed chest and whispered: "Offended!"

The voice just fell, and the back of the body suddenly flew up, and a round of Buddha light bloomed behind Jiahui’s brain.

Yang Lizhen was stunned by the Buddha's light in the sky. He only heard the princess anger in his ear: "Jiahui, if you are on land or in the sky, this princess is a little bit worse, but here is the sea!"

When the Buddha light disappeared, Yang Lizhen looked at it again, but he saw the Jiahui monk and the princess on the sea. Only the sound of the head over the air was like a thunderous sound. It was Pang Wei and Najia. The hectic law reached a fierce moment.

At this time, there is only Yang Lizhen himself on the sea surface!

Yang Lizhen instinctively noticed that it was not good, and he had to leave the place immediately after the dawn.

However, at this time, there was a sudden sound of sorghum and long screams coming from the sky. When the sea and the sky met, the golden awns came in a flash, and it was the former Jialu Luo bird who fled in the hands of Yang Junshan.

"Hah, I want to fight for the fisherman's profit, I don't think that there is such a way!"

Above the back of the bird, the sound of the sacred sacred sacred sacred cover can not hide the joy of the lost.

Yang Lizhen's look changed greatly. He didn't believe that the arrival of this repair would be so coincidental. The interpretation of those roadblocks was a group with this repair.

Although Yang Lizhen knew that he could not escape in the other's hands, he still used all his strength to fly, and there was a magical law on his body. Five foxtails shook all the way.

"In the absence of strength, have you escaped?"

The sound of Yu Cangwu sounded behind Yang Lijun’s head, and a cold wind came. The two claws of the Jialu Luo bird had already caught on his shoulders.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt purple light burst out in the direction of Yang Lijun's shoulder.

"Three flowers possessed" secret surgery, Yang Junshan did not know when to transfer this bodyguard secret technique to Yang Lizhen.

The "bang" sounded muffled, and the sky was overcast with dark clouds. There was a thunderstorm in the interior, and the dangerous atmosphere behind Yang Lizhen was instantly dissipated.

However, waiting for Yang Liqi to breathe a sigh of relief, but behind him, the sound of Yu Cangwu was heard again, and this time it seems that the distance between the two is far away: "'Three flowers possessed', kid, you think that Yu once after a while Will you be prepared? I have been against you for a long time!"

There was a huge wind rolling up on the horizon, but this time it was grabbed from the side to Yang Lizhen.

Yang Lizhen knew that he could not escape. He simply dispersed and the light no longer escaped. Instead, he turned to face the Jialou Luo bird who swooped down from the front.

"How, kid, have you appointed? Hand over the snake in your hand, and you will not hurt your life in the face of your grandfather!"

The Jialou Luo bird hovered over the head of Yang Lizhen, and the sound of the Yu Cangwu was uploaded from the back of the bird, but it was suddenly interrupted by a thunder over the head.

Yang Liqi looked up at the sky above his head and smiled coldly. He said: "Stupid!"

When the voice just fell, the royal sky had already screamed, and quickly urged the beast to flee.

At this time, I don’t know when it’s over the sea, it’s completely covered by a cloud of clouds!

Yang Lijun’s robbery, he summoned the thunder, and at this juncture he had to cross the thunder and hit the fourth place!

As early as the moment of the emergence of Yu Cang, Yang Lizhen already knew that he was afraid that he could not escape. The other party and his grandfather were generally Daluo immortals. Even though they had the grandfather's secret technique, they might not be able to get the other side.

So at that time, Yang Lizhen had already thought of forcibly attacking the thunder and robbery to block each other, and Yang Junshan’s secret technique attached to him was also a thunderous magical god, and this fairy magic power was originally in In essence, it has the same effect as the power of thunderbolt. Even in the moment when the mystery broke out, it interfered with the perception of the cloud gathering of the thunder.

It’s also because the Yu Cangzhen is too big, and I don’t even think that Yang Lijun’s life and worry-free situation will actually choose such a radical way of seeking survival, so that he will be a The small canopy road is calculated.

"Maniac, madman! The deity does not want your life, this is to push the deity to a dead end!"

In the middle of the sky, Yu Cangwu fully controlled the range of clouds covered by the robbers.

This thunder is really a too mysterious thing. In all fairness, how can a thunderous power against a monk in the Taoist system hurt a big Luo Xianzun?

However, thunder robbery is such unreasonable. When the people who are robbed are deliberately disturbed by external forces, this thunder will always raise the punishment for the sneak attackers, not to mention the savage and savage the behavior of!

The punishment of the day is not only to see people, but also to repair!

Although the royal sky is not a fake, the strength of his body is 70% in the beast, not to mention that his strongest beast is still on others, and it is a strange thing to be able to withstand the punishment. And even if it can stand up, who is willing to be thundered for no reason?

Fortunately, the speed of the birds in the Kalou Luo in the end is to force, after all, in the final formation of the robbery cloud to see the escape in addition to the scope of the robbery coverage.

After a thunderous thunder, the first thunder of Yang Lizhen has arrived!

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